- wSerie
- TV Shows
- Red vs. Blue
- Season 0
- Episode 78
PSA: Rock the Veto
Red vs. Blue - S0 - E78
The Red and Blue teams exercise their multiplayer rights.
Red vs. Blue: Season 0 - 101 Episode s
0x28 - Out of Mind (5)
September 2, 2006
A intense battle issues and Tex corners Wyoming, who tells her about Omega's plans.
0x29 - Season 5: Previously on Red vs. Blue
July 27, 2010
Compilation of swearing from seasons 1-4
0x30 - Alternate Ending: Fight! Fight!
June 28, 2007
Alternate Ending 1 - Fight! Fight! Sarge taunts a sad Church, provoking the Blues to shoot and kill him. Grif declares 'Every man for himself', which results in all the characters being killed, with the phrase "Son of a bitch!" uttered after every death. The last two are Donut and Caboose. Donut charges toward Caboose with his Ghost. Caboose destroys it with a rocket launcher killing Donut. Caboose then proclaims he is the winner, only to be crushed by the falling Ghost debris.
0x31 - Alternate Ending: Insert Quarter
June 28, 2007
Alternate Ending 2 - Insert Quarter The Blues head back to their base. Sarge calls Vic, who refuses to help due to their ruining O'Malley's plan. Sarge becomes infuriated, and decides to go destroy the surveillance system; the Reds follow. As the system is damaged, Blood Gulch rumbles, and a stalactite falls on and severely injures Grif. An Engrish message appears on the system's screen, stating that they have "won" Red vs. Blue and should play the next game. Fake Red vs. Blue credits roll, with Japanese music, cast names and video of Japanese actors reading Red vs. Blue lines. A postgame lobby for a Halo 2 match is seen with the main characters of the series, who decide to start a new game with the same teams on a "new map."
0x32 - Alternate Ending: Invasion
June 28, 2007
Alternate Ending 3 - Invasion Sarge begins to taunt the Blue Team, but is killed by Aliens, who have brought an army of vehicles to invade and the two teams run away. A period of time passes and the Aliens now occupy Blood Gulch. Two Aliens begin to have a conversation on top of red base, using their language. They are unaware they are being spied upon by other Aliens on a cliff using the sniper rifle. These events mimic episode 1, and even the Aliens armor color mirrors the Spartan counter-parts.
0x33 - Alternate Ending: Ruby Slippers
June 28, 2007
Alternate Ending 4 - Ruby Slippers Church watches the ship explode and cries out "Tex!". A water effect happens and Church wakes up at the end of episode 8 from being shot by Caboose. Church is surrounded by Blue Team (who also includes a green armored soldier named Jacobs who he forgot to include in his dream). When Simmons and Grif appear with guns drawn, Church comments that it's alright, that they are friends and they joined to fight a common enemy, but the two Reds, confused by Church's assurances, kill all four Blues and Simmons promptly radios in to tell Sarge that the sector is clear.
0x34 - Alternate Ending: Tex Wins
June 28, 2007
Alternate Ending 5 - Tex Wins Andy begins to count down, but he doesn't explode. The ship turns around and faces the two teams on the ground. Grif inquires about "it" (the ship) having weapons. A missile is launched, and Sarge states "Oh, Snap". Everyone is presumed to be killed.
0x35 - Alternate Ending: Where Are They Now?
June 28, 2007
Alternate Ending 6 - Where are they now? The video used is the same as the Fight! Fight! ending underlined with the Grunt music from Season 3. When each character dies there is a subtitled "where are they now" information about each character after Blood Gulch.
0x36 - Season 5 Behind the Scenes
June 1, 2007
Caboose Dies, How Babies Are Made, Let There Be Light, and Outside Looking In
0x37 - Season 5 Outtakes & DVD Easter Eggs
June 1, 2007
0x38 - Season 5 Deleted Scenes
June 1, 2007
Episode 83.2: Naming Junior, Episode 85.4: Pilot, Episode 85.7: Sister Escapes, Episode 92.0: Babysitting, Episode 97.1: Negotiations, and Episode 100.5: Tucker Leaves
0x39 - Season 5 DVD/Film Version - The Blood Gulch Chronicles
June 1, 2007
The fifth season of the action-comedy series Red vs. Blue and marks the end of The Blood Gulch Chronicles. Three new arrivals keep the Red and Blue armies on their toes as they fight, bicker and argue for control of the universe's most worthless piece of real estate -- a box canyon in the middle of nowhere. In the riotous conclusion of the series that took the Internet by storm, The Blood Gulch Chronicles return with the usual gang of luckless troops -- joined by a mysterious stranger, a half-alien child, and a crashed ship. Together they discover a hidden world that could finally answer the question, "Why are we here?"
0x40 - Recovery One (1)
October 28, 2007
The series opens at Omega's base from episode 5 of Out of Mind. The two guards that were killed in a firefight by Tex are shown lying dead on the ground. A soldier arrives at the scene and identifies himself as Agent Washington, one of the forty-nine AI-implanted soldiers named after the 49 remaining states in the U.S. However, Washington elaborates to the AI Delta in the deceased York's suit that he does not have an AI anymore due to complications with his previous one. Washington then proceeds to recover Delta and store him. Shortly aftwards, he is attacked by Wyoming[3] and is nearly finished when cornered, but manages to escape with Delta intact. The episode ends with him leaving to respond to another distress signal.
0x41 - Recovery One (2)
November 5, 2007
Washington attends to a dead soldier who put out the distress call. There is also a female soldier named Sally at the scene. Washington refers to them as "North" and "South" respectively for North and South Dakota,[4] indicating that they too are among the AI-implanted soldiers. Through their conversation, it is revealed that the female and the deceased male are twin siblings and that the brother's AI, Theta, is missing. Washington receives an order from his command post that the recovery of Theta is top priority and that the current situation was "Priority Zero," and had to be contained. He hesitantly accepts the order, and appears to have killed South with a pistol shot to her head.
0x42 - Recovery One (3)
November 20, 2007
However, he does not kill South, and realizes that South was only alive to make him stay longer for an unknown enemy to set up an attack. Washington explains to South why exactly she was kept alive: after answering the fifth distress call, Washington began to suspect an unknown being is trying to kill all the remaining freelancers and gain both their AIs and their armors' special abilities. Realizing he couldn't face the being alone, Washington requests the help of South in order to fight it. Owing to his own misgivings about AIs, he implants Delta into South so the construct can aid them. These misgivings are revealed to be a result of the death of Washington's own AI, which went insane and committed suicide while still synchronised with Washington.
0x43 - Recovery One (4)
December 6, 2007
Washington and South move to confront the enemy, but South shoots Washington in the back, leaving his fate ambiguous. South then tricks their attacker and steals the ship the latter used to follow them, contacting her command post and informing them of the success of their plan to double-cross Washington. She then tells them since she has Delta she will not be returning to command, and flies off in a hijacked ship. The command post warns South that they will find her if she doesn't come back, but South is not fazed, ending the transmission (and the episode) by saying, "It's not you I'm worried about."
0x44 - Reconstruction Trailer
April 5, 2008
0x45 - Season 6 DVD Cut Videos
July 27, 2010
Two videos cut from the Reconstruction DVD.
0x46 - Season 6 What Is The Bump? - Starring the Bump
July 27, 2010
Burnie discusses what The Bump is and how the guys work around it.
0x47 - Season 6 DVD/Film Version - Reconstruction
July 27, 2010
Red vs. Blue: Reconstruction is the sixth season of the action-comedy series Red vs. Blue and the beginning of the Recollection trilogy. The season follows Agent Washington as he investigates an attack on an outpost by a mysterious entity known only as the "Meta", which has also been killing members of Project Freelancer and stealing their partner AIs and their armor upgrades. While pursuing the Meta and soon joined by the Reds and Blues, Washington will uncover a conspiracy and dark secrets about the true purpose of Project Freelancer. Each episode begins with a memo from a series of increasingly tense responses between the Director of Project Freelancer and the Chairman of the Oversight Sub-Committee of the UNSC.
0x48 - Relocated (1)
February 9, 2009
The first episode of the mini-series RvB: Relocated.
0x49 - Relocated (2)
February 16, 2009
The Reds try some unconventional tactics to get their power systems back online.
0x50 - Relocated (3)
March 2, 2009
Sarge calls in a specialist to take his latest secret project to the next level.
0x51 - Relocated (4)
March 10, 2009
Sarge uses his new tools to build newer tools and hurt an old tool.
0x52 - Recreation Trailer
June 9, 2009
The trailer for Red vs. Blue: Recreation.
0x53 - Season 7 Deleted Scenes
August 24, 2010
The Imposer, Tempesta de Cabeza, No More House calls, Fact Checking, and Church Goes Viral
0x54 - Season 7 Outtakes
August 24, 2010
0x55 - Season 7 DVD/Film Version - Recreation
August 24, 2010
Red vs. Blue: Recreation is the seventh season of the action-comedy series Red vs. Blue and is part of the Recollection trilogy. Buried beneath the sand is the answer to a mystery more dangerous than anyone could possibly understand. It's the perfect mission for a bunch of ragtag soldiers who don't know what they're doing anyway.
0x56 - Season 8 DVD/Film Version - Revelation
September 21, 2010
Red vs. Blue: Revelation is the eighth season of the action-comedy series Red vs. Blue and marks the end of the Recollection trilogy. As former alliances are betrayed and friends become enemies, the Reds and Blues find themselves in an impossible predicament; in order to save the universe this time, they can't be totally incompetent. While on the run, the two teams must find a way to put aside their past differences and figure out the mystery behind Project Freelancer once and for all.
0x57 - Season 9 Trailer
March 28, 2011
The continuing adventures of the boys from Blood Gulch and the mysterious agents of Project Freelancer return this Summer!
0x58 - Season 9 Preview
A preview for the upcoming season 9 of Red vs Blue.
0x59 - Barenaked Ladies North American Tour: Frontrow Video
Episode for the RvB sponsors from the Bare Naked Ladies. Argument between back row seats and front row seats.
0x60 - Barenaked Ladies North American Tour: Midshow Video
Episode for the RvB sponsors from the Bare Naked Ladies. Provides advice and tips to improve your concert going experience.
0x61 - Barenaked Ladies North American Tour: Subliminal Video
January 1, 2005
Episode for the RvB sponsors from the Bare Naked Ladies. Church and Simmons attempt to greet the audience, but are interrupted by obvious attempts at subliminal messaging.
0x62 - The Penny Arcade Exposition 2004 Video: Penny Pinchers
November 28, 2004
The crew runs into obstacles while trying to film an introduction to the convention.
0x63 - The A-Kon 2005 Video: Akon Rules
June 3, 2005
Grif and Simmons talk to A-Kon attendees about the rules to follow while at the convention.
0x64 - The Total Request Live 2005 Video: I Want My RvB
Damien Fahey visits the Blue Team and tries to talk Church into letting him drive Sheila, when the Reds show up to berate Church for not following the MTV formula. Created to introduce a music video on the show, as part of a special segment done on Rooster Teeth Productions.
0x65 - The Forbes.com 2006 Video: The Cash is Always Greener
December 14, 2006
Sarge and Grif begin a video for Forbes when Sarge attempts to pitch "Sarge's Unique Money Making System" and cuts to fake testimonials from Church and Doc.
0x66 - The Silverlight 2007 Video: Sweating the Details
March 5, 2007
Sarge was expecting Scott to attack the Blue Team but since Sarge considers General Managers as pencil-necked weaklings he decided to paint Donut blue. Scott briefly explains the features of Silverlight before being shown around Blood Gulch. On encountering Donut they let Scott shoot Donut thinking that he would miss. They were surprised to find out that being a General Manager had a lot in common to shooting Donut: being accurate (shooting Donut in the visor), knowledgeable (knowing it was Donut), having fun (shooting Donut in the first place) and being thorough (shooting Donut again then using a grenade on him).
0x67 - The Edinburgh Interactive Entertainment Festival 2006 Video: Cultural Exchanges
Church, Grif, and Caboose all prepare to head to Scotland for the EIEF festival. Church asks Grif and Caboose to research Scotland so that they do not seem like tourists. When they are unable to find any satisfactory information, Church gets Headquarters to send them an expert.
0x68 - The European Machinima Festival 2007 Video: Going Global
October 23, 2007
Church and Tucker introduce a series of RvB videos designed for different countries in Europe (and Japan) and comment on them.
0x69 - The Alamo Drafthouse 2010 Video: Shellheads
April 28, 2010
Simmons finds Grif and Sarge standing on the edge of a cliff. Grif explains that Sarge is practicing flying, inspired by the movie Iron Man 2. Grif reasons that like Iron Man, Sarge is wearing red power armor, and has painted the highlights golden to further match Iron Man's suit, so he should be able to fly. Simmons points out that Sarge is missing a critical component: jet boots. Regardless, Sarge runs off the cliff. Grif insists that Sarge will momentarily fly back up, but Simmons goes to fill out a "new sergeant requisition form", as the scene fades to black. A few seconds later, Sarge flies up on jet boots, tells the audience to turn off their cell phones, then flies away.
0x70 - MS/Bungie: The E3 2003 Video: BGC E3 Short
May 15, 2003
The two teams gather in the Red Base to watch the Halo 2 E3 2003 trailer, and comment on it.
0x71 - The New York Video Festival 2003 Video: I Love Blood Gulch
July 28, 2003
Tucker and Church explain to the Reds about the 2003 New York Video Festival.
0x72 - MS/Bungie: The E3 2004 Video: Much Ado About What Thing
May 18, 2004
Sarge tells Grif, Simmons, Church, and Tucker about how great the upcoming Halo 2 campaign will be.
0x73 - PSA: Real Life vs. the Internet
July 14, 2004
Church and Grif present a series of comparisons between real life and the Internet.
0x74 - PSA: A Special Holiday Message
In another Point/Counterpoint debate, Church argues against celebrating Christmas, while Grif argues for it.
0x75 - The Sundance Film Festival 2005 Video: Major Players
January 30, 2005
The teams prepare for the 2005 Sundance Film Festival.
0x76 - Special: Vive la Resolution!
March 17, 2015
The teams try to come up with resolutions for the first annual "Blood Gulch Resolution-off."
0x77 - PSA: Grifball: Rules of the Game
April 3, 2008
Ever wanted to know how to play Grifball but were too afraid to ask?
0x78 - PSA: Rock the Veto
September 2, 2008
The Red and Blue teams exercise their multiplayer rights.
0x79 - PSA: Rock the Vote
September 2, 2008
Red and Blue both have a little trouble figuring out how to support their own team.
0x80 - Special: New Digs
May 22, 2008
The reds and blues pick their new teams and explore the new bases and equipment (Valhalla).
0x81 - Special: What I Did On My Summer Vacation
July 11, 2011
Caboose explains how he kept busy in the Red vs. Blue off-season.
0x82 - Halo 2 Test Episode 35
Depicts the Halo2 testing of Episode 35 What's Mine Is Yours.
0x83 - Sarge Episode 28 Outtakes
Once when Sarge was a young boy....
0x84 - PSA: Halo-Ween
The Red Team tries to dress up for Halloween.
0x85 - I Am the Best (feat. The Elites)
June 2, 2011
A song written by Church, for Church and about Church.
0x86 - The Spike TV VGA 2003 Videos
Sarge and Church attend the Spike TV Video Game Awards.
0x87 - Unscrewed Interview
The famous interview on the famous show.
0x88 - PSA: Prep Time
August 6, 2010
Sarge and Grif give some pointers for anyone moving to Reach.
0x89 - MS/Bungie: Reach: Episode 01 - Pack Your Bags
August 9, 2010
Sarge tries to get a leg up on the blues before their move to Halo: Reach.
0x90 - MS/Bungie: Reach: Episode 02 - Don't Forget to Ask for Directions
August 23, 2010
Sarge sets off for Reach, but runs into some problems along the way.
0x91 - MS/Bungie: Reach: Episode 03 - There Goes the Neighborhood
September 8, 2010
Sarge meets up with the troops on Reach.
0x92 - RT Member Video Submissions: Part 1
August 31, 2009
Members of RoosterTeeth.Com submit their best impressions of various RvB characters to win a box set of Blood Gulch Chronicles and the Reconstruction DVD!
0x93 - RT Member Video Submissions: Part 2
0x94 - RT Member Video Submissions: Part 3
0x95 - Kinetic Entries Part One
January 14, 2010
The first batch of entries for the Kinetic Type Contest.
0x96 - Kinetic Entries Part Two
January 14, 2010
The second batch of entries for the Kinetic Type Contest.
0x97 - Kinetic Entries Part Three
January 14, 2010
The third round of entries for the Kinetic Type Contest.
0x98 - MS/Bungie: Go For Launch
In anticipation of the release of Halo 2, this video was released on Bungie’s website. In it, Sarge shows a video of supposed improvements to vehicles, weapons, and bases in reference to their actual updates in the new game, though they are either ineffective or make things worse from the viewpoint of a soldier defending himself.
0x99 - MS/Bungie: OMG. Humped.
April 21, 2005
Members of the gulch compete in Halo 2 against Bungie Studios, and are defeated.
0x100 - MS/Bungie: Uncharted Territories
April 26, 2005
The Blue Team traipse through the new maps of Halo 2 in order to find their parked car.
0x101 - Special: Zero Hour
March 17, 2015
Grif attempts to leave with Simmons to see the launch of the Xbox 360, only to be sidetracked by Sarge.
0x102 - MS/Bungie: The Full Circle
After the launch of the Xbox 360, the Red and Blue Teams have to deal with various strangers walking through battles looking to use the console's special online features.
0x103 - MS/Bungie: Beta Complex
May 15, 2007
Released in high-definition on the Xbox Live Marketplace and on the general site, Simmons and Sarge, in an attempt to calm down avid fans waiting for the public Beta test of Halo 3, play them a video introduction in which the cast of Red vs. Blue welcome them to the Beta, and point out many of its features as well as possible problems.
0x104 - MS/Bungie: Turn On, Tune In, Zune Out
The cast go over the various functions of the Zune, though they lament how the local radio stations (in particular three ran by Sarge, Tucker and Doc) they can receive have poor content, and the pictures they can share are only of Sarge injuring Church over and over again.
0x105 - MS/Bungie: Moving Day
July 31, 2007
On July 31, 2007, an unnamed, five-episode series premiered on five retail websites, including those of Best Buy, Circuit City, and Gamestop. These episodes detail the Red Team's transition from Halo 2 to Halo 3;[3] Sarge introduces his men to the new graphics, weapons, and vehicles. Segments are intermixed with comments made by Church and Tucker, who are spying on their activities.
0x106 - MS/Bungie: Getting the Call
Sarge calls Church, Tucker, Grif, and Simmons together to explain Master Chief's image needs protection and that a new understudy will be chosen. After explaining the various criteria each candidate was judged on, Sarge eventually reveals the new understudy to be Tex. As compensation, he offers the others roles as stunt doubles with screen tests consisting of them being shot or blown up.
0x107 - Special: A Completely Accurate Historical Record of Events Leading Up to the Making of Red vs. Blue
The Legendary Edition of Halo 3 contains a bonus disc with vast amount of extra content, including a special re-release of Episode 1 using the same audio, but re-filmed on the Valhalla map in the Halo 3 multiplayer. As the disc containing the video was available to all ages, every curse word was subsequently bleeped.
0x108 - MS/Bungie: D.I.Y.
December 3, 2007
The group journeys through the newest Halo 3 maps. They get a grand tour with Guilty Spark's stunt double, Ralph, exploring the Foundry, Rat's Nest, and Standoff maps, and describing the capabilities of Forge. In Foundry, Simmons creates a mancannon for firing objects at Grif. Ralph explains the layout of Rat's Nest while discouraging Church from touching a twenty megaton warhead. The Reds are impressed by the base in Standoff, which Caboose claims to have created. Ralph concludes by announcing the release date for the maps.
0x109 - MS/Bungie: ODST: Episode 01 - Guys Like Us
September 1, 2009
The RvB guys get an early look at a new type of mission featuring “regular” soldiers like them... or so they think.
0x110 - MS/Bungie: ODST: Episode 02 - Aliens, Aliens, Aliens
September 4, 2009
Sarge reminisces about his former mentor, and the guys worry about who or what they'll have to face in their ODST scrimmage match.
0x111 - MS/Bungie: ODST: Episode 03 - The Man, The Myth, The Legend
September 11, 2009
The RvB guys try out some new uniforms, and Church passes on some important information he heard about a certain legendary sergeant.
0x112 - MS/Bungie: How About a Nice Game of Tag?
July 7, 2009
How About a Nice Game of Tag? is a special episode of Red vs. Blue and was originally created for Microsoft Puzzlehunt 11, but was then used by Roger Wolfson for Bungie.net users to obtain the Recon armor for Halo 3.
0x113 - PSA: Deja View
July 7, 2010
The guys visit an old friend.
0x114 - PSA: Bungie’s 20th Anniversary
June 23, 2011
The guys from Red vs. Blue explain almost everything you need to know about Bungie’s anniversary… kinda.
0x115 - PSA: W.M.D.
April 7, 2003
Guns don't kill people, W.M.D's do.
0x116 - PSA: Armor Cleaning
Shortest PSA ever? You bet!
0x117 - PSA: Tattoo Point/Counterpoint
August 24, 2003
Should you get a tattoo?
0x118 - PSA: The PDC
September 13, 2003
Hey, time out!
0x119 - PSA: RvBIAA
September 21, 2003
The creative geniuses behind RvB take matters into their own hands.
0x120 - PSA: A Message to the Science Community
January 30, 2004
NASA has made another new discovery on Mars. Here's what you need to know about it... and other ridiculous information and dumb jokes.
0x121 - PSA: Tax Day Tips
April 16, 2004
Why, it’s only the greatest day of the year!
0x122 - PSA: A Very Special Mother's Day Message
May 8, 2004
The Blood Gulch Crew spread the love to their Moms.
0x123 - PSA: 4th Of July Safety Tips
July 2, 2004
Learn how to celebrate your July 4th with complete peace of mind.
0x124 - PSA: Indigestion 2004
November 25, 2004
I can feel my stomach rumbling already. Thanksgiving Day PSA.
0x125 - PSA: Old Annoyance Be Forgot
December 25, 2004
Christmas 2004 PSA.
0x126 - PSA: Cold & Flu Season Tips
February 19, 2005
Cold and Flu Season PSA.
0x127 - PSA: Winter Lames: The Olympics Suck
RvB has some advice for the Olympics
0x128 - PSA: Lethargy Crisis
Tips to survive those rising gas prices.
Red vs. Blue: All seasons
S0: Specials
281 Episode s
S1: Season 1
19 Episode s
S2: Season 2
20 Episode s
S3: Season 3
20 Episode s
S4: Season 4
20 Episode s
S5: Season 5
23 Episode s
S6: Reconstruction
19 Episode s
S7: Recreation
19 Episode s
S8: Revelation
20 Episode s
S9: Season 9
20 Episode s
S10: Season 10
22 Episode s
S11: Season 11
19 Episode s
S12: Season 12
19 Episode s
S13: Season 13
20 Episode s
S14: Season 14
24 Episode s
S15: Season 15
21 Episode s
S16: The Shisno Paradox
15 Episode s
S17: Singularity
12 Episode s
S18: Zero
8 Episode s
S19: Family Shatters
11 Episode s