- wSerie
- TV Shows
- Santa Barbara
- Season 4
- Episode 119
Episode 736
Santa Barbara - S4 - E119
Paul Marshall eyes Chip, Kelly arrives back from Scotland, Jeffrey has a party, Julia gives birth to Samantha.
Santa Barbara: Season 4 - 101 Episode s
4x69 - Episode 686
April 8, 1987
Gina & Alex have lunch, Gus & Alice leave for Chicago, CC visits the rape counselor, Gina gets her toe stuck in the tub faucet.
4x70 - Episode 687
April 9, 1987
Hayley visits Brick in jail, Hayley's horse gets sick, CC buying Delta Pharmaceuticals which is where Jeffrey's new job is.
4x71 - Episode 688
April 10, 1987
Jeffrey & Kelly both start work at Delta, Julia & Mason work all day & he stands Tori up for dinner, Eden plans to go to Utah alone ahead of Cruz, Cruz has a nightmare, Elena makes a shadowy appearance.
4x72 - Episode 689
April 13, 1987
Eden packing for Utah, Cruz has to go to Cabo for work, Mason deposits $5,000 for Julia's baby, the rapist tries to attack Caroline.
4x73 - Episode 690
April 14, 1987
Eden tells CC & Sophia her and Cruz are having a private ceremony, it's announced CC is the new Chief Operating Officer of Delta.
4x74 - Episode 691
April 15, 1987
Jeffrey has the flu, Julia gives Mason back the money for the college fund, Elena follows Eden to Utah, Pearl flies to Cabo to bring Cruz back. **First appearance of Sherilyn Wolter (Elena Nikolas)
4x75 - Episode 692
April 16, 1987
Eden told she has to pilot the charter plane, Eden picks up Elena hitchhiking, Elena pushes Eden off the cliff.
4x76 - Episode 693
April 17, 1987
Elena pushes Eden off the cliff (replays), Eden wanders in the snow and falls down another cliff, Ken attacks Jane, Elena blows up Eden's plane. **First appearance of Scott Jaeck (Cain Garver)
4x77 - Episode 694
April 20, 1987
Cain takes Eden through the snow, Jane tells Cruz and Pearl Ken is the rapist, Kelly tells Cruz about Eden; Cruz, Kelly & CC go to Utah.
4x78 - Episode 695
April 21, 1987
Kelly, Cruz & CC in Utah, Eden wakes up at Cain's, Cruz takes a helicopter to the crash site and puts a rose in the snow.
4x79 - Episode 696
April 22, 1987
Ken breaks into Brick's house, Brick released from jail, Cain takes Eden to a hospital, Ken attacks Jane at Brick's house, the doctor tells Cain Eden is paralyzed.
4x80 - Episode 697
April 23, 1987
Cain takes Eden out of the hospital and back to the cabin, Cruz arrests Ken.
4x81 - Episode 698
April 24, 1987
Eden's memorial service, Cain tries to get Eden to move her feet, Eden tries to write Cruz's name.
4x82 - Episode 699
April 27, 1987
Eden talks to Cain, Elena in Santa Barbara, Cruz brings Eden's clothes to the Capwell house, Brick bought a motorcycle, Jane & Brick have a picnic, Cruz gets drunk, Julia & Mason argue at Johnny's.
4x83 - Episode 700
April 28, 1987
CC asks Kelly to join Capwell Enterprises, Jeffrey tells Alex he doesn't want to conspire against the Capwells, Mason tells Alex he wants to invest in the vaccine, Pearl tries to get Brick & Jane together, Jeffrey tells Kelly Mason ignored Pamela's letters.
4x84 - Episode 701
April 29, 1987
Hayley moves into the guest house, Lucy tells Hayley she's done with therapy, Jeffrey goes back to Mason's & tells him about the letters, Caroline interviews Alex, Tori learns she's having a boy and about the will, Lionel tells Caroline he loves her.
4x85 - Episode 702
April 30, 1987
CC tells Cruz he wants to make a trust in Eden's name, a little girl stops at Cruz's, Cain sets a fire, CC denies getting Pamela's letters but later burns them, Cruz finds the champagne Eden left.
4x86 - Episode 703
May 1, 1987
Cruz finds the champagne (replays), Cain washes Eden's hair, Cruz arrested for molesting a little girl, Lucy tries to kill herself on the roof of the hotel & Cruz goes there, Cain tells Eden she is believed dead.
4x87 - Episode 704
May 4, 1987
Cruz almost falls off the roof, Cain burns the newspaper after telling Eden Santa Barbara thinks she is dead, CC learns Eden left a will, Mason & Cruz drunk on the beach, Elena watches Cruz on the beach.
4x88 - Episode 705
May 6, 1987
Cruz & Mason recover from their drunken night, Cruz tells Julia he's going to leave town, Mason tells Jeffrey that CC burned Pamela's letters, Lucy sees her stalker and asks Cruz for help.
4x89 - Episode 706
May 7, 1987
Eden's will reading, Lucy tells Cruz about her stalker, Elena breaks into Cruz's, Cruz tells the Capwells he is leaving town, Cain gives Eden a bath.
4x90 - Episode 707
May 8, 1987
Kelly & Jeffrey kiss & have Chinese food, Lucy's stalker poisons Cruz's tequila.
4x91 - Episode 708
May 11, 1987
Cain leaves Eden alone during the day, Gina visits Alex at the laboratory, Tori convinces Cruz to pull out of his depression, Cruz drinks the poisoned tequila.
4x92 - Episode 709
May 12, 1987
CC & Sophia have dinner with Alex, Tori has stomach pains, Eden tells Cain she's decided to let Santa Barbara think she is dead, Cruz drinks the tequila (replays), Elena saves Cruz and he is in the hospital, Brick visits Amy's grave, Cain builds Eden a wheelchair.
4x93 - Episode 710
May 13, 1987
Elena delivers Cruz back home and tells him about the incident with his IV, Cruz sets a trap for Addison but he takes Elena as a hostage.
4x94 - Episode 711
May 14, 1987
Cruz tries to rescue Elena, Cruz shoots Addison, Cain puts Eden in the wheelchair.
4x95 - Episode 712
May 15, 1987
Lionel asks Alex to help Caroline, Julia & Mason leave for Eureka, Kelly & Jeffrey take a boat out, Laken returns, Julia & Mason get stuck in Eureka, Tori goes to Julia's looking for Mason & goes into labor. **First appearance of Susan Marie Snyder (Laken Lockridge)
4x96 - Episode 713
May 18, 1987
In Eureka Julia tells Mason she fell in love with him, Kelly & Jeffrey make love on the island, Cruz delivers Tori's baby, Cain is attacked by a bear, Eden tries to get into Cain's trunk, Julia & Mason arrive at Cruz's to find Tori gave birth.
4x97 - Episode 714
May 19, 1987
Pearl finds Julia & Mason at Cruz's, Kelly & Jeffrey get "rescued", Tori at the hospital, Eden asks Cain to take her to the city, Mason alters Chip's records, Sophia tells Kelly about Jeffrey' scheme with Alex.
4x98 - Episode 715
May 20, 1987
Tori learns Mason named the baby Channing Creighton Capwell III, Mason wakes up hungover at Johnny's, Caroline asks Jane to be her maid of honor, Kelly tells Cruz she found out Jeffrey lied to her.
4x99 - Episode 716
May 21, 1987
Mason moves out of the apartment, Cruz tells Tori he checked her baby's records & learned he's not the father, Hayley &Ted try to make love but she's not ready, Caroline collapses, Cruz decides he's going to Utah.
4x100 - Episode 717
May 22, 1987
Jeffrey dresses up in a suit of armor to win Kelly back.
4x101 - Episode 718
May 25, 1987
Cruz and Kelly re-trace Eden's last steps in Utah, Chip & Tori come home from the hospital, Mason gets a call saying Eden is alive.
4x102 - Episode 719
May 26, 1987
Cruz at Cain's cabin, Cain holds a gun on Cruz, Cruz and Eden miss seeing each other, Caroline & Lionel marry.
4x103 - Episode 720
May 27, 1987
Mason gets another call saying Eden's alive and sends Tori to stay with her mother, Tori calls home & Julia answers.
4x104 - Episode 721
May 28, 1987
Carmen comes to Santa Barbara, Lionel steals the serum, Jeffrey tells CC he's leaving town to avoid CC telling Kelly about Elizabeth's death. **First appearance of Marisol Rodriguez (Carmen Castillo)
4x105 - Episode 722
May 29, 1987
Cruz opens the detective agency, CC turns down Elena's offer to buy the Orient Express, Elena applies for a job at Cruz's agency, Caroline injects herself with the serum.
4x106 - Episode 723
June 1, 1987
Laken throws a beach party where Elena "saves" Carmen from thugs she hired, Cain tells Eden about his name, Mason gets a phone call saying Eden isn't dead.
4x107 - Episode 724
June 2, 1987
Cruz checks Eleanor's references, Elena finds Jeffrey, Mason tells Kelly about the phone calls.
4x108 - Episode 725
June 3, 1987
Jeffrey tells Kelly about Elizabeth, Ted & Laken deliver a foal, Keith & Gina break into Nikolas' lab.
4x109 - Episode 726
June 4, 1987
Cain gives Eden crutches, Pearl and Elena have sex, Cain gets angry and locks Eden in the cabin, Tori confronts Julia about her baby's father being Mason.
4x110 - Episode 727
June 5, 1987
Mason tapes one of the phone calls and plays it for Kelly, Gina steals the serum from Lionel, Kelly learns she looks like Elizabeth.
4x111 - Episode 728
June 8, 1987
Julia finds Mason slept in his office drunk last night & asks Cruz to talk to him, Eden uses the crutches, Cain tells Eden about Soo-Li, Mason gets more calls about Eden being alive, Tori and Julia argue.
4x112 - Episode 729
June 9, 1987
Cain doesn't remember what he told Eden last night, Cruz sends Pearl & Eleanor off together, Alex gets an anonymous note from Gina, Alex has Cruz call off the search for the serum, Jeffrey asks Kelly to elope, Cain shows Eden the whirlpool he built her, Marsha from Toddlers Inc. visits Keith, Cruz upsets Pearl & he gets drunk.
4x113 - Episode 730
June 10, 1987
Minx gives Lionel & Caroline her blessing, Pearl hung-over & Elena goes to visit him, Kelly has to go to New York, Tori & Mason sleep together. **Last appearance of Dame Judith Anderson (Minx Lockridge)
4x114 - Episode 731
June 11, 1987
Keith tells CC he has Alex's stolen serum, Johnny is kidnapped, Julia falls after a fight with Tori, CC spends some time with Chip. **Last appearance of Brandon Call (Brandon DeMott)
4x115 - Episode 732
June 12, 1987
Hayley and Ted argue, Cruz meets the girl who got Eden's scholarship, Carmen gets offered pot on the beach, Hayley tells Jake they shouldn't see each other anymore, Brick goes to The Last Resort for help finding Johnny.
4x116 - Episode 733
June 15, 1987
Eden's birthday, Cain makes a cake but gets drunk, Elena follows a lead on Johnny and gets trapped, Cruz saves her, Julia answers Mason's phone.
4x117 - Episode 734
June 16, 1987
Elena spent the night at Cruz's, Julia asks Mason about the phone calls, Cain tells Eden she has to stay with him and she wouldn't be happy if she left, the kidnappers take Johnny to Chicago.
4x118 - Episode 735
June 17, 1987
Eden practices with the crutches, Alex falsifies his data so Keith steals the wrong info, Cruz & Elena find a bomb in a van used by the kidnappers.
4x119 - Episode 736
June 18, 1987
Paul Marshall eyes Chip, Kelly arrives back from Scotland, Jeffrey has a party, Julia gives birth to Samantha.
4x120 - Episode 737
June 19, 1987
Kelly reads Elizabeth's diary, Mason visits Julia in the hospital and then leaves town to meet the Indian.
4x121 - Episode 738
June 22, 1987
Mason arrives in the desert and gets jumped by the Indian, Elena has some thugs beat her up, Cain tells Eden he loves her, Eden shoots at Cain, Mason tries to run.
4x122 - Episode 739
June 23, 1987
Mason gets knifed when he tries to escape, Eden shoots wide & Cain grabs the gun, Kelly & Jeffrey leave to find Mason, Elena breaks into Kelly & Jeffrey's house, Cain leaves for Santa Barbara.
4x123 - Episode 740
June 24, 1987
Mason being tortured by Indian, Indian calls Julia, Kelly & Jeffrey find a snake in the van & the van breaks down, Brick goes on TV appealing for Johnny's return, Paul visits Tori.
4x124 - Episode 741
June 25, 1987
Cruz & Elena meet a baby broker, Cain in Santa Barbara meets an old buddy from Vietnam, CC brings Gina the money for the serum, Cain trashes Cruz's house.
4x125 - Episode 742
June 26, 1987
Eden alone in the cabin, she spills the water Cain left for her, Cruz & Elena meet another broker, Hayley tells Ted she wants a divorce, Cain ready to shoot Cruz on the beach.
4x126 - Episode 743
June 29, 1987
Cain starts to shoot at Cruz but stops when he has Vietnam flashbacks, Eden passes out, Cruz and Eleanor pose as potential parents at Toddlers Inc, the Indian tampers with Kelly's hair dryer, Gina gets hired by the kidnappers, Brick goes to the morgue to ID a boy but it's not Johnny, Cain returns to the cabin, Paul attempts to steal Chip.
4x127 - Episode 744
June 30, 1987
Tori stops Paul before he can steal Chip, Kelly is burned by the defective hair dryer, Caroline dying, Cain tells Eden she's never leaving, Keith & Gina try to figure out what to do about Toddlers Inc, Tori finds Paul's baby list, Cain locks Eden in the closet.
4x128 - Episode 745
July 1, 1987
Ted moves out of the guest house, The Indian drugs Jeffrey in a bar and turns on the propane in the van while Kelly sleeps, Mason continues to refuse to sign the paper, Caroline dies. **Last appearance of Lenore Kasdorf (Caroline Wilson)
4x129 - Episode 746
July 6, 1987
The serum is recalled, CC asks Keith for his money back, Jane tells Brick she's going to Georgia for Caroline's funeral and plans to stay there, Carmen goes undercover at Toddlers, Inc., Julia agrees to have Sami photographed, Elena has a dream the Capwells are dead & then gets drunk at Cruz's.
4x130 - Episode 747
July 16, 1987
Cain has Eden tied up, she tries to steal his knife, Kelly crashes the van, Elena kills a private investigator looking for the real Eleanor, Tori shoots Paul.
4x131 - Episode 748
July 17, 1987
Tori hysterical after shooting Paul, Kelly in the hospital after the crash, Eden tries to convince Cain she wants to stay with him, Paul in surgery.
4x132 - Episode 749
July 20, 1987
Ted and Hayley each lament the end of their marriage, Paul briefly wakes up in the hospital, Julia and Tori wait for Paul to wake up again, Hayley moves in with Gina, Carmen arranges to take Cruz & Elena to an island and then strands them there.
4x133 - Episode 750
July 22, 1987
Kelly still in the hospital, Cruz & Elena stuck on the island but then get rescued, Alex has a press conference, we learn Alex is Elena's father, Eden walks on two half-crutches, Kelly sneaks away from the hospital.
4x134 - Episode 751
July 23, 1987
Hayley tells Ted she filed for divorce, Jane returns from Georgia, The Indian follows Kelly to a cave, Paul tells Keith Tori tried to kill him, Jane gives Keith a photo from Paul's camera that implicates Keith in the baby ring, Marsha gives Keith old racy photos of Tori and Paul, Jeffrey shoots at the Indian in the cave.
4x135 - Episode 752
July 24, 1987
Eden walks with one half-crutch, Jeffrey shoots at the Indian (replays) and causes a cave in, Keith arrests Tori, Kelly rescues Jeffrey from being trapped in the cave in but still thinks he is the one trying to kill her, Cruz babysits Chip, Eden knocks Cain out & locks him in the closet and escapes.
4x136 - Episode 753
July 27, 1987
Cain wakes up in the closet, Eden travels across the woods, Tori's arrest makes the paper, at Tori's hearing the judge orders her to undergo psychiatric evaluation, Mason calls Julia.
4x137 - Episode 754
July 29, 1987
Cruz tells Carmen he's thinking of Eden, Eden takes a bus to Santa Barbara, Elena takes Cruz on a picnic, Eden visits the beach house & the detective agency, Elena tries to seduce Cruz.
4x138 - Episode 755
August 3, 1987
Eden sees Cruz and Elena together, goes to the Orient Express, Kelly & Jeffrey escape after pushing the Indian down a well, Cain drags Eden out of the Orient Express with a gun.
4x139 - Episode 756
August 4, 1987
Cain drags Eden out of the Capwell hotel and takes her to the stables, CC tells Sophia Eden is alive, K&J questioned by the police, Hayley tells Ted she doesn't want alimony and gives him her rings back, Cain meets Elena on the beach.
4x140 - Episode 757
August 5, 1987
At the beach Elena fakes a knife wound from Cain, Alex tells Gina he knows she sold the serum to CC, Eden rescued, Cain is shot, Eden taken to the hospital, the doctor tells Eden she probably won't walk again, Elena goes to Cain's hospital room.
4x141 - Episode 758
August 6, 1987
Elena tries to kill Cain at the hospital but is interrupted, Eden tries to get Cruz to leave her alone, Tori returns home from the psych hospital, Jane goes to see Keith for info on Johnny.
4x142 - Episode 759
August 7, 1987
The Indian shows Mason the newspaper saying Eden is alive, Kelly & Jeffrey on their way to New Mexico, Jeffrey leaves Kelly a tracking device and goes to find the Indian, at a gas station the Indian holds Jeffrey.
4x143 - Episode 760
August 10, 1987
At the hospital more specialists say Eden will never walk again, Kelly looks for Jeffery who is being held by the Indian at the gas station, Elena learns Cain has amnesia and Eden is paralyzed, Eden returns to the Capwell house, Elena visits Eden at the house.
4x144 - Episode 761
August 11, 1987
At the Capwell house Eden tells Cruz to leave her alone, Cruz fires Elena, Eden visits Cain, Eden & Elena spar at the hospital, Cruz brings Eden a check for the inheritance she'd left him.
4x145 - Episode 762
August 12, 1987
Julia & Eden ask CC to give Tori Chip back, Eden falls out of her chair while alone with Chip and he starts to choke.
4x146 - Episode 763
August 13, 1987
Jane threatens Keith about Johnny's kidnapping & he gives her a lead which she gives to Elena, Kelly & Jeffrey break down a wall but Mason is gone, Cruz saves Chip from choking & takes him to Tori.
4x147 - Episode 764
August 14, 1987
Elena found Johnny and has him brought back to Brick, Eden & Elena have words & Eden slaps her, Cruz tells Elena to stay away from him but re-hires her after he learns she found Johnny.
4x148 - Episode 765
August 17, 1987
Elena admits to Alex she knows she is CC's daughter, Kelly & Jeffrey return from the desert, Kelly & Eden fight about Eden pushing Cruz away, the letter from Mason arrives, Tori goes to Paul's with a prop gun.
4x149 - Episode 766
August 18, 1987
Cain moves into the Capwell house, Tori tries to get Paul to sign a confession but he knows the gun is a prop, Elena tells Alex about the letter she got from Pamela.
4x150 - Episode 767
August 19, 1987
Jeffrey proposes to Kelly, the Indian tortures Mason, Hayley visits Eden, Eden tells Cain about the cabin, Capwells have a party for Eden.
4x151 - Episode 768
August 20, 1987
Elena stalks Cain at the gazebo, Cain gets drunk on the beach and has Vietnam flashbacks, Kelly and CC argue about her engagement to Jeffrey, Jake's father dies.
4x152 - Episode 769
August 21, 1987
Funeral for Jake's father, Gina kicks Keith out, Keith arrests Gina.
4x153 - Episode 770
August 24, 1987
Carmen overhears Elena asking about Cain's medication, Cruz makes the beach house wheelchair accessible, Keith & Gina work at the soup kitchen, Cruz picks up Eden for a date.
4x154 - Episode 771
August 25, 1987
Cain collapses after taking the pills Elena switched, Eden & Cruz's date at the beach house ends, Cruz asks Rosa about Cain's pills but Elena has already switched them back.
4x155 - Episode 772
August 26, 1987
Mason calls Tori while being held, Kelly & CC fight about CC not liking Jeffrey, Tori's trial for shooting Paul, she asks Julia to represent her, Brandon ran away from camp to see Gina. **First appearance of Justin Gocke (Brandon DeMott)
4x156 - Episode 773
August 27, 1987
Elena sees a psychiatrist & tells him about her real father, Eden takes Cain to the Orient Express & he recognizes Alex from a hospital after the war.
4x157 - Episode 774
August 28, 1987
CC learns Grant gave Ted the winery, Laken cozies up to Jake at the Beast photo shoot, Kelly & Jeffrey try to elope but CC stops them, Tori learns Paul is impotent & Julia confronts him.
4x158 - Episode 775
August 31, 1987
Keith drops the charges against Tori & tells Paul to leave town, Eden & Cruz fight after she has feeling in her foot, Cain remembers the cabin, CC picks up Brandon from Gina's.
4x159 - Episode 776
September 1, 1987
Cruz sets up the gazebo for a romantic evening, Casablanca fantasy, CC tells Gina he's going to keep her away from Brandon, Cain remembers that he was in love with Eden.
4x160 - Episode 777
September 2, 1987
The Indian tells Elena Mason won't sign the paper, Cruz proposes to Eden in the gazebo, Jake signs the Beast contract.
4x161 - Episode 778
September 3, 1987
Tori & Julia plan to take the babies to Summerfest, Paul is still in town, CC serves Gina with a restraining order, Keith tells Gina they should get married but Gina says no, CC gets a call from Mason.
4x162 - Episode 779
September 4, 1987
Eden & Cruz go to Summerfest, Tori & Julia enter the babies in a photo contest, Jake does another Beast photo shoot.
4x163 - Episode 780
September 7, 1987
Summerfest - Paul kidnaps Chip & Samantha, Eden gets upset and leaves party, Cruz gets knocked out by Paul, Elena prepares to kill Cain at beach.
4x164 - Episode 781
September 8, 1987
Elena shoots at Cain at the beach, Eden saves Cruz from the garage, Keith saves Chip from Paul.
4x165 - Episode 782
September 9, 1987
Cruz in the hospital, Eden dreams Cruz dies, Alex asks Elena if she was involved in the shooting at the beach, Cain at the winery.
4x166 - Episode 783
September 10, 1987
Eden arranges the hospital room, Eden & Cruz romantic evening in the hospital room, Tori & Julia get drunk after having dinner with Keith & Gina.
4x167 - Episode 784
September 11, 1987
Eden & Cruz wake up in the hospital room, then go back to the beach house, Elena shoots at Cain at the winery, Gina & Keith at the soup kitchen.
4x168 - Episode 785
September 14, 1987
Cain isn't hurt - he left the winery before Elena got there, Ted brings Cain to a cabin, some thugs jump Jake at Johnny's, Cain & Eden try to remember if Elena was the woman who hurt them.
4x169 - Episode 786
September 16, 1987
Ted works on his wine coolers, Keith tells Gina Pamela killed herself in New York but her body was never found, Kelly tells Jeffrey she doesn't want to elope, Madame Arcana approaches Tori.