- wSerie
- TV Shows
- Santa Barbara
- Season 8
- Episode 47
Episode 1668
Santa Barbara - S8 - E47
Lisa begins taking over Eden. Opera singer, Richard Sedgewick, a friend of the Capwells visits Kelly in the hospital. Mason continues to prevent CC from forgiving Cassandra. Cruz assures Eden he is there for her at any time. Quinn decides not to kill Flame. In front of Cruz, Lisa warns Sophia to leave them alone.
Santa Barbara: Season 8 - 97 Episode s
8x1 - Episode 1622
January 2, 1991
Keith asks Gina about her affair with Ethan Asher. Robert starts pushing himself on Kelly. Cruz and Eden find a way that Flame was able to get out of her cell. Keith tells Gina he bought a home for them. Flame cries on Keith's shoulder. Cruz and Eden tell Robert they believe Flame did the shooting. Cruz then calls Robert, Quinn.
8x2 - Episode 1623
January 3, 1991
Julia tells Augusta that Dash has a great lawyer that has gotten rapists off before. Keith does not want Mason to testify. Laken twists her ankle while out riding with Richie and Amado sees Richie massaging Laken's ankle. Amado and Laken make love. Mason testifies on Julia's behalf. Mason reveals that he and Julia are not legally divorced. Julia slaps Mason and a photographer catches the slap on film.
8x3 - Episode 1624
January 4, 1991
Eden and Cruz ask Robert to pose as Quinn's ghost to trick Flame. Kelly and Craig enjoy their holiday in Cabo. Stephen witnesses Cassandra and Mason passionately kissing. Dash's lawyer, Belinda tells him he needs to be honest with her about everything. Robert decides to go along with Cruz' plan to trap Flame. Julia takes the stand. The judge decides that Dash has to go on trial.
8x4 - Episode 1625
January 7, 1991
Robert visits Flame and while there Flame receives a call from Quinn, set up by Cruz. Cassandra asks Stephen how he will prove his allegations against her. Amado and Richie compete for Laken's affections. Robert poses as Quinn and visits Flame. Flame tells Quinn that she killed him as Keith looks on.
8x5 - Episode 1626
January 8, 1991
Amado wakes up with many car stereos in his apartment. He understands that Richie framed him. Mason tells Julia he made them officially divorced. Julia thinks about selling her house. Cassandra learns that Mason is now divorced and kisses him.
8x6 - Episode 1627
January 9, 1991
Keith tells Cruz and Eden that he cannot use what they have on Flame due to entrapment. Flame is hauled into custody and admits to shooting Quinn to save Eden's life. Julia decides to sell her home. Mason and Cassandra decide to take things slow. Dash tells Belinda not to dig dirt up on Julia. Cassandra calls Belinda and tells her that Julia slept with Michael when he was a priest. Flame attempts to seduce Keith.
8x7 - Episode 1628
January 10, 1991
Kelly arrives back from Cabo. CC and Sophia tell Kelly that Robert cleared Eden and Flame is in jail. Richie sets Amado up for stealing stereos when he was drunk. Amado gives his resignation to Minx and she refuses. Kelly tells Robert she is having Quinn's baby. Cassandra overhears Michael telling Minx that he has a file on Cassandra. Laken confronts Richie about the stolen car stereos. Amado goes to Cruz for help. Cassandra goes to Michael's office to find the file, then overhears Michael telling Minx she has to tell Cassandra she is her daughter. Cruz asks Amado to move in with them.
8x8 - Episode 1629
January 11, 1991
Cruz asks Amado to keep an eye on Eden and the kids while he is out of town. Julia asks Eden if she would interview her and then do a series on rapes. Julia has a change of heart about moving. Cruz and Eden walk out to the car en-route to the airport and a man hovers outside their door.
8x9 - Episode 1630
January 15, 1991
A French man named Andre calls Eden at her office. Belinda legally prevents Eden from airing any show about Julia's rape. Keith tells Julia that Michael has been called as a witness. Kelly decides to no longer work with Robert. Julia's trial begins. Cassandra gives Stephen a stern warning not to dig too deep on her past or he will regret it. The mysterious man that called Eden watches her broadcast.
8x10 - Episode 1631
January 16, 1991
Eden broadcasts from the courthouse. Belinda brings up Julia and Michael sleeping together while he was still a priest. The jury finds Dash not guilty and Julia freaks out. Minx asks Cassandra to be her liaison with the Capridge water. Cassandra turns down Minx' offer. Eden consoles Julia. A man breaks in Cruz and Eden's home when Eden goes to bed.
8x11 - Episode 1632
January 17, 1991
Eden denies to Julia and Michael that she saw the guy who broke in, when she really did see him. Jeremy tells Dash that he thinks Mason has something to do with the Blues not wanting Dash back. Cassandra finds out that Lionel is researching her past. Eden receives a letter from a man named Andre. Dash begins being harassed in public.
8x12 - Episode 1633
January 21, 1991
Cassandra comes to give information to Minx about Capridge Water. They try to discuss, but they are both suspicious the one of the other. Mason obtains Dash's firing from the new Blue Sky Brigade leader. Eden receives a letter from Andre. He tells her that he knows her since their early years in Paris.
8x13 - Episode 1634
January 22, 1991
Minx wants Cassandra to betray CC and offers her money. Cassandra refuses, and Minx thinks she lost her daughter forever. CC learns that Kelly is pregnant with Quinn, and tells it to Eden. Kelly breaks up with Robert, telling she only loves Quinn. Flame sees Robert playing with Quinn's gold coin. Eden dreams of Andre, now with her and many precious jewels.
8x14 - Episode 1635
January 23, 1991
Julia and Cassandra squabble over Mason. Craig tells Flame that she should leave town. Flame has a gold coin left from Quinn. Julia asks Gina to appear on an acquaintance rape panel. Gina tells Keith about the panel and he asks her to put a good word about him on the show. Kelly decides to have an abortion.
8x15 - Episode 1636
January 24, 1991
Dash and Michael are concerned that Stephen has gone missing. Eden airs her date rape show. Stephen's landlord Mrs. Henderson tells Michael that she hear Stephen and a woman arguing the night before. Mrs. Henderson describes Cassandra to Michael as the lady with Stephen. Cassandra flat out denies to Michael that she is the woman Mrs. Henderson described. Dash's former employees give him a piece of their mind. Andre reads about an upcoming masquerade ball at Capwell Oasis and plans to attend. Mason and Dash almost come to blows, but Belinda and Gina prevent it. Dash tells Belinda he is suing Julia for "defamation of character". Andre sends Eden a gold necklace.
8x16 - Episode 1637
January 25, 1991
Gina's jealousy of Flame and Keith escalates. Flame realizes that it is Robert and not Quinn in the morgue. Kelly is unsure of going through with an abortion. Andre meets Eden and calls her Lisa.
8x17 - Episode 1638
January 28, 1991
Dash sues Julia for defamation of character. Flame sees the scar on Robert's back and realizes that Robert is really Quinn. CC visits Cassie to try and talk some sense about Cassie and Mason being together. Kelly tells Robert that she has accepted that Quinn is the father of her baby as Flame listens, shocked. Eden dreams about being involved in a jewelry heist.
8x18 - Episode 1639
January 29, 1991
Eden meets Robert and asks if he remembers an Andre Wolfe. Andre tells Eden he wants the diamonds back. Craig tries to talk some sense in Cassandra. Minx calls Cassandra to meet her for some urgent news. Quinn tells Flame he never loved her. Flame remembers times with Quinn and Quinn remembers times with Kelly.
8x19 - Episode 1640
January 30, 1991
Minx tells Cassandra that she is her daughter and Cassandra could care less. Cruz and Eden's home gets broken into. Mason and Augusta agree that Julia is acting strange. Sophia and Eden dine out and Eden tells Sophia that there is something familiar about Andre. Richie has Amado's wallet stolen. Andre has the Castillo home broken into. Eden comes clean about the necklace that was sent to her and Cruz is furious for Eden not telling him. Augusta finds out that Julia has bought some rope. The Castillo's realize they were broken into again.
8x20 - Episode 1641
January 31, 1991
Augusta asks Julia why she bought a rope. Julia tells her realtor that she is looking for a secluded place. CC warns Gina that if she marries Keith he will take away Brandon. Cassandra is not handling being Minx's daughter well.
8x21 - Episode 1642
February 1, 1991
Andre is all set for the Masquerade ball. Julia is setting up Dash. After Brandon is caught bribing another student to get his vote, which he learned from Keith, Gina lashes out at Keith. The Capwells prepare for a masquerade party. Cruz is ready to meet Andre at the party. Belinda warns Dash that he should not go to the party. Dash fantasizes of Julia falling for him. Julia buys a gun to bring to the party.
8x22 - Episode 1643
February 4, 1991
Julia puts the gun in her purse and heads to the party. An explosion goes off outside the Castillo's home. The masquerade ball begins. Michael tells Augusta that Stephen has been missing causing Augusta to worry since nobody has heard from Lionel. Julia asks Dash to dance. Andre tries to refresh Eden/Lisa's memory. Cassandra says she will never forgive Minx.
8x23 - Episode 1644
February 5, 1991
Cruz and Eden head home when they find out about the explosion. Julia abducts Dash. Craig asks Kelly to marry him and Kelly declines. Laken tells Richie to hit the road. Mason finds out that Julia will be in Vermont for a week. Eden finds a strange suitcase that triggers memories.
8x24 - Episode 1645
February 6, 1991
Julia welcomes Dash to his worst nightmare. Cassandra tells Minx she will be her daughter in secret. Augusta hears from Julia. Brandon tells Mason he feels it is because of him that Keith and Gina are not getting married. CC explains to Brandon why he does not like Keith and Brandon says CC is wrong. Brandon goes to Keith for the truth.
8x25 - Episode 1646
February 7, 1991
Keith is unsuccessful at explaining his motives to Brandon and decides to go talk with CC. Craig tells Robert not to stand in his way with Kelly. Brandon tells Gina that he wants all the feuding to end. Keith threatens CC. CC decides to get the goods on Keith and run him out of town. Quinn resists Flame. Eden meets with Andre. Andre tells Eden she has lost the edge that Lisa had. Eden gives Andre a necklace, but it is a fake. Andre threatens to go to Cruz.
8x26 - Episode 1647
February 8, 1991
Minx decides to keep Cassandra being her daughter a secret. Michael and Mason start to believe that Julia has Dash. Amado asks Minx for his job back. Minx and Amado decide to let Richie get busted all by himself. Minx sets Richie up and he falls for the bait.
8x27 - Episode 1648
February 11, 1991
Cassandra reads the notes that Minx had about giving her away. Cruz shows Eden a picture of Andre and Eden says it is not the same man she saw. Sophia tells Cassandra she will always be there for her. Mason and Augusta are convinced Julia has Dash. Eden and Sophia meet for lunch and Eden berates Sophia for abandoning her children years ago. Dash lets himself loose from the chair.
8x28 - Episode 1649
February 12, 1991
Cruz tells Sophia and CC that Andre for some reason is after Eden and the Capwells. Dash ties Julia up. Craig and Kelly enjoy a day out. Everyone notices that Eden is acting strange. Kelly tells Robert (Quinn) that it is over between them and she is having the baby and needs space. Eden in full cat suit attire meets with Andre. Dash unties Julia and she pushes him and he hits his head and is knocked out. Julia goes to get help. Sophia and CC asks Kelly to move home while having the baby. Julia runs and falls underground. Andre shakes Eden/Lisa's hands and Eden says, "seem's like old times".
8x29 - Episode 1650
February 13, 1991
Keith tells Brandon he has nothing to worry about. Augusta meets with Robert and threatens to expose him, but as Quinn he has no idea what she has on him. Quinn goes to Flame to find out what Augusta had on Robert. Dash rescues Julia. Keith and Gina celebrate Valentine's day.
8x30 - Episode 1651
February 14, 1991
Cruz hires Eden a bodyguard. Kelly decides to move out of the mansion and be on her own. Eden/Lisa calls Andre and they make plans to get together. Keith assures Gina that CC's plans to destroy him won't unfold. Keith tells Flame she has to make it look like CC has seduced her or else. Sophia tells CC that Eden has been giving her a hard time lately. Andre and Eden/Lisa remember Lisa stealing Sophia's diamond in Monte Carlo. Eden is a no show at Sophia which alarms Cruz. Eden/Lisa arrives home with the diamond and hides it in a book. The bodyguard realizes Eden gave him the slip.
8x31 - Episode 1652
February 15, 1991
Dash tells Julia he is rescuing her, so that she can clear his name. Cruz asks Eden why she gave the bodyguard the slip and apologizes to Sophia for being late. Eden and Cruz have a romantic Valentine's night. Cruz catches Eden calling Andre. CC helps Kelly move in her new home. Craig brings Kelly a housewarming gift and tells Kelly he will stay away and get his life together without her. Cruz wakes up and Eden is gone. Eden/Lisa shows up at Andre's. Dash brings Julia to Mason.
8x32 - Episode 1653
February 19, 1991
Andre and Lisa/Eden plan a heist. Dash tells Michael and Mason that Julia fell into a mine shaft and has cracked ribs and needs medical help, fast. Eden lies to Cruz and says she was walking on the beach. Quinn tells CC that Flame wants to apologize to CC for everything she did. Flame tells CC that Keith is planning on setting Flame up with CC. Julia regains consciousness and admits she abducted Dash to Michael and Mason. Andre and Eden/Lisa go on a heist.
8x33 - Episode 1654
February 20, 1991
Eden and Andre run away before the police arrive. Andre accuses Eden of having wanted to trap him. Quinn and Flame install a video camera at her house, and Flame invites Keith to join her. She records him while she kisses him almost naked. But Keith figures out he's being trapped and takes the videotape with him. Cruz gets a bracelet found at the house which was burgled. He recognizes it belongs to Eden.
8x34 - Episode 1655
February 21, 1991
Augusta arrives at the hospital to see Julia and finds out Dash saved her life. Lisa calls Andre to tell him that Eden left her bracelet at the scene of the crime and Cruz found it. Mason asks Michael not to reveal all of what Julia told him about abducting Dash. Eden visits Kelly to steal the identical bracelet Kelly has. Cruz finds a long blonde hair where jewel theft was. Augusta and Laken disagree over Julia abducting Dash. Julia and Laken think Augusta is lying about Julia being raped. Eden catches Cruz going through her jewelry.
8x35 - Episode 1656
February 22, 1991
Eden shows Cruz the necklace he is looking for. Kelly has pains in her stomach. Cruz tells Eden the hair that was found will be analyzed. Gina tells Keith that there are new studies and procedures that may make it possible for Gina to have a baby. Mason proposes to CC and Robert that Julia be appointed DA and get rid of Keith. Rosa tells Mason that he has a phone call which disturbs both Mason and Rosa. Eden visits Kelly and returns the necklace. Keith tells Flame to leave town.
8x36 - Episode 1657
February 25, 1991
Mason has a nightmare about Pamela coming back to town. Cruz and Michael argue about Julia's case. Pamela arrives in Santa Barbara. Dash does not press charges against Julia. Mason asks Rosa if she has told anyone about Pamela calling and she says no. Pamela shows up at Mason's office. Cruz and Michael discuss Keith giving Flame immunity. Pamela tells Mason that she was released and is better. Cassandra tells Craig that she and Mason are a thing of the past. Mason talks with Eden and Sophia about Pamela's illness and Eden snaps at Sophia. **First reappearance of Marj Dusay (Pamela Conrad)
8x37 - Episode 1658
February 26, 1991
Mason tells Sophia that the house is haunted after Eden storms out. Tension continues to mount between Sophia and Eden. Augusta plans on getting Dash out of town. Mason asks Pamela why she is really in town. Dash rips Augusta's check up to leave town. Sophia asks Mason what he meant by the house being haunted as Pamela listens. Dash has a hard time finding employment. Sophia realizes that Mason never really forgave her for taking Pamela's place. Augusta has a sexy dream about Dash. Sophia recalls killing Channing. Pamela tells Mason that Cassandra is Minx's illegitimate daughter.
8x38 - Episode 1659
February 27, 1991
Pamela explains to Mason that she met Cassandra's father and that he is the one who told her the truth about her. Mason asks confirmation to Minx. Minx thinks that Augusta or Lionel talked to Mason. She decides to talk to Laken about Cassandra, and says to her daughter that Mason is now aware of who she really is. Kelly is upset to learn that Pamela has been released from her asylum.
8x39 - Episode 1660
February 28, 1991
Mason tells Pamela that she is invited to the Capwells for dinner. Cruz tells Eden that he will not be at the dinner, due to the jewel heist. Cruz answers the phone when Andre calls. Andre decides that Minx should be the next target. Cassandra is furious with Minx that Mason found out about being Minx's daughter. Mason calls CC to say he is bringing a guest to the dinner. Laken tells Amado that Cassandra is her aunt. Mason returns a wedding picture of CC and Sophia back to CC that he borrowed. Laken is fed up with the secrets her family keeps. Mason shows up at the dinner party with Pamela.
8x40 - Episode 1661
March 1, 1991
Mason decides to hold a trial at the dinner party pitting Sophia against Pamela which infuriates the entire family. Pamela discusses how she dated Grant Capwell and then CC. Andre calls Eden at the dinner party. Pamela explains how Sophia came to be with CC. Dash delivers a final grace not to Augusta to give to Julia. Sophia reveals the reason she never gave Mason the letters from Pamela is because Pamela was talking about killing Sophia. Eden starts getting disturbed at what Sophia is saying. Eden freaks out at the dinner table. Sophia breaks down and forgives Pamela and apologizes to Pamela. Cassandra breaks down in tears. Rosa tells the family they are ungrateful for what they have. Michael questions Dash on a rape that occurred at the beach. Mason's glass of wine is passed around and is revealed to being apple juice.
8x41 - Episode 1662
March 4, 1991
Michael and Dash get into a big fight at the Lair. Pamela exposes Cassandra as a Lockridge at the dinner party. Pamela tries to strangle Kelly. The doctor's come to get Pamela. CC tells Mason that Pamela was never released. Eden lays into CC for allowing an unstable Pamela go on. Cassandra realizes the Capwells will not accept her since she was born a Lockridge. **Last appearance of Marj Dusay (Pamela Conrad)
8x42 - Episode 1663
March 5, 1991
Cassandra wants to know who her birth father is. Sophia feels guilty of how she treated Pamela. Mason is depressed about Pamela's mental health. Quinn goes to Julia for legal advice on his situation. CC apologizes to Rosa about the dinner party and asks he about her personal life. Rosa tells CC that Ruben had left her and Santana is sick. Cassandra tells Minx she is going back to the Capwells. CC tells Cassandra he cannot trust her. Kelly tells Mason that he destroyed Pamela. Quinn tells Julia he is Quinn. Julia tells Quinn the ramifications if he comes out as Quinn. Kelly starts having stomach pains.
8x43 - Episode 1664
March 6, 1991
Michael rushes Kelly to the hospital. Andre shows up at Eden's while Eden is playing with Chip. Flame calls Sophia to tell her about Kelly. Gina and Keith visit a doctor about getting Gina pregnant. Quinn warns Flame that Kelly had better be fine or else.
8x44 - Episode 1665
March 7, 1991
Quinn is convinced Kelly will be better if he tells her who he really is. Andre calls Eden at the hospital. Cruz questions a note Eden had typed about him. Cassandra is convinced the Capwells will forgive her. Craig decides to dig up dirt on Keith so that Julia can become the new DA. Mason gives Samantha the tricycle Pamela had given him. Kelly loses the baby.
8x45 - Episode 1666
March 8, 1991
Sophia tells CC that Kelly lost the baby. Andre and Eden/Lisa invade Minx' suite while Minx is out of town. Lionel finally calls Augusta to say he is back and is stopping at Minx prior to seeing Augusta. Michael tells Flame that Kelly miscarried. Augusta shows up at Minx while Andre and Eden/Lisa are there. Flame goes to Julia for help and when Julia doesn't offer any, Flame tells Julia that Augusta offered Dash money to leave town. Augusta and Lionel find Minx vault open. Andre notices that Eden/Lisa has a picture of Lionel and Sophia. CC tells Eden that Minx jewelry was taken.
8x46 - Episode 1667
March 11, 1991
Quinn shows up at the Lair with a gun and Julia stops him and tells him Robert has the permit not Quinn. Flame goes to Michael for help and he declines. Eden heads home and has no recollection of robbing Minx'. Flame threatens to blackmail Keith with a tape of Flame and Keith talking about setting CC up, if he does not help her. Andre tells Eden that referring herself in the third person means she has mental illness. Augusta tries to talk Laken out of her new hobby, race car driving. Eden denies to Cruz that Minx had talked with her about her jewelry.
8x47 - Episode 1668
March 12, 1991
Lisa begins taking over Eden. Opera singer, Richard Sedgewick, a friend of the Capwells visits Kelly in the hospital. Mason continues to prevent CC from forgiving Cassandra. Cruz assures Eden he is there for her at any time. Quinn decides not to kill Flame. In front of Cruz, Lisa warns Sophia to leave them alone.
8x48 - Episode 1669
March 13, 1991
Flame moves in Dash's tent on the beach. Craig gives to C.C. files about Keith. C.C. tells Keith he now has proofs that he became district attorney again by an illegally way. Keith shows C.C. a proof that he is not the legal owner of the water used for Capridge Water. C.C. understands that Mason was aware of that fact.
8x49 - Episode 1670
March 14, 1991
Quinn tells Julia that he went after Flame, but let her go. Kelly arrives at CC's and says she has been released. Richard tells CC that he is singing at the White house and asks Kelly to accompany him. Keith tells Gina that CC has things on Keith on becoming the new DA illegally and will charge him. CC says he will drop everything if he does not marry Gina. Flame asks Dash to take off with her and leave Santa Barbara. Julia tells Mason that CC wants Julia as the new DA.
8x50 - Episode 1671
March 15, 1991
Sophia finds out that she has inherited the Armonti tiara, which has a curse on it. CC gives Keith 24 hours to vacate. The Lockridge's congratulate Julia as the new DA. Gina pleads with CC not to have Keith dismissed for Brandon's sake. Keith plans on blackmailing Augusta. Brandon gets into trouble at school because of some advice Keith had given him.
8x51 - Episode 1672
March 18, 1991
Cruz wants to set up Andre at the museum with Sophia's tiara once it arrives, but to not include Eden. Keith questions Augusta about the links between Anthony Tonell and the Capwells, but she has nothing to say. Keith has nothing else to do than to give his resignation to CC. He begs him to let him stay in touch with Brandon. Laken tells her father about Augusta being victim of extortion. Lionel asks Augusta about it.
8x52 - Episode 1673
March 19, 1991
Cruz tells Sophia and CC that Eden changed ever since Andre Wolfe came to town. Julia moves into Keith's office. Lionel finds the letter that states Augusta had a hand in Anthony's murder. Kelly asks Mason to stop destroying Capridge water. Lionel walks out on Augusta thinking she was involved in Anthony's murder. The tiara arrives.
8x53 - Episode 1674
March 20, 1991
Flame tells Dash that she is planning a party with all the people that stomped on her when she was down. Eden shows up at the museum and see's the tiara and asks Sophia and Cruz about it, which pleases Lisa. Dash tells Flame and Mason that he has been offered a job in Los Angeles. Mason tells Flame that Keith was booted out as DA. Gina tells Keith that after Brandon saw Keith bully Flame, Brandon followed suit. Julia tells Flame that she is watching her every move. Gina decides to call it quits with Keith and tells Brandon that Keith has to leave town. Keith tells Brandon that he and Gina are postponing the wedding. Keith says good bye to Brandon and Gina and leaves Santa Barbara.
8x54 - Episode 1675
March 21, 1991
Augusta tells Laken that Lionel has walked out on her. Andre and Lisa put their plan in motion. Dash tells Augusta that he did not take the Los Angeles offer. Augusta daydreams about Dash. Augusta tells Mason, if Lionel does not come back she does not know what she will do. Eden and Cruz make love in the spa.
8x55 - Episode 1676
March 22, 1991
Gina tells Keith he does not live in the real world and has to find Brandon. Sophia and CC make love. Brandon hides out in Julia's office. Flame talks with Brandon and cheers him up. Augusta blames Julia for Lionel leaving her. Flame calls Gina to let her know where Brandon is. Quinn remembers his happy times with Kelly. CC comforts Eden on her recent issues.
8x56 - Episode 1677
March 25, 1991
Eden and Sophia both have nightmares about the tiara. Gina gets Brandon back. Richard and Kelly get to know each other better. Flame and Gina get into a fight over Keith. CC again pleads with Robert to help him with Eden. Cruz asks Eden if she knows Andre Wolfe and Eden denies it. Eden tells Cruz she is going to see Robert about her past.
8x57 - Episode 1678
March 26, 1991
Cruz lets CC have it for going behind his back and asking Robert for help with Eden. Eden tells Robert (Quinn) that she feels like she is leading a parallel life. Eden talks to Robert about their days of Ondine. Robert is of no help to Eden. Michael tells Julia he thinks Flame may be behind the jewelry heists. Lisa not Eden interviews Sophia on the tiara and is brutal. Mason gives Flame a ticket to the show. Andre and Lisa prepare for their heist. Julia asks Kelly if she could have Quinn back, would she want him back. Michael and Cruz are prepared to set Andre up.
8x58 - Episode 1679
March 27, 1991
Sophia tells CC that Eden ran off after the interview. Mason prevents Gina who is drunk from taking on CC at the benefit. Richard performs and dedicates his singing to the Capwells. Sophia asks Cruz if he thinks that Andre is the cause of Eden's recent behavior and not her. Sophia tries to prevent Gina from seeing the tiara and sets off the alarm and Eden/Lisa drops something of hers. Lisa/Eden tells Andre she will not leave without the tiara.
8x59 - Episode 1680
March 28, 1991
Mason requests Richard sing a song dedicated to Julia and Julia is furious. Cruz gives Gina the thing that Eden/Lisa dropped and Gina says it is not hers. Michael and Cruz find that the tiara is gone. Cruz catches Andre, but Lisa/Eden escapes with the tiara and decides to re-join the party. Gina gives Quinn advice about CC. Eden shows up and Sophia questions where she was. Eden says she was editing the film at the station. Eden verifies Andre to Cruz. The picture of Lionel and CC is found in the empty tiara case. Richard sings a final song just for Kelly. Andre calls Eden and tells her to find a way for him to be released from jail or else Andre will tell Cruz everything.
8x60 - Episode 1681
March 29, 1991
Kelly tells Quinn that she is going to Washington to see Richard perform. Julia tells Augusta that she could not handle Mason kissing her. Augusta makes some snide comments and Julia tells her to pack her bags and move out. Mason tries to egg on a fight between Eden and Sophia. Keith decides to represent Andre. Eden is upset that Lisa wore Sophia's perfume and left the picture of Lionel and Sophia at the scene. Mason and Augusta form an unholy alliance. Eden goes to the scene of Channing's murder.
8x61 - Episode 1682
April 1, 1991
Flame learns that Quinn is leaving Santa Barbara and wants to go with him. Sophia finds CC's study upside down and smells her perfume everywhere in the room. Sophia and CC think they have been burglared, but only CC's gun is missing. Eden proposes to interview Andre at the police station. She takes CC's gun with her and hides it under the table. When Cruz leaves the room, Andre catches the gun.
8x62 - Episode 1683
April 2, 1991
Julia goes to see a therapist, Denise Foxworthy and tells Laken. Andre holds Eden at gun point. Kelly asks Richard about his wife and Richard says they lead separate lives. Quinn tells Flame that he plans on leaving Santa Barbara and start over as Quinn. Mason tells Julia he will be leaving her alone. Gina begs Mason for a job. Quinn tells both Gina and Kelly he is leaving. Gina freaks when she hears that Andre took Keith and that Brandon was also at the jail when this occurred.
8x63 - Episode 1684
April 3, 1991
Cruz finds Eden and Andre at the warehouse. He shoots Andre and kills him. Sarita finds Sophia's brooch in Channing's study. Sophia is surprised because she lost it months ago. She shows it to Eden. Quinn says goodbye to Kelly before leaving for Spain. But he finally prefers to join her in Washington.
8x64 - Episode 1685
April 4, 1991
Augusta has another fantasy about Dash. Richard's wife calls him while in Washington with Kelly, which bothers Kelly. Gina tells Keith that if he does not leave Santa Barbara, she and Brandon will. Mason is please that Julia is seeking therapy. Flame tells Dash that Robert left town. Augusta and Dash are living on boats beside each other. Mason tells Augusta that Keith was behind the blackmailing letters and that Dash is her neighbor. Kelly finds out that Richard is on medication and Kelly questions Richard about it and he says it is nothing. Augusta lets it slip to Dash that Julia is seeking therapy.
8x65 - Episode 1686
April 5, 1991
Flame is thrilled to see that Quinn has not left. Quinn tells Flame that he is stopping in Washington on his way to Spain to see Kelly. Dash follows Julia to Denise's office. Amado tells Cassandra that Minx is very ill.
8x66 - Episode 1687
April 8, 1991
Flame hides her police file on Dash's boat. But Michael finds it. Mason hires Gina at the Oasis as a secretary. She has to work with Cassandra. Kelly attends Richard's concert in Washington. Flame tells Craig that Kelly is in Washington with Quinn. Craig goes there and asks Quinn to sign papers for Barr Industries. "Robert" signs one of them as "Quinn Armitage".
8x67 - Episode 1688
April 9, 1991
Augusta tells Julia that Dash is her boat neighbor. Dash meets with Dr. Denise Foxworthy at the bar again. Flame arrives in Washington and is relieved that Quinn didn't say anything to Kelly yet. Eden and Sophia talk about the day she almost drowned. She finds in CC's study the gun with which she killed Channing Junior.
8x68 - Episode 1689
April 10, 1991
Gina wants to send Brandon in a boarding school. CC is opposed to that idea. Sophia tells Eden they met years ago, when Eden was still believing her mother was dead. She explains that Marcello hypnotized her to make her forget this meeting. Eden is very upset by this and has terrible headaches.
8x69 - Episode 1690
April 11, 1991
Eden recalls running into Sophia in Monte Carlo with Marcello when Sophia was supposed to be dead and Marcello hypnotizing Eden into thinking Sophia was dead. Dash accuses Augusta of moving next door to keep an eye on him. Eden tells Sophia she remembers seeing her in Monte Carlo. Richard and Kelly both think about each other in their beds after his performance that night in Washington.
8x70 - Episode 1691
April 12, 1991
Dash and Denise and get to know each other and finds out what Denise' profession is. Julia walks in and Dash flees. Richard has an attack and asks for his pills and to not tell anyone about them being together. Richard won't let Kelly go so she can reach his pills. Kelly gets to Richard's pills, but it is too late. Julia and Denise share a drink and Denise she has met a man. Eden remembers seeing Lionel and Sophia kissing when she was a little girl. Kelly calls Robert to come over and Robert confirms Richard is dead.
8x71 - Episode 1692
April 15, 1991
Cruz consults a therapist on his own about Eden. Robert has Kelly call security to look in on Richard. Flame calls Kelly to tell her that Quinn is alive and Quinn intercepts the phone. Sophia tells Cruz that as a child Eden may have overheard her and Lionel talking. Flame surprises Quinn in Washington.
8x72 - Episode 1693
April 16, 1991
The Capwells are notified of Richard's death. Kelly and Quinn head back to Santa Barbara. Flame is furious to find Quinn not going to Spain. Cruz and Eden tell Sophia they are going to recreate the night on the yacht with Lionel and Sophia. Kelly tells Sophia and CC what happened to Richard via Quinn and Kelly's version.
8x73 - Episode 1694
April 17, 1991
Mason tells Rosa that she and Ruben own the land that Capridge needs for their water to be legal. Sophia tells Lionel what Cruz and Eden are up to on the yacht. Rosa tries to reason with Mason. Eden is destroyed at what she remembers.
8x74 - Episode 1695
April 18, 1991
CC learns that it is Cassandra who warmed Mason about the lands he took to Rosa and Ruben. Dash talks with Dr. Denise Foxworthy at the bar again. Richard's wife Renata arrives in Santa Barbara. She accuses Kelly of having had an affair with her husband before he died.
8x75 - Episode 1696
April 19, 1991
Eden remembers that the next day Sophia left her family. Sophia regrets that Eden and Channing witnessed her and Lionel. Gina tries to make peace with Cassandra. Eden and Sophia are at the breaking point. Kelly explains to Renata her version of how Richard died. Kelly asks Robert/Quinn to stay in town. CC tells Cassandra he wants to sever all ties with her.
8x76 - Episode 1697
April 22, 1991
Gina takes the blame for Cassandra, but then Cassandra admits to CC she is the one. CC tells Cassandra to be out before Kelly's party that night. Gina tells Cassandra she knows what it is like being on the outside looking in with the Capwells. Julia begins to warn Kelly about Robert, but Kelly stops her. Kelly tells CC and Craig that Robert has asked him to marry her. Gina tells Julia she is having a baby on her own.
8x77 - Episode 1698
April 23, 1991
Gina tells Lionel that she is having a baby on her own. Sophia asks Cassandra why she is moving out. The truth of CC stealing land years ago from Rosa and Ruben comes out. Cruz finds out that CC did nothing illegal and bought the land fair and square. Sophia is furious with the way CC treated Cassie and goes to grab her purse and the gun that killed Channing fell out of her purse. Eden remembers when she and Channing were little, them overhearing Sophia telling Lionel that Channing is his son. Lionel and Augusta reach out to Cassandra. Rosa tells CC is pushing Sophia away.
8x78 - Episode 1699
April 24, 1991
Sophia and Cruz show up at the boat and find Eden's sweater. Eden shows up at CC's wet and distraught. Craig tells Cassandra he has lost Kelly to Robert once again. Eden tells CC that Sophia betrayed all of them. Denise and Dash make plans for a date. Flame sees Denise and Dash sharing a drink. Flame tells Craig that Robert died and Quinn is alive. Eden tells Cruz the date Sophia was to tell CC everything is the date Sophia went missing.
8x79 - Episode 1700
April 25, 1991
Kelly agrees to marry Robert. They announce the great news to CC. Craig realizes that Flame told him the truth about Robert and Quinn. He learns that Julia is also aware of this secret and questions her about it. Quinn and Craig starts to fight at The Oasis. Craig advises Kelly to wait before marrying Robert.
8x80 - Episode 1701
April 26, 1991
Dash and Denise have their date and Dash can't help thinking about Julia. Kelly admits to Craig that she does indeed love Robert. Cruz wants Sophia to relive that night again for Eden. Julia prevents Craig from telling Kelly about Quinn. Sophia tells Cruz how she and Lionel argued on the boat and she fell off.
8x81 - Episode 1702
April 29, 1991
Gina wants to go to a sperm bank to conceive a child on her own. Flame tells Mason that Dash has a girlfriend. Kelly announces her engagement to her father. CC refuses to attend the ceremony. Cruz tells Sophia that the gun found in her purse was bought by a woman who told to be named "Sophia Armonti".
8x82 - Episode 1703
April 30, 1991
Augusta tells Dash she has started a petition against him. Dash remembers the night he raped Julia. Augusta and Julia patch up their differences. Denise and Dash have another date. Eden thanks Mason for all he has done for her. Mason tells Julia that Eden has finally cracked that night.
8x83 - Episode 1704
May 1, 1991
Craig shows Julia a picture of Robert with a scar that will prove Quinn is not Robert. Dash and Denise enjoy a romantic evening. Cassandra agrees to see Minx. Cassandra agrees to consult for Minx. Dash decides to take it slow with Denise.
8x84 - Episode 1705
May 2, 1991
Lionel asks Augusta for rent money. Sophia and CC don't know how to deal with Eden. Gina decides to go to a sperm bank. CC receives a letter from Katrina telling him she will be arriving in Santa Barbara soon. Cassandra decides to prove to CC that she will be a force to reckon with in the business world. Eden calls Lionel over and asks if she can borrow his yacht. Cassandra says she wants to be part of the Lockridge family.
8x85 - Episode 1706
May 3, 1991
Laken rebelling is frustrating Lionel and Augusta. Eden starts recalling what Lisa has done with Andre. Augusta informs Laken that she is in charge of her trust fund until Laken is 25. Mason asks Julia to help Eden and Julia declines.
8x86 - Episode 1707
May 6, 1991
CC tells Robert he will need to sign a prenup. Rosa asks Mason to drop the business with the land. Dash gets a little pushy with Denise while kissing her.
8x87 - Episode 1708
May 7, 1991
Eden realizes that she stole the diamond from Sophia. Sophia talks with CC and feels tremendous guilt for what Eden is going through. Dash tells Denise he has already found the right woman and Denise thinks it is her.
8x88 - Episode 1709
May 8, 1991
Kelly prepares for her wedding day to Robert/Quinn. Sophia tells CC if he does not go to Kelly's wedding he will regret it. Eden finds Lisa bag of stolen jewelry. CC shows Michael evidence against Eden. Cruz tells Sophia that Eden is the prime suspect and shows her proof.
8x89 - Episode 1710
May 9, 1991
Julia tells Quinn to tell Kelly who he really is or she will file papers on him. Sophia tells CC that Eden was Andre's accomplice. CC refuses to believe Sophia. Quinn tells Kelly they should elope. CC shows up at Kelly's and tells her he will support her wedding.
8x90 - Episode 1711
May 10, 1991
Cruz watches Kelly ask Eden for a lipstick out of her pursue and Eden is shaken. Kelly tells Eden she is more in love with Quinn than Robert the man she thinks she is marrying. Tensions flair at Kelly's wedding. Cruz meets Denise at the wedding. Sophia gives Kelly away.
8x91 - Episode 1712
May 13, 1991
Since Michael was not invited to Kelly's wedding he decides to get drunk. Kelly faints at the altar. CC finds out Robert took Kelly away. Sophia tells CC that Cruz and Eden are meeting with a therapist.
8x92 - Episode 1713
May 14, 1991
Quinn tells Kelly that Robert is the one who got killed. Kelly is furious with Quinn deceiving her. Eden, Mason, CC and Cruz go to see Denise. Michael and Flame try to comfort each other. Eden tells Denise that Andre called her Lisa. Denise says that Lisa acted out the hostility about Sophia so Eden would not have to.
8x93 - Episode 1714
May 15, 1991
Eden is afraid how she will react to the anniversary of Sophia's "death". Denise and Julia dine out. Flame and Michael begin fighting that turns to passion. Mason spends some time with Eden and Lisa comes out when Mason leaves the room. Kelly taunts Quinn for keeping everything from her. Julia tells Eden the charges have been dropped and she will not have to face trial.
8x94 - Episode 1715
May 16, 1991
Augusta sees Denise and Dash together on Dash's boat. She tries to warn Denise about Dash, but he stops her. Michael wakes up with a lipstick message on his back from Flame. He discovers that Quinn is alive. Eden hides the tiara in CC's desk, and Sophia finds it. Cruz understands he now faces Lisa and not Eden. They go to the Capwells, and Lisa promises Sophia she's going to avenge Eden for what she has done to her.
8x95 - Episode 1716
May 17, 1991
Lisa confronts Sophia in front of Denise, Cruz and CC. Lisa is convinced they want to get rid of her. Flame attempts to kill herself getting run over and Michael saves her. Kelly is furious that Julia and Craig new Quinn was Quinn. Lisa tells Sophia that Eden never really forgave her, but wanted to kill her. Julia tells Augusta to stop bothering Dash and warning woman that he is with about the rape. Lisa pulls out the cursed tiara and decides to put it on.
8x96 - Episode 1717
May 20, 1991
Mason shows up at Eden's intervention. Dash begins taunting Augusta. Michael is furious at Julia and Craig for not telling Kelly about Quinn. Eden supposedly comes out of Lisa, but Cruz says Lisa is pretending to be Eden. Lisa makes a run for it. Dash flirts with Laken which infuriates Augusta. Lisa tries to prevent Eden from writing a good bye note. CC and Sophia head on their yacht to look for Eden. Eden heads to the cliffs.
8x97 - Episode 1718
May 21, 1991
Amado tells Cassandra about Warren and that he is in the Far East. Laken asks Julia for help to sue Augusta to get her trust fund. Cruz heads to the cliffs to find Eden. CC and Sophia spot Eden at the cliffs. Mason finds Denise talking with Julia and shows them both of the notes. Eden waves to Sophia and CC. CC arrives at the cliffs. Kelly tells Quinn she will turn him in if he does not.