Indecent Exposure
SCTV Network 90 - S4 - E2
Fred Willard is involved in a scheme Guy Caballero has hatched, forcing the arrival of SCTV Chairman Alan ""Crazy Legs"" Shipman.
SCTV Network 90: Season 4 - 6 Episode s
4x1 - Sammy Maudlin 23rd Anniversary / CBC
November 5, 1982
With a garbage strike looming, Edith persuades Pierre Trudeau to let SCTV pick up the CBC feed. Meanwhile, Sammy Maudlin decides to celebrate the 25th anniversary of his show two years early.
4x2 - Indecent Exposure
November 12, 1982
Fred Willard is involved in a scheme Guy Caballero has hatched, forcing the arrival of SCTV Chairman Alan ""Crazy Legs"" Shipman.
4x3 - Melonvote
November 19, 1982
The second election episode, as covered by SCTV News Election Central. Also features the Shmenge's tribute to John Williams and the very first Stars In One, hosted by Brock Linehan, Martin Short's superb impression of Canadian celebrity interviewer Brian Linehan.
4x4 - Jane Eyrehead
November 26, 1982
"Angel Cortez: FBI Jockey," Bobby Bittman PSA for the Public Library, Gus the Security Guard makes everyone sign in, John Houseman reads the phone book, "Farm Film Report" with Deney Terrio, The band America performs "Right Before Your Eyes," SCTV Movie of the Week: "The Bowery Boys In The Band," Dr. Rawl Withers introduces The National Midnight Star, Harry the guy with a snake on his face sells descramblers. A "reasonably faithful" spoof of Jane Eyre, Reverend Gene Filler of the Church of Unlimited Credit, "Monster Chiller Horror Theater" presents Dr. Tongue's 3-D House of Slave Chicks, Curly Howard sings love themes, Gus asks Edith Prickley out, People's Court (joined in progress), Rev. Gene Filler returns.
4x5 - Towering Inferno
December 10, 1982
The SCTV office moves into the tallest, thinnest building in Melonville, which turns into a spoof of 'The Towering Inferno' as Guy, Edith, and others are trapped in the 200-story tall building just as a fire breaks out and strands them on the uppers floors. Also, "Peter Pan" starring Divine and David Steinberg. Al Peck sells used fruit. "There's Justice For Everybody" starring Steve Roman. An ad for the Kid Sister Organization. "Monster Chiller Horror Theater." "One On the Town" looks at public transportation. When Wives Look Older Than Their Husbands: Farm Wives. "Let's Find Jerzy." Shakespeare for College Credit. The first "Melonville Calendar," and "Words to Live By" starring Mr. Mambo.
4x6 - Christmas 1982
December 17, 1982
Guy Caballero and Johnny LaRue come to blows over a meager Christmas bonus, resulting in a busted, drunken Johnny desperately tracking down Santa. Segments include Lola Heatherton's "Love Spirit" Christmas Special. Ed Grimley stars in "The Fella Who Couldn't Wait For Christmas." Rex and Edna Boil's Curio Emporium. Count Floyd's "Have Yourself a Scary Little Christmas." The lighting of the Melonville Christmas Tree. The Shmenge brothers explore Leutonian Christmas traditions. "Pre-Teen World Christmas Edition." Bobby Bittman and Jackie Rogers Jr. star in "Christmas - That's All." "You. with Libby Wolfson" looks at Chanukah.