Shadow and Bone (2021)

Every power has a price.

In a universe divided by an enormous wall of endless shadows, a novice warrior discovers an ability that could potentially reunify her nation. However, her journey to master this strength is complicated by sinister factions plotting her downfall. Criminals, outlaws, assassins, and saints are now at odds, and surviving this conflict will require more than mere magic. Shadow and Bone (2021) brilliantly combines elements of dark fantasy and thrilling adventure, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre.

Created by

Shadow and Bone: Season 1 - 8 Episode s

Shadow and Bone: 2 Season s

Other names for Shadow and Bone

Shadow and Bone (US)太阳召唤 (CN)暗黒と神秘の骨 (JP)Тінь і кістка (UA)Тінь та кістка (UA)Sombra e Ossos (BR)Sombra y hueso (ES)Shadow and Bone : La saga Grisha (FR)Σκιές και Οστά (GR)Saaya Aur Haddee (IN)Parchai Aur Haddi (IN)Tenebre e ossa (IT)Sombra y hueso (MX)Cień i kość (PL)Тень и кость (RU)ตำนานกรีชา (TH)Gölge ve Kemik (TR)太陽召喚 (TW)Shadow and Bone: Legenden der Grisha (DE)Сянка и кост (BG)Svetlo a tiene (SK)

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