Archstone of the Chieftain "Valley of Defilement" - World 5

March 2, 2009

Soulsborne - S1 - E5

Archstone of the Chieftain "Valley of Defilement" - World 5

This humid valley is a haven for the used and forgotten. Its inhabitants, afflicted by poison and plague, await their deaths in this forsaken place, attacking those who wander in, hoping to offer their souls to the one woman who showed them compassion. Swamp of Sorrow (5 - 2) swamp of sorrow location demon's souls remake wiki guide All that is unclean ends up in the giant swamp at the base of the Valley of Defilement. The swamp is a cesspool of putrilage, vermin, and plague. Rotting Haven (5 - 3) rotting haven locations demon's souls remake wiki guide 300px Beyond the swamp, filled with poisonous jellyfish and giant slugs is a cavern that absorbs all that is unclean, and a shrine of rotten trees erected in honor of a demon. Visitors offer souls to be freed from their notions of suffering.

Soulsborne: Season 1 - 5 Episode s