Sound of the Desert (2014)

Sound of the Desert traces the fate of Xin Yue, a young orphan who was adopted by the nomadic Xiongnu tribe. When political turmoil forces Xin Yue to flee, she finds herself in the company of two very different, but alluring men: Mo Xun, a kind soul, and Wei Wu Ji, a cold general. As Xin Yue travels throughout a vast desert of possibilities, she must ask herself who she loves most in this delicate dance of love.


Sound of the Desert: 1 Season

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Other names for Sound of the Desert

Legend of the Moon and Stars (US)Romance of the Desert (US)A Story of the Wolf Girl (US)Ballad of the Desert (US)Da Mo Yao (CN)Feng Zhong Qi Yuan (CN)대막요: 풍중기연 (KR)풍중기연 (KR)

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