Suicide Squad Isekai (2024)

In the crime-ridden city of Gotham, Amanda Waller, the head of A.R.G.U.S., assembles a group of notorious criminals—Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Peacemaker, Clayface and King Shark—for a mission into an otherworldly realm that's connected to this world through a gate. It's a realm of swords and magic where orcs rampage and dragons rule the skies. Can Harley Quinn and her crew conquer this perilous realm?


Suicide Squad Isekai: Season 1 - 10 Episode s

Suicide Squad Isekai: 1 Season

Other names for Suicide Squad Isekai

异世界自杀突击队 (CN)異世界自殺突擊隊 (CN)异世界自杀小队 (CN)X特遣队的奇幻之旅 (CN)Isekai Suicide Squad (JP)

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