Tales of Phantasia: The Animation (2004)
In the land of Midgard a bloodthirsty conqueror breaks the seal holding Dhaos, the Demon King whose goal is to eradicate all mankind. A few survivors of this destructive event have banded together in an effort to fight against the impending darkness and chaos. A warrior, cleric, witch, summoner, archer, and ninja make up the Heroes of Space and Time as they relentlessly pursue Dhaos in order to end his conquest of death.
Tales of Phantasia: The Animation: Season 1 - 4 Episode s
1x1 - Episode 1
November 25, 2004
After an attack on his home village of Toltus, Cress Albane is captured by the villain Mars and has his father's pendant stolen from him.
1x2 - Episode 2
February 25, 2005
After the destruction caused by the Magitek weapon, Cress and his companions journey on a mission to restore enough Mana in order to travel back to the "present".
1x3 - Episode 3
May 25, 2005
Cress finally gets his chance to confront Dhaos, but as he and his newfound companions battle him, Dhaos manages to slip through time into the future.
1x4 - Episode 4
February 24, 2006
As Dhaos' rampage threatens the very existence of the world, Origin reveals to the party the true nature of the Eternal Sword.
Tales of Phantasia: The Animation: 1 Season
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Shows like Tales of Phantasia: The Animation
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Hitori no Shita: The Outcast
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Princess Connect! Re:Dive
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Princess Connect! Re:Dive
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Persona4 the ANIMATION
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King's Raid: Successors of the Will
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Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV
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Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout the Animation
12 Episode s . Ryza is an ordinary girl. Tired of boring village life, she escapes the village to gather with her good friends in a secret location to talk of their dreams and plan thrilling adventures. One day, the determined Ryza and company decide to head for the forbidden "island across the shore" as their first exploration trip. Together with the alchemist and other friends they meet there, they have a "summer adventure" that they will never forget.
Elsword: El Lady
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Elsword: El Lady
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Xuan Yuan Sword Luminary
13 Episode s . * Based on a Taiwanese PC role-playing game series. In and Nei are two sisters who have wandering the land together ever since their village was destroyed by the villainous Taibai Empire. Their childhood friend, Shou, has been enslaved by the Taibai himself, and uses his brilliance at tinkering and inventing to get by as a slave to the Empire's whims. One day, In accidentally discovers a legendary sword, which grants her fantastic abilities in combat, and allows her to summon a mystical, mechanical fox spirit named Yun, who is sworn to fight by her side. Meanwhile, Shou is making fast friends with a mysterious young girl who just may hold a great amount of power within the Taibai Empire. As Shou and the Fu sisters find themselves increasingly caught up in the Empire's battle for supremacy over the land, it will take all of the magic and might that the budding resistance armies can muster to turn the tide of war once and for all. Source: ANN
Xuan Yuan Sword Luminary
13 Episode s . * Based on a Taiwanese PC role-playing game series. In and Nei are two sisters who have wandering the land together ever since their village was destroyed by the villainous Taibai Empire. Their childhood friend, Shou, has been enslaved by the Taibai himself, and uses his brilliance at tinkering and inventing to get by as a slave to the Empire's whims. One day, In accidentally discovers a legendary sword, which grants her fantastic abilities in combat, and allows her to summon a mystical, mechanical fox spirit named Yun, who is sworn to fight by her side. Meanwhile, Shou is making fast friends with a mysterious young girl who just may hold a great amount of power within the Taibai Empire. As Shou and the Fu sisters find themselves increasingly caught up in the Empire's battle for supremacy over the land, it will take all of the magic and might that the budding resistance armies can muster to turn the tide of war once and for all. Source: ANN
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Great Journey of Teenagers
112 Episode s . Wangyou, Master of Hanshui Temple died mysteriously and when the news about a golden coffin spreads throughout the world, it triggered disputes between the World of Martial arts. Join a group of youths, Lei Wujie, Xiao Se, Tang Lian, Sikong Qianluo, Heavenly Maiden Rui in their adventure as the mystery of the golden coffin unravels.
Puzzle & Dragons
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Puzzle & Dragons
339 Episode s . The story is set in modern day Japan following the growth of the protagonist Taiga Akashi, an elementary school kid who wants to be a professional gamer someday.