- wSerie
- TV Shows
- The Big 3 Podcast
- Season 1
- Episode 18
Trouble With Mole
The Big 3 Podcast - S1 - E18
At the top of the show, the guys squash some Internet rumors. They also have a conversation about inappropriate pictures, and do a bit of Oscar Trivia. Don and Perry then try to scam Mole through the powers of hypnosis. Perry reads a letter from Donna about her recent visit. They perform a very regal version of Mole Play, and a graphic segment of Guy Talk. The show wraps up with Perry’s Corner.
The Big 3 Podcast: Season 1 - 40 Episode s
1x1 - The Big 3 Podcast Premiere
October 15, 2010
Welcome to the premiere of “The Big 3 Podcast”! Don Barris, Walter “Mole” Molinski and “Scary” Perry Caravello make up “The Big 3”! Best known for their 2003 cult classic film “Windy City Heat”, and the number one rated public access show in America are back together again!
1x2 - Perry's Anger Management Exercise
October 22, 2010
The Big Three Podcast was highlighted by Perry singing once again to the shows' new friend and recently rescued Chilean miner, Juan. Don discovered that Dave Dameshek from the “Dave’s Of Thunder” podcast has tried to sabotage the show by putting up photos of Perry receiving oral and anal online. Sol Steinbergowitzgreenbaum’s leg injury from Perry’s attack is worse than everyone thought and has Perry go through an anger management exercise.
1x3 - Brest Cancer
October 29, 2010
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness week, the guys are all dressed in pink. They talk about the new ‘View Rule’ being instigated here at the ACE Broadcasting Network, and Don declares war on fellow ACE podcast, Dave's of Thunder. The guys try to get Perry to talk about the lawsuit against his family, and also find out Perry’s favorite Italian foods. They also reminisce about making spaghetti at Perry’s house, and talk with Donny about breaking a table in the recording booth. Everyone starts flipping through a JC Penny catalog to raise awareness for breasts. They then slip into Guy Talk, where Perry talks about having sex with a playmate and re-enacts how he seduced her. They also take a call from Mr. Adams, who informs them on the progress of their upcoming exercising video. Wrapping up the show, in a segment of Perry’s Corner, Perry talks about having the hots for Jersey Shore star Snookie, and the guys consider what would happen if Perry’s daughter started dating Don.
1x4 - Gay Bullied
November 5, 2010
Don announces the possibility of a great show since we have our first ever walk-in guest. He talks about the ongoing war with the Daves of Thunder podcast, and tells Perry to review Jackass 3D. They also listen to a couple voicemails Perry left, including one he left to a porn producer after being offered a porn role the other night. Perry insists he won’t do gay stuff, but Mole brings up a story that may prove otherwise. Andy Dick comes in studio, taking a hiatus from acting so he can promote the very serious cause of gay bashing and hazing. Perry is deeply opposed to being hit on by gay guys, and offends Andy to the point of almost leaving the studio. They also prod Perry to go into more depth about his gay encounter. For a segment called Mole Play, Mole attempts to direct a scene that re-enacts the experience that Perry had. Along the way, Perry threatens to break Andy Dick’s arm while Andy tries his best to coerce Perry out of the closet.
1x5 - The Big Com3back
November 19, 2010
At the top of the show, Don thanks the ACE Broadcasting network for allowing the show back on the air after a week long suspension. Perry apologizes to the homosexual community, listeners, and also to the staff for his inappropriate behavior. John Quincy Adams calls in with an update on The Big 3’s latest international success, and air a previously unheard commercial they recorded. They also take a call from their friend William Randolf Hearst, who’s concerned that Perry’s tendency to sue people will prevent them from getting work. Hearst stays on the line for a Guy Talk segment, and the guys discuss some really kinky sex they were involved in. Perry talks about his own explicit encounters, and makes a promise to never sue again. Wrapping up the show, the guys do a round of Mole Play, where Mole sets the scene and directs the conversation.
1x6 - The Birthday Show
November 26, 2010
Today is Perry’s birthday, and the guys are determined to make it the best birthday ever. Don and Mole sing a birthday song, and quickly play some fun birthday games. They also get a call from William Randolph Hearst, who wishes him a happy birthday. After a bit of champagne is poured, Don asks Perry to talk about his favorite birthday ever. Afterward, they get a call from Saul Steinbergowitz Greenbaum who updates everyone on the condition of his leg (and pending lawsuit) after Perry dropped a mic on it. There’s also a present from John Quincy Adams, and a race to see who can eat the most birthday cake. In the second part of the show, the guys do another round of Mole Play, this time re-enacting Perry’s seventh birthday. There’s also another segment of Perry’s corner, where Perry attempts to get political. All throughout the show, Mole cracks everyone up with jokes about old people.
1x7 - The Return of Terrifying Tim
December 3, 2010
Don had to meet with the ACE Broadcasting Network and forces Perry to apologize again for his foul language. Mole talks for a bit about potentially becoming a Jehovah’s Witness. Don puts a call out for potential sponsors. Perry thinks of who would be a good sponsor when John Quincy Adams calls . John mentions a possible connection to Little Lady Yorkshire Pies, but only if Terrifying Tim be part of it. Tim calls in which leads to a fight with Perry. Perry threatens to leave the show while Don and Mole begin planning episodes in Perry’s apartment. They ask Perry to list his rules if they want to film there. They also do a couple rounds of Mole Play, and Perry attempts to get through another segment of Perry’s corner.
1x8 - The Hanukkah Show
December 10, 2010
Don talks about the continuing Dameshek crisis and explains the need for advertising on the program and Mole comes up with a couple of clever advertising ideas. Don and Mole announce the official Hanukkah Toy Drive. Perry, however, doesn’t believe in the holiday, says his debt is high, and refuses to buy anyone gifts. John Quincy Adams calls in and the guys tell Jewish jokes and light a menorah. The gang plays dreidel with Saul Stienbergowitz-Greenbaum and former assistant Burt Ward. Perry complains that he doesn’t feel good, and wants to leave early. Mole tries to figure out his symptoms, which escalates to Perry getting hysterical while Burt tries to calm him down with a massage. The guys then attempt a special Hanukkah edition of Mole Play, and Perry struggles to get through Perry’s Corner.
1x9 - Auditions
December 18, 2010
Ace Broadcasting lays down the law and requests Don and Mole consider a replacement for Perry. Terrifying Tim and Guillermo from 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' come in to audition. They run thru a series of awkward moments, complicated questions, and a 3 way version of Mole Play in an attempt to get the job. A close friend of Perry's calls in the shed light on the nature of their relationship.
1x10 - A Very Big 3 Christmas
December 24, 2010
Don opens by talking with Perry about last week’s Terrifying Tim audition. Perry is sick as a dog, but Don yells at him anyway for trying to charge a fee for being here and for his bad language in general. Mole wishes everyone Merry Christmas from places around the world, and Don introduces a new sponsorship campaign. Intern Burt Ward returns for the holly jolly episode and brings presents for the guys. He also talks about his career since Windy City Heat and hints at his personal life outside the show. The guys also do a round of Guy Talk, where Perry talks about the girls you’d never guess he’d want to have sex with. Don announces two upcoming episodes in Perry’s apartment, much to Perry’s chagrin. The guys also discuss their favorite Christmas memories and play a North Pole theme round of Mole Play. Wrapping things up, Perry rails against Dameshek in Perry’s Corner, and attempts to sing Back in Black with a sore throat.
1x11 - Countdown to Midnight
December 31, 2010
Don welcomes everyone back for the last show of the year and tells everyone that 2011 is going to be The Big 3’s year. The guys talk about their hopes and dreams for 2011. Perry talks about some of his past relationships, including going to a party and hooking up with a couple of lesbians, the immigration issue, and talks with Mole about a Hollywood conspiracy. Perry goes over rules everyone must following when they visit his apartment. They play a bit of Mole Play as the seconds wind down, and wrap things up with another installment of Perry’s Corner.
1x12 - Best of The Big 3 Podcast I
January 7, 2011
This week on The Big 3, Don, Mole, and Perry present their very first Best Of show. The guys introduce some clips, even though Perry is still sick.
1x13 - The New Big 3
January 14, 2011
Today marks the first show without Scary Perry, but Don has a great show planned with Mole and Terrifying Tim. Don plays the final phone message he got from Perry with his new contract demands and also explains his troubled relationship with Perry. The guys also take some phone calls and get fan input about the loss of Perry. After this week’s Shoutout, Mole presents everyone with snowboards he bought for an upcoming trip. Terrifying Tim talks about his skateboarding company and also goes into details about his love life for a segment of Guy Talk. Instead of Perry’s Corner, the guys present Terrifying Tim’s Talk Time, where 2T discusses his first exciting 10 weeks in Hollywood. Don raises concerns that this may be the last episode and follows it up with an emotionally dramatic final round of Mole Play.
1x14 - Meeting in The Middle
January 28, 2011
Mole joins the show a little worse for the wear after a snowboarding trip with Don and Terrifying Tim. 2T’s still recovering, but Don promises a podcast unlike any other. The guys then jump into a brand new segment, until expected guests arrive…
1x15 - Superbowl Party
February 4, 2011
With Superbowl Sunday around the corner, the Big 3 dive into their Super Bowl special. Don and Mole give Perry a hard time for being a Bears fan and go deep in a round of "Guy Talk". Perry’s in a particularly good mood cause a lady friend is coming to town, and the guys get very explicit with their sex lives. After the " Shout Outs", the guys argue about their social networking sites. They also get a voicemail from the still-injured Terrifying Tim and start to speak about the contract they decided to write up last week, and the guys take a call from John Quincy Adams. The guys do some football talk and take out some cash for a little friendly competition. Mole also gives some handy Super Bowl Party Tips, and Don plays a couple of voicemails from Perry. After a Super Bowl themed Mole Play, the show wraps with an electrifying segment of "Perry’s Corner".
1x16 - Contracts
February 11, 2011
The Big 3 return to put their signatures on The Big 3 Agreement. Terrifying Tim drops by while recovering from his incident in Mammoth. Perry lays down the law until his attorney shows up with his client, Dominic Monaghan. They read through pages from the new Lord of the Ring script and discuss the making of Beat Town Heat. Other segments include, shout outs, Mole Play, Guy Talk, Perry's Corner, and a group sing-a-long of Back in Black.
1x17 - Baby On Board
February 18, 2011
The Big 3 welcome the one thing that should never be in the studio with them: an infant. They open the show discussing their current status with the ACE Broadcasting Network. Producer Brian brings in a surprise for Don, his daughter Donna. Burt Ward talks of his struggles. Later Don tries to recruit some outside help to raise his child. 60 seconds with Perry leads into the guys trying to prove why the podcast would be a great place to advertise. Also included is a segment of Guy Talk and a round of Mole Play involving Don's recent fender bender.
1x18 - Trouble With Mole
March 4, 2011
At the top of the show, the guys squash some Internet rumors. They also have a conversation about inappropriate pictures, and do a bit of Oscar Trivia. Don and Perry then try to scam Mole through the powers of hypnosis. Perry reads a letter from Donna about her recent visit. They perform a very regal version of Mole Play, and a graphic segment of Guy Talk. The show wraps up with Perry’s Corner.
1x19 - Vibrations
March 11, 2011
Mole and Don give Perry a hard time over a child's picture he sent and argue over whether or not he’s a sex offender. During this week’s Shout Out, the guys try to convince Perry to say some nice words about Terrifying Tim, followed by a JQA call. Slate and Matt are performers of the show’s theme song. Perry recalls some drinking stories from back in the day, though neither member is drinking anymore. It is followed up with an acoustic performance of ‘Vibrations.’ During Guy Talk, the guys discuss rock star pussy, wax play, and vampire girls. The guys also play a round of Mole Play. Wrapping things up, Perry’s Corner features some strong words to Charlie Sheen.
1x20 - Shut the F*** Up
March 18, 2011
Don and Mole are looking forward to recording in Perry’s apartment next week, but Perry has more rules to list off. The guys also work out this week’s shout outs and have an intense conversation about thievery. Mole is still trying to figure out how release the home version of Mole Play, Perry gives updates on the situation in Japan and shares a couple of topical jokes. Also included: A JQA phone call, Guy Talk, Mole Play, and Perry's Corner.
1x21 - Perry's Apartment Part I
March 25, 2011
The moment has finally arrived where Don and Mole (and some special guests) are welcomed by Perry into his apartment. The rules of Perry's "compensation jar", Perry's past, and a cooking segment are all part of the show. Mole reads a few letters from people who were injured while playing "Mole Play -The Home Game". They wrap up the show with a live version of Mole Play and Perry's Corner.
1x22 - Perry's Apartment Part II
April 1, 2011
This is the big final show before Perry goes in for neck surgery. A couple of surprise guests show up with apologies for Perry. In Perry's Corner, Perry talks about having people in his apartment. Don leads the group though an awkward round of Mole Play. The Big 3 discuss what will happen if Perry doesn't survive the surgery. A major confrontation comes to the forefront in the show's final moments.
1x23 - April Fools
April 8, 2011
Don, Perry, and Mole return after a couple of weeks abroad in Perry’s apartment. Perry is still pissed he hasn’t seen any money from the show, and Don calls ‘Moneybags Misraje’ in to explain the situation. The guys also dig through Perry’s fanny pack and talk to him about the politics in Egypt. Perry continues to prep for his neck surgery at the end of the month, but Don and Mole raise religious concerns about what the surgery may entail. They then roll through some of the show’s weekly segments, like Shout Out and Guy Talk. Mole requests that people submit their ideas for great inventions, and Perry lists off his order of favorite blow jobs. In the last section of the show, Perry reads his horoscope, and the guys do another round of Mole Play. Wrapping things up, Perry gives his 60-second ad and talks about the issue of Time in Perry’s Corner.
1x24 - Drama
April 15, 2011
The show opens with Perry’s concerns about somebody fucking with him. Don gets Perry’s agent Hank Greenberg on the phone, who helps clarify that Perry is contractually obligated not to sue anybody. Don stands up for his support of Perry, and the guys have an intense discussion about whether or not there’s a future for the podcast. After this week’s Shout Out, Mole puts the question out again for any interested inventors out there to submit their ideas. The guys also take a call from Carrie, Perry’s upcoming post-surgery caretaker. Don flirts with her and threatens to have sex with her if Perry tries to quit the show again. The guys smoothly transition into Guy Talk, and Don gives Perry one last chance to stop being an asshole. Later, the guys get some of their aggression out during a round of Mole Play, and Don reflects on a frightening drive into the studio today. The show wraps with a thank you to Mary Jane, as well as another segment of Perry’s Corner.
1x25 - Blame it on Rio
April 22, 2011
Don and Perry figure out where in the world Mole is. They read your " shout-outs". Perry does a little Wolfman Jack and talks about the upcoming Ding Dong Show, which is starting up again every Monday, at The World Famous Comedy Store. John Quincy Adams calls in. Perry gives his two cents on current events and they wrap up with "Perry’s Corner".
1x26 - Invest in Moleventions
April 29, 2011
After last week’s confusion, Mole is back from his trip to Rio and tells the guys what happened to him. They get updates on the latest legal woes from the Mole Play Home Game, and Perry is upset he may get sued as well. During the shout outs there is an argument over how the money is being split. Perry also gives his plugs for 60 seconds, and Mole talks about some Moleventions on the horizon. Before Guy Talk, Perry wants to know the plot of Bean Town Heat. They also find out more about the situation with Carrie, and even act out a couple conversations during a round of Mole Play. Perry reveals his frustrations during Perry’s Corner.
1x27 - Kidnapped
May 6, 2011
Don’s a little emotional at the top of the show today. Coupled with a voicemail from John Quincy Adams and a ransom note, Don and Perry learn that Mole has been kidnapped by Brazilians. Luckily, Uncle Frank is in the studio, and he helps lend his knowledge and expertise from being a retired cop. Burt Ward is also nearby, helping to take care of Don’s baby. The guys hear a segment from Burt Ward’s audiobook and roll through this week’s shout-outs. The guys also have a solid round of Guy Talk, where Uncle Frank discusses the most bizarre woman he’s ever dated. In the last part of the show, Perry talks about considering running for President in 2012. Don also hears some great old stories from Uncle Frank, including one involving Frank Sinatra. As the show winds down, Baby Donna and Uncle Frank are getting restless. The show wraps with Perry’s corner, and Uncle Frank supports Perry’s potential presidential run.
1x28 - Managing Miranda
May 13, 2011
At the top of the show Mole frantically explains where he’s been the last week and how the Mole Play Home Game ultimately saved his life. Don explains that Terrifying Tim is now personally involved in some well-known international political affairs, and the guys have to explain to Mole that Osama Bin Laden is now dead. Next up is a brand new segment: "Interesting Things We Didn’t Know About Perry". The guys discuss Perry’s involvement as the manager to an up-and-coming actress and he also clears up some messages being exchanged over Facebook. Since the show was recorded the Friday before Mother’s Day, the guys also talk to Perry about his Mom. During this week’s Guy Talk, the Big 3 reflects on watching a mud-wrestling match and find out more about Perry’s new client. They also spend time catching up with Perry as he’s about to go into surgery. There’s an intense round of Mole Play, and as the show wraps up, and Perry gets emotional about his mother and daughter during Perry’s Corner.
1x29 - Pies and Lies
May 20, 2011
1x30 - Last Day Before Surgery
May 26, 2011
At the top of the show, the guys discuss Perry’s upcoming surgery at long last. They take a surprise call from Terrifying Tim, who updates them on his new documentary project and skateboarding company. Perry and Tim hash it out about who copied whose career, and Perry lays down the law for how Bean Town Heat should be cast. Mole announces there’s been a surge of Moleventions, including an item inspired by Perry. The guys also read Perry’s will, in case he dies in the hospital. Guy Talk is up next, followed by Perry’s 60 Seconds and a heated round of Mole Play. The show wraps with Perry’s Corner, where Perry explains just what the Big 3 means to him.
1x31 - Best of The Big 3, Volume II
June 3, 2011
1x32 - Best of The Big 3, Volume III
June 10, 2011
1x33 - The Mattress King
June 17, 2011
1x34 - Believe In Dog
June 24, 2011
At the top of show, Don announces without a steady sponsor that this could be the second to last Big 3 Podcast ever. The guys then discuss what they’ll do next if the show is cancelled. Perry answers Don and Mole's questions, and gives everyone an education on the misconceptions about his religion. The guys take a look at the latest Bean Town Heat poster, and Mole introduces a new show segment that involves jellybeans. During this week’s Guy Talk, Don and Mole ask Perry which lucky ladies he’ll be meeting up with on the road on a comedy tour he's planning. Moving into Mole Play, Mary Jane helps guest star in a special scene dedicated to the church. During "Perry’s Corner", Perry talks about his friend Ginger Lynn’s involvement with the Anthony Weiner scandal. As the show wraps up, Don thanks all the loyal fans for their support, and the guys talk to Perry about his homophobia.
1x35 - Ind3pendence Day
July 1, 2011
At the top of the show, the guys try to explain the origins of Independence Day and why we celebrate the day. Mole talks about the new diet he’s on, and they briefly discuss Perry’s bygone drug days. The guys also take a call from John Quincy Adams, and roll through a segment of Guy Talk. Don is then pleased to announce a number of new sponsors, including Mattress King Neil Leeds and ASM Plumbing & Porn. The guys then do a second round of Guy Talk. During Mole Play, the guys re-enact the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and the show wraps up with Perry’s Corner, with Perry trying to make amends for arguing with Don so much.
1x36 - Foot Play
July 8, 2011
At the top of the show, Don and Mole discuss Sol Steinbergowitzgreenbaum’s birthday party, which Perry was not invited to. Mole creates a new nickname for Perry, and the guys argue about a car accident that happened right outside the studio. The guys also try out a couple of sponsor reads and get into an intense conversation about the military and homosexuality. During Guy Talk, Perry calls up an old friend he hung out with the night before. The guys discuss their past relationship and try to get Perry to ask her for more good times over the voicemail. Toward the end of the show, the guys attempt another historical round of Mole Play and discuss the backstabbing happening in the court system during Perry’s Corner.
1x37 - 5 Topics
July 15, 2011
Mole is MIA, and Don has a list of 5 important topics to discuss with Perry. The guys talk about the struggle to find sponsors, Perry’s unprofessionalism, and the future of The Big 3 Podcast. The guys move forward into this week’s Shout-Outs, and then attempt to do a couple commercials to help pay the bills. Speaking of sponsors, Neil Leeds once again joins the show to plug his mattress stores, and also discusses a potential live remote show from one of his locations. During Guy Talk, Perry talks about banging a porn star in a strip club, and Don and Neil discuss Sol Steinbergowitzgreenbaum’s party. Mary Jane then sings a song in place of Mole Play, and gets into a tiff with Perry over the lack of lyrics. The guys then talk about the importance of art, and Perry recalls his skateboarding and fighting days during Perry’s Corner.
1x38 - The HN Diet
July 22, 2011
Mole recaps the diet he’s been on since returning from Rio and claims that he doesn’t remember that he wasn’t here last week, and Don and Perry are very concerned for his health. During the " shout outs", a letter is read from a Canadian listener, and the guys act out the latest spot for ASM Plumbing. Later, Perry is asked a very tough hypothetical question, and the guys take another concerned phone call from John Quincy Adams. Neil Leeds swings by, and the guys discuss possibly adding a sleepover party element to the podcast that will be taped at one of Neil’s stores. They then wrap up the show with "Mole Play", and another intense edition of "Perry’s Corner".
1x39 - The World's Best Podcast
July 29, 2011
Don reminds everyone that this will be the second to last episode at ACE Broadcasting, and unfortunately Mole has had another incident and is now staying at a rehabilitation center. The guys then talk about Perry’s dad, and Don makes Perry apologize for his homophobia during an ad read. Later. Perry’s agent Hank Greenberg and his assistant, Becky Romaine, drop by later. Hank reminds Perry to keep his priorities straight, as mandated by the contracts they all signed, and Becky talks to Don about her mom’s obsession with bald men. John Quincy Adams also calls in to give an update on Mole. In the final part of the show, the guys allow Becky to help out with Guy Talk, and Mary Jane assists during a quick round of Mole Play. The show wraps up with Perry’s Corner, where the guys talk about the latest updates on the Bean Town Heat project.
1x40 - The Big Goodbye
August 5, 2011
Today will be the last Big 3 episode recorded at ACE Broadcasting studios. Mole’s back from rehab, and seems to be in shockingly great condition. He talks about his recent battle with drugs, and hints at a way for all the guys to be rich forever. The guys read ads from some sponsors and, during Guy Talk, Don talks about an encounter with Lady Gaga. Later in the show, John Quincy Adams calls in, the guys try to keep Mole off the dope, and everyone plays a round of Mole Play, which re-enacts how he got clean. As the show wraps up, the guys discuss their future plans, say goodbye to ACE Broadcasting, and participate in a big sing-a-long.