The Bill: Season 13 - 71 Episode s
13x1 - The Old Pals' Act
January 2, 1997
Conway leads a raid on an after-hours pub, but during the raid, both Hollis and Keane are injured. Meanwhile, McCann and Slater stop a young boy trying to make an exit through the fire escape and find him in possession of cannabis and a substantial amount of money. Brownlow is called in when the boy is discovered to be the son of the local district judge.
13x2 - All's Fair
January 3, 1997
McCann and Keane investigate when a man is found mugged having been sprayed in the face with Mace. Hours later, a woman arrives at the station claiming to have been attacked by a mysterious assailant, whom she rebuffed with Mace. Daly has to work out which party is telling the truth, and to prove it decides to speak to one of the man's previous victims.
13x3 - Man Trap
January 9, 1997
PC Dave Quinnan and WPC Norieka Datta go to the scene where a teenage boy has been found dead from a massive electric shock in the flat of one of his neighbours. Dave knows the boy as he has arrested him before for burglary they talk to the tenant he tells them that he came home to find his flat broken into and the boy dead. It looks like murder but who would want to kill him ? Dave discovers a secret about the tenant and WPC Page finds out that the victim's older brother may know more than he is letting on.
13x4 - Bad Debt
January 10, 1997
George Talbot a loan shark reports his business records stolen DS Don Beech and WDC Suzy Croft go to talk to him he is glad that Don is handling the case as he tells Suzy that the two of them are old friends. SGT Ackland and WPC Page respond to an anonymous 999 call about an a woman being assaulted in her home but when they get to the address they talk to the woman who lives there Janet Ford and her daughter Lorna despite having a bruise on her face she tells them it must have been a prank and that she got the bruise from walking into a door both June and Polly believe that she was beaten and that it was her Lorna who made the call but with no complaint being filed they return to Sun Hill. After over hearing Suzy joking with the others about Don's shady friends, DCI Meadows warns Don about who he associates with and doing them favours. Lorna comes into the station to talk to June and Polly she tells them what really happened that a man hit herbecause her mum didn't have money he sai
13x5 - Professional Opinion
January 14, 1997
PC Tony Stamp and WPC Debbie Keane go to the scene of an arguement outside a flat on on the Jasmine Allen estate between a man and woman, the man tells them that his wife is inside but the woman won't let him speak to her she tells them that his wife doesn't want to see him. They calm the situation down and persuade the man to leave as he is escorting him away the man tell Tony that she hasn't spoken to him since their sons funeral because she blames herself as he died after he took some of her methadone pills thinking they were sweets but he doesn't blame her he blames her doctor who he claims is prescribing to patients drugs in stronger than recommened doses, when he is later arrested for trying to attack the doctor DS Geoff Daly and DC Rod Skase investigate and in doing so without first checking the computer to make sure no one else is already investigating her almost ruin a drug squad case. After being told off by DCI Meadows he tells Geoff to help the drug squad detective Dave Mc
13x6 - Testament
January 16, 1997
DS John Boulton and WDC Suzy Croft invetigate the sudden death of an apparently healthy middle-aged woman who lived alone, the F.M.E tells them that it looks like she suffocated in her sleep which he says is unual for someone her age not to wake themselves if they're having breathing difficulties going through her belongings Suzy finds a few things out of place in an otherwise spotlessly tidy flat as well as the fresh flowers Polly found in the rubbish bin outside that lead them to belive that someone else had been inside the flat recently. her boss tells John and Suzy that she was a quiet person and he doesn't know of anyone from work who'd been to her home. They find from entries in her diaries that lead them to an old friend of hers he tells them that they had met up again recently for the first time in almost thirty years and had been seeing each other for dinner once or twice a week and that he went arond to see her the day she died but there was already a man there he describes t
13x7 - A Policeman's Lot
January 17, 1997
PC Garfeld objects when a guard from a private security firm catches a suspected burglar he, Debbie, Gary McCann and Nick Slater were chasing after they lose him and is only to happy to believe the suspect when he claims that the guard assaulted him he begins checking him out and finds he has a criminal record for assault and when the comes in with tools used in the break in that he claims he saw the boy throw over a wall when he was chasing him George accuses him of being violent in arresting the boy and manufacturing evidence. While on patrol PC Stamp and WPC Blake come across an elderly lady who has been knocked down and may have been robbed, as it in the area controlled by the security firm they go to their offices to see if any of them may have seen what happened but the bossis less than keen to help because of the hassle George is giving his guard. When he later does decide to help people are not only able to ruin the boy's alibi for the time of the burglary but clear up how the
13x8 - The Devil You Know
January 21, 1997
George and Debbie attend a call about a disturbance outside a community hall where a birthday party is going on inside they put out the name of the suspect wanted for causing criminal damage Dave recognises it, he has arrested him for drug dealing and burglary he and Nick pick him up and take him back to Sun Hill he tells them he was there because of the birthday girl Amanda Ray he wanted her to go with him to another party but her boyfriend made her stay he admits the criminal damage he did it to get back at her. Later when Debbie and George find Amanda collapsed outside the hall from a suspected drug overdose her father blames the boyfriend for giving her the drugs and his father a teacher at canley comprehensive for not supervising the party very well. After Debbie arrests the boyfriend at the hospital for possession of cannabis he talks to George off the record and the truth comes out about who bought the drugs.
13x9 - Once Bitten
January 23, 1997
When an ex-girlfriend of Sgt.Boyden who left him several years earlier because of his refusal to quit the police is arrested and brought in Sun Hill Matt finds himself caught between his feelings for and DS Grieg's investigation into a drug smuggling ring run by her husband and her brother in law, but it soon becomes clear to him what he must do when not only does Grieg's investigation implicate her it also looks like she has lied to him about why she left her husband but also that she may be using him to find out how much the police know about her involvement and to help her avoid getting arrested.
13x10 - Turnaround
January 24, 1997
A recently released paedophile is reported missing by his sister the only member of his family to stick by him when he was charged with abducting and raping a child she tells them it is down to his victim's father who has been harassing and threatening her and her brother since he got out of prison. DCI Meadows who ran the original case is reluctant to go after the father however DI Deakin persists and when DC Skase finds blood and other signs of a struggle in the man's garden shed but no body Meadows decides they have to talk the victim's father and that he shold be the one to do it he gets him to admit to following him and phoning him and his sister to tell them he should leave Sun Hill but he denies having seen him the day he disappeared or knowing what happened in his house. Later when evidence puts the father at the house shortly before he went missing Meadows and Deakin decide to follow him to let him lead them to where he is keeping him or where they buried the body but he leads
13x11 - Over The Fence
January 28, 1997
Sgt. Cryer and PC Loxton go to the scene of a disturbance between neighbours they manage to calm the situation down but when Steve recognises one of the neighbours from when he arrested him once a few years ago for burglary and then sees outside his house the box for an expensive computer which he suspects is stolen he and Bob find themselves drawn into another arguement between the two couples when they're both found to be in possession of computer equipment stolen during a ram raid robbery of a factory and each one claims to have bought it from the other.
13x12 - Grey Area
January 30, 1997
Irene Stanton a sister at St Hughes comes into the station to see DCI Meadows he agrees to talk to her even though he is busy so heand WDC Rawton listen to her as she tells them that last night Dr. Jonathan Forsyth helped an elderly woman to die she explains that herself and nurse Diana Holt were on duty and the patient Mrs. Southwell asked them to contact Dr. Forsyth and that when he came he told her and Diana to wait outside he then drew the curtain around the bed and when he came out told them she had passed away but she was suspicious because she saw him inject her with something other than the morphine he signed out from the dispensery then slip the vial in his coat pocket so she is sure he committed euphanasia so she came to the police rather than go through the hospitals official channels for fear they would cover it up. Jack and Liz Investigate they talk to Irene's Superior Angela Marant who tells them she is a good nurse and can't imagine she would make this up or that Fo
13x13 - One Big Happy Family
January 31, 1997
P.C. Garfield's complaint that Ch. Supt. Brownlow and Ch. Insp. Conway are out touch with real police work brings an unexpected response: Conway goes on a ride along with P.C. Page and Brownlow goes for a walkabout in the station - much to the annoyance of Insp. Monroe, who feels he is being spied upon, and Sgt. Boyden who doesn't want him hanging around in custody. Brownlow is in CAD and reprimands Nick over the air for not using correct radio procedure. When Boyden is called away, Brownlow takes charge of the custody area where he clashes with D.S. Boulton over a prisoner's detention review time. P.C. Stamp and P.C. Slater do their best to avoid returning to the station while Brownlow is on the prowl, until they take what they think is an easy call about a fight at a kids' football match that ends with Nick being punched in the face by an irate father who he then arrests for assaulting him and the match referee. Page and Conway get on the trail of two men posing as TV engineers to ga
13x14 - The Eye Of The Beholder
February 4, 1997
Datta is trying to secure a conviction in a domestic violence case, but the victim unwittingly leaves out important details when giving evidence.
13x15 - Say A Little Prayer
February 6, 1997
Quinnan and Page try to find the culprit who threw a television set from the balcony of a block of flats and narrowly missed Slater.
13x16 - Downfall
February 7, 1997
Daly and Skase investigate after a man is found dead at the foot of the stairs in his apartment block.
13x17 - True To Life Player
February 11, 1997
A football star's return to Sun Hill turns sour when he is accused of raping an underage fan. Boulton and Carver investigate
13x18 - Take Away
February 13, 1997
Ackland investigates a complaint from a prisoner that he was given a pizza topped with cigarette ends.
13x19 - Your Call Too
February 14, 1997
Croft and Skase disagree when they have to choose between investigating an assault charge and a cocaine deal.
13x20 - Breaking Up
February 18, 1997
Rawton investigates a woman's claims that her ex-husband's mistress is trying to kill her.
13x21 - A Price To Pay
February 20, 1997
Boulton tries to trap a roomful of crooks, but Greig gets his man.
13x22 - Just Looking
February 21, 1997
Boyden deals with a man stopped for soliciting who claims he was searching for his missing daughter.
13x23 - A Tangled Web
February 27, 1997
Deakin and Croft investigate when a man is found shot with his brother's wife, as two unhappy marriages reach crisis point.
13x24 - Rolling In It
February 28, 1997
Slater and Quinnan find drugs in a Lamborghini, but the owner blames his unemployed brother-in-law.
13x25 - Added Bonus
March 4, 1997
Greig tries to establish why a man has confessed to a burglary that he didn't commit.
13x26 - Holding On
March 6, 1997
Cryer and Blake respond to a young man's claim that his stolen car had his four-month-old baby inside, but Blake suspects that the man's wife may know more about her son's disappearance than she is letting on. The plot thickens when Cryer interviews the man responsible for stealing the young man's car and he claims that he fed information about the man's extra marital relations to his wife.
13x27 - Crime Management
March 7, 1997
DI Chris Deakin has a word to DS John Boulton about his team's informants. Boulton has done pretty well, but DC Tosh Lines hasn't recruited a snout for months. Under pressure, Lines tries to recruit Karen Walsh, the wife of the victim of a recent attack which he'd investigated, but she refuses to grass on her husband or his associates. Lines puts pressure on the Walshes' landlord Pat Beresford who he believes was responsible for the attack, and is delighted when Beresford contacts him offering information.
13x28 - Age Gaps
March 11, 1997
Boulton and Rawton try to persuade a teenage girl to turn informant after her boyfriend is attacked by drug dealers.
13x29 - In The Dark
March 12, 1997
A blind woman, Tracy Cooper, helps the police catch a dangerous sex killer. She doesn't realise, however, that the guilty party is her husband.
13x30 - Crying Wolf
March 13, 1997
Monroe is called in to mediate when a former mental patient is accused of threatening behaviour by his elderly neighbours.
13x31 - Confidence
March 14, 1997
Keane uses information supplied by a friend to help C.I.D. in an operation against a drug dealer.
13x32 - All For Love
March 18, 1997
Greig and Lines investigate an assault on a man who has previously killed two people in a drink-driving accident, and suspect that a relative may have sought natural justice.
13x33 - Only The Lonely
March 20, 1997
Deakin and Skase investigate a fire, and find that a mother's grief has had unexpected repercussions.
13x34 - Copier
March 21, 1997
Rawton investigates the assault of a woman in her new flat and tries to link the attack to an unsolved case.
13x35 - Fashion Victims
March 25, 1997
Slater and Garfield arrest a boy for selling stolen goods.
13x36 - Hook Line & Sinker
March 27, 1997
Beech investigates a woman who uses her sexuality to con her business partner and clients.
13x37 - No Claims Bonus
March 28, 1997
Croft is concerned when Boulton decides to use a former colleague, now down on his luck, as an informant.
13x38 - Joker
March 31, 1997
Beech and Croft investigate the killing of a stand-up comic.
13x39 - Typecast
April 1, 1997
Boyden and Page try to find who is responsible for a series of graffiti attacks.
13x40 - A Hard Rain
April 3, 1997
Boulton and Croft have to deal with rival drug dealers when a customer suffers tragic consequences.
13x41 - Rings On Her Fingers
April 4, 1997
Jarvis and Rawton investigate the ram raiding of a shop.
13x42 - Strang Meeting
April 8, 1997
Conway coordinates the search for an escaped sex offender and a missing teenager who was last seen in his company.
13x43 - A Bitter Pill
April 10, 1997
Rawton and Skase investigate an attempted suicide by an ill woman, and suspect her son and daughter of assisting her.
13x44 - Dial M For Marmalade
April 11, 1997
Meadows investigates a murder by strangulation and suspects the homeless schizophrenic man whom the victim had befriended.
13x45 - Sisters
April 15, 1997
Daly and Croft investigate the suspicious death of one of three sisters.
13x46 - Flesh & Blood
April 17, 1997
Beech investigates the sudden death of a baby on the night that his parents celebrated their anniversary.
13x47 - Parklife
April 18, 1997
Loxton and W.P.C. Keane deal with the burglary of a pharmacy and a violent stabbing.
13x48 - Two's Company
April 22, 1997
Greig and Croft investigate a burglary and discover that the married householder had been in contact with a girl through a "lonely hearts" column.
13x49 - Inside Edge
April 25, 1997
Meadows and Rawton investigate the assault of a prison officer.
13x50 - You & Me Versus The World
April 29, 1997
Boulton and Lines investigate a vicious hammer attack.
13x51 - Pay Back
May 1, 1997
Beech and Carver investigate a vicious attack, but have to piece the evidence together when neither the suspect nor victim can remember what happened.
13x52 - A Place of Your Own
May 2, 1997
Garfield and Page search for a missing teenager and come across a man who exploits children in care.
13x53 - Don't Want To Hear The Bad News
May 6, 1997
Daly and Skase investigate a burglary and uncover a deep rift between the suspect's girlfriend and her mother.
13x54 - It's Good To Talk
May 8, 1997
Monroe coordinates a search for the victims of a kidnapping.
13x55 - Split Second
May 9, 1997
Page ends up in a hostage situation following a failed armed robbery.
13x56 - Old Fools
May 13, 1997
Greig and Croft enlist the help of two pensioners to trap a team of burglars.
13x57 - Auld Lang Syne
May 15, 1997
A man found nursing a broken ankle in a private garden claims he was taking a short cut over a fence. Rawton does not believe him, but can she prove otherwise?
13x58 - Warnings
May 16, 1997
Boyden and Datta respond to an apparent sighting of a missing woman by her daughter.
13x59 - Calling Time
May 20, 1997
Boulton and Rawton investigate when a pub landlord is run over after giving Boulton information.
13x60 - Black & Blue
May 22, 1997
Jarvis and Keane arrest a nanny for stealing from her employers.
13x61 - A Bunch Of Fives
May 23, 1997
DS Don Beech is found brutally beaten in an alley adjacent to a Chinese restuarant. Whilst his colleagues wish to extract retribution, Brownlow attempts to use more amenable methods, leading to a race for both CID and Uniform to find his attackers. But was Beech on police business at the time?
13x62 - Short Sharp Shock
May 27, 1997
Boulton and Skase investigate a mugging, but the victim's father takes the law into his own hands
13x63 - Get You Back
May 29, 1997
Quinnan and Keane deal with a teenage girl with a broken nose who claims that her ex-boyfriend assaulted her.
13x64 - Powers Of Persuasion
May 30, 1997
Rawton and Boulton have to decide whether to find the driver of a car involved in a hit-and-run incident, or to prosecute the witness.
13x65 - A Rock & A Hard Place
June 3, 1997
Deakin and Carver come under pressure from Conway to find a vicious robber who has been preying on elderly victims.
13x66 - The Wrath Of God
June 5, 1997
Skase and Carver have to deal with a preacher who specialises in dodgy miracles.
13x67 - Knight Errant
June 6, 1997
Loxton struggles to cope with a young female suspect who makes no secret of her attraction to him.
13x68 - Punch Bag
June 10, 1997
Skase and Croft investigate the circumstances leading to a mother ending up unconscious at the foot of a stairway.
13x69 - Best Eaten Cold
June 12, 1997
Greig and Rawton investigate a journalist's claims that he acted in self-defence to stop an intruder.
13x70 - Lucky Day
June 13, 1997
DC Tosh Lines is going stir-crazy as DCI Jack Meadows has them transcribing interviews for the CPS. Asking Meadows if he can follow up a snout's information, Tosh heads for the Beckwith Arms pub, where he spots a dodgy motor. Approaching the owner, Pete Gapper, Tosh tries to ascertain if the car is stolen, and Gapper offers to sell him another car. Returning to the station, Tosh finds a furious D.I. Noble from the Stolen Vehicles Squad, who accuses him of compromising their operation. To make the best of the situation, and since Tosh believes this will be the suspect's last sale, he goes undercover to ensnare Gapper. As the police move in, Gapper pulls out a handgun, but the timely arrival of an SO19 team soon sees him arrested. Back at the station, Tosh is resentful that his younger colleagues get all the breaks and resources, but Meadows tells him that his experience earns him more respect than he thinks.
13x71 - For Richer For Poorer
June 17, 1997
Quinnan and Garfield look into the disappearance of a man reported missing by his mother, although his wife has her doubts.
The Bill: All seasons
S0: Specials
9 Episode s
S1: Series 1
11 Episode s
S2: Series 2
12 Episode s
S3: Series 3
12 Episode s
S4: Series 4
48 Episode s
S5: Series 5
105 Episode s
S6: Series 6
104 Episode s
S7: Series 7
105 Episode s
S8: Series 8
105 Episode s
S9: Series 9
155 Episode s
S10: Series 10
156 Episode s
S11: Series 11
149 Episode s
S12: Series 12
156 Episode s
S13: Series 13
152 Episode s
S14: Season 14
121 Episode s
S15: Season 15
87 Episode s
S16: Season 16
86 Episode s
S17: Season 17
86 Episode s
S18: Season 18
84 Episode s
S19: Season 19
105 Episode s
S20: Season 20
84 Episode s
S21: Season 21
89 Episode s
S22: Season 22
91 Episode s
S23: Series 23
86 Episode s
S24: Series 24
87 Episode s
S25: Series 25
65 Episode s
S26: Series 26
32 Episode s