A1 Skyraider - Trolls The Enemy With A Toilet Bomb" And "The Kitchen Sink"
The Fat Electrician - S3 - E10
A quick review of The U.S. Airforce's A1 Skyraider and historical breakdown of the time they troll the enemy with a toilet bomb" And "The Kitchen Sink"
The Fat Electrician: Season 3 - 48 Episode s
3x1 - Kamikaze Pigeon Guided Bombs: How They Work
January 8, 2023
A review and historical breakdown of Kamikaze Pigeon Guided Bombs.
3x2 - USAF New Rapid Dragon Weapon: A C17 Launching 45 Cruise Missiles
January 15, 2023
A quick review and breakdown of The U.S. Airforce's New Rapid Dragon Weapon: A C17 Launching 45 Cruise Missiles.
3x3 - Anti-tank Nerf Football Grenade - Yes, It's Real!
January 19, 2023
A historical breakdown of the U.S. Army's Anti-tank Nerf Football Grenade.
3x4 - War Tractor - Don't Mess With Farmers - John Deere A1/A2
January 22, 2023
A quick historical breakdown of the U.S. War Tractor - John Deere A1/A2
3x5 - Marines Outsmart DARPA's Advanced Al
January 29, 2023
A quick breakdown about the time U.S. Marines Outsmart DARPA's Advanced Al
3x6 - F-15 Eagle - The Most Gangster Fighter Jet Of All Time
February 5, 2023
A quick review and historical breakdown of F-15 Eagle - The Most Gangster Fighter Jet Of All Time.
3x7 - F-22 Raptor vs. Spy Balloon - Overkill?
February 12, 2023
A quick review and breakdown of a F -22 Raptor vs. Spy Balloon
3x8 - Toilet Sinks Submarine - Most Expensive Bowel Movement Ever?
February 19, 2023
A quick historical breakdown of how a toilet sinks a submarine.
3x9 - Greatest "Not A Tank" Of All Time - The Bradley Fighting Vehicle
February 26, 2023
A quick review and historical breakdown of U.S. Military's Bradley Fighting Vehicle.
3x10 - A1 Skyraider - Trolls The Enemy With A Toilet Bomb" And "The Kitchen Sink"
March 5, 2023
A quick review of The U.S. Airforce's A1 Skyraider and historical breakdown of the time they troll the enemy with a toilet bomb" And "The Kitchen Sink"
3x11 - America's Kamikaze Drone
March 12, 2023
A quick review of America's kamikaze drone the "Switchblade"
3x12 - The Bunker Busting Howitzer Bomb that Ended Desert Storm
March 19, 2023
A historical breakdown of the time America used a bunker busting howitzer bomb to end Desert Storm.
3x13 - Weaponizing Ice Cream In WWII
March 26, 2023
A historical breakdown of how American weaponized ice cream in WWII.
3x14 - America's Secret Underground Cheese Bunkers
April 2, 2023
A review and historical breakdown of the cheesiest conspiracy of all time. America's secret underground cheese bunkers.
3x15 - Bat Bombs - MORE Terrifying Than Atomic Bombs?!
April 12, 2023
A review and historical breakdown of America's Bat Bomb
3x16 - Anti-Tank Dogs & Explosive Rats - Insane Animal Weapons Used In WW2!
April 16, 2023
A historical breakdown of Anti-Tank Dogs & Explosive Rats the Insane animal weapons used during World War II
3x17 - 900 Sonic Booms Per Second - XF-84H Thunderscreech
April 23, 2023
A review and historical breakdown of U.S. Airforce's XF-84H Thunderscreech. The loudest plane in existence.
April 30, 2023
A historical breakdown of the British operation "Blue Peacock" AKA CHICKEN POWERED NUCLEAR LANDMINE
3x19 - The Most Gangster Politician Ever - Cassius Marcellus Clay
May 7, 2023
A historical breakdown of America's most gangster and un talked about politician of all time, Cassius Marcellus Clay
3x20 - BAZOOKA TANK - M50 Ontos - "The Thing"
May 14, 2023
A review and historical breakdown of the U.S. Marines M50 Ontos, "The Thing".
3x21 - The Greatest Attack Jet You've Never Heard Of- A-37 Dragonfly - "The Super Tweet"
May 21, 2023
A review and historical breakdown of the U.S. Airforce's A-37 Dragonfly - "The Super Tweet"
3x22 - Fight Fire With Nukes?
May 28, 2023
That time in 1966 the Soviet Union tried to fight a fire with nukes.
3x23 - 450 Marines Vs The Imperial Japanese Navy - Wake Island
June 4, 2023
A historical breakdown of the battle of Wake Island on December 11, 1941
3x24 - Winter Soldier OD's on METH, Becomes Unkillable - Aimo Koivunen
June 11, 2023
A historical breakdown of Finnish Special Operations Soldier Aimo Koivunen. The man who OD on Meth and trolled the Soviets for two weeks.
3x25 - America Stole A German Submarine And Stuck It In Chicago
June 19, 2023
A historical breakdown of U.S. Navy's hunter task force group 22.3 captured U-boat 515 on April 9, 1944
3x26 - America's Airborne Anti-hero - Jake "McNasty McNiece
June 27, 2023
A historical breakdown of America's Airborne anti hero - Jake "McNasty McNiece
3x27 - WW2 Veteran vs. HOA - Van T. Barfoot
July 4, 2023
A historical breakdown of the time a World War II veteran and Medal of Honor winner Van T. Barfoot took on his HOA
3x28 - The Most Gangster Marine Of All Time - Dan Daly
July 11, 2023
A historical breakdown of 2 time Medal of Honor winner U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Major Dan Daly.
3x29 - America Obliterates Half Of Iran's Navy In 8 Hours!- Operation Praying Mantis
July 18, 2023
A historical breakdown of The U.S. Navy's April 18, 1988 Operation Praying Mantis.
3x30 - The Last War Chief - Joe Medicine Crow
July 26, 2023
A historical breakdown of the Last Native American War Chief, Joe Medicine Crow
3x31 - US Navy's Unluckiest Ship With An Untouchable Crew - USS William D. Porter
August 4, 2023
A historical breakdown of U.S. Navy's unluckiest ship the USS William D. Porter
3x32 - Wrecking & Trolling The Germans With A Wooden Plane- DH-98 Mosquito
August 15, 2023
A historical breakdown of RFA DH-98 Mosquito
3x33 - Unrolling History: Military Grade Toilet Paper
August 23, 2023
A Fat Electrician history rant on military grade toilet paper
3x34 - America's War Horse Marine - Sergeant Reckless
September 3, 2023
A historical breakdown of U.S. Marine Sergeant Reckless. The Korean War horse.
3x35 - American's Freedom Fighter - Lewis Millet - "Fix Bayonets"
September 13, 2023
A historical breakdown of Medal of Honor winner U.S. Army Colonel Lewis L. "Bayonet" Millet.
3x36 - America's Million Sci-Fi Arsenal - The Advanced Combat Rifle Program
September 20, 2023
A historical breakdown of the time the government wasted Million tax dollars.
3x37 - Basically A War Crime - America's Future Weapon The XM-29
September 27, 2023
A historical breakdown of the U.S. Government committed a 150 year old war crime.
3x38 - World War Tree - Operation Paul Bunyan
October 5, 2023
A historical breakdown of the July 1953 Korean axe murder incident that almost started World War III and Operation Paul Bunyan.
3x39 - The Infamous Eager Beavers & Their Custom B17 Bomber -Old 666
October 13, 2023
A historical breakdown the infamous Eager Beavers & their custom B17 Bomber -Old 666.
3x40 - The Ghost of Bataan, Arthur Wermuth - A One Man Army With 116 Kills
October 20, 2023
A historical breakdown of U.S. Army Major Arthur Warmuth. The Ghost of Batan
3x41 - RAF's Legless Antihero - Sir Douglas Bader
October 29, 2023
A historical breakdown of British Royal Air Force's Group Captain Sir Douglas Bader.
3x42 - Angry Old Veteran vs. 700 Redcoats - Samuel Whittemore
November 4, 2023
A historical breakdown of farmer and soldier Captain Samuel Whitmore and the time he told 700 Readcoats to get off his lawn.
3x43 - America Dismantles Pirate Nations For Touching Their Boats - The Barbary Wars
November 14, 2023
A historical breakdown of that time America created the U.S. Navy to hunt pirates. And the Barbary Wars
3x44 - 43 Mailmen Fight The Germans - The First Battle Of WW2
November 21, 2023
A historical breakdown of the first battle of World War II. 43 Polish Mailmen VS a Nazi Battalion
3x45 - The Limping Lady - Deadliest Spy Of WW2 - Virginia Hall
November 30, 2023
A historical breakdown of Virginia Hall AKA the limping lady. The deadliest spy in WWII
3x46 - Biggest Logistical Flex Of All Time - Berlin Airlift
December 10, 2023
A historical breakdown of the Largest logistics flex of af all time that prove Communism Sucks! The Berlin Airlift
3x47 - Eggnog Riot At West Point - A Military Christmas Story
December 20, 2023
A historical breakdown of the Eggnog riot of West Point in 1826.
3x48 - The Berlin Wall: How Communism Turned East Germany Into A Prison State
December 30, 2023
A historical breakdown of communism and the Berlin Wall turning East Germany into Capitalism Vs Communism.