The Mask of Janus (1965)
The Mask of Janus is a British television series produced by the BBC in 1965. The series was set in the fictional European country of Amalia and dealt with the political interests of the British, American and Communist espionage communities within. Eschewing the action formula of its ITV contemporaries, the series dealt with more politically oriented plots such as defections to the west, awakening "sleeper" agents and the leaking of official secrets. As of 2009, 7 of the original episodes of this programme are still missing from BBC archives. A spin-off series called The Spies followed in 1966.
The Mask of Janus: Season 1 - 11 Episode s
1x1 - Them Is Anyone That Isn't Us
October 8, 1965
1x2 - And The Fish Are Biting
October 15, 1965
1x3 - The Sleeper
October 22, 1965
1x4 - Rendezvous
October 29, 1965
1x5 - The Public Interest
November 5, 1965
1x6 - The Devil You Know
November 12, 1965
1x7 - The Rack
November 19, 1965
1x8 - The Cold Equation
November 26, 1965
1x9 - The Arranger
December 3, 1965
1x10 - Why Not Call Me Kruschev?
December 10, 1965
1x11 - Arms And The Men
December 17, 1965