The New Adventures of Charlie Chan (1957)
The New Adventures of Charlie Chan is a British-American crime drama series that aired in the United States in syndicated television from June 1957, to 1958. The first five episodes were made by Vision Productions in the United States, before production switched to the United Kingdom under ITC Entertainment and Television Programs of America.
The New Adventures of Charlie Chan: Season 1 - 39 Episode s
1x1 - Your Money or Your Wife
August 9, 1957
1x2 - The Secret of the Sea
August 16, 1957
1x3 - The Lost Face
1x4 - Blind Man's Buff
1x5 - The Great Salvos
1x6 - The Counterfeiters
1x7 - The Death of a Don
1x8 - Charlie's Highland Fling
1x9 - The Patient in Room 21
1x10 - The Rajput Ruby
1x11 - The Final Curtain
1x12 - Death at High Tide
1x13 - The Circle of Fear
1x14 - An Exhibit in Wax
1x15 - Backfire
1x16 - Patron of the Art
1x17 - A Hamlet in Flames
1x18 - Dateline - Execution
1x19 - The Sweater
1x20 - The Noble Art of Murder
1x21 - Three Men on a Raft
1x22 - No Holiday for Murder
1x23 - No Future For Frederick
1x24 - Safe Deposit
1x25 - Voodoo Death
1x26 - The Ex-Patriot
1x27 - The Airport Murder Case
1x28 - The Hand of Hera Dass
1x29 - The Chippendale Racket
1x30 - The Invalid
1x31 - The Man in the Wall
1x32 - Something Old, Something New
1x33 - The Man with a 100 Faces
1x34 - The Point of No Return
1x35 - A Bowl By Cellini
1x36 - Without Fear
1x37 - Kidnap
1x38 - Rhyme or Treason
1x39 - Three for One
February 2, 1958
The New Adventures of Charlie Chan: 1 Season
Tags for The New Adventures of Charlie Chan
Other names for The New Adventures of Charlie Chan
Новые приключения Чарли Чана (RU)