Torchy and the Strange Animal
Torchy the Battery Boy - S1 - E16
When Torchy learns that the other toys are terrified of a ferocious monster in the caves, he investigates and discovers Sparky, a mild-mannered, lonesome dragon.
Torchy the Battery Boy: Season 1 - 26 Episode s
1x1 - Pom-Pom and the Toys
February 23, 1960
After his poodle and the neighborhood kids' toys are blown into outer space on kites, Mr. Bumble-Drop builds a robotic boy and a rocket ship for the lad to retrieve the lost playthings and pooch from a distant star.
1x2 - Topsy Turvy Land
March 1, 1960
Torchy arrives in Topsy Turvy Land, where he learns the toys have sprung to life, and Pom-Pom, the poodle, can speak. He helps Flopsy the ragdoll by replacing some of her lost stuffing with the puppy's fur.
1x3 - Torchy and Squish
March 8, 1960
Torchy meets Squish, an American space boy who's been stranded in Topsy Turvy Land. The boy decides to fly Torchy's rocket but promptly destroys it. Meanwhile, Pom-Pom bemoans the loss of her fur.
1x4 - The Building of Frutown
March 15, 1960
Torchy and his friends decide to hollow out the large fruit that grows in Topsy Turvy Land to make homes for themselves.
1x5 - Torchy and the Broken Rocket
March 22, 1960
While searching for cardboard to repair his rocket, Torchy meets Ting-a-Ling the bird, who tries to offer assistance.
1x6 - King Dithers
March 29, 1960
Torchy meets the daffy King Dithers, who offers a tube of cardboard to repair the boy's rocket but promptly gets rolled up in it.
1x7 - Torchy Returns to Earth
April 5, 1960
No one wants to return to Earth with Torchy, but when his battery dies, Pom-Pom comes to the rescue and brings the boy home to Mr. Bumble-Drop.
1x8 - Bossy Boots Goes to Topsy Turvy Land
April 12, 1960
Mr. Bumble-Drop tricks Bossy Boots into flying to Topsy Turvy Land with Torchy, and she quickly becomes irritated, realizing that in this strange world, Flopsy the ragdoll has become her equal.
1x9 - Bossy Boots Is Taught a Lesson
April 19, 1960
Torchy and the toys treat Bossy Boots as badly as she's treated them.
1x10 - A Bell for a Penny Farthing
April 26, 1960
After a mishap, Pilliwig the Clown insists Torchy can't ride his bicycle again until he outfits it with a bell.
1x11 - A Trick on Pom-Pom
May 3, 1960
Pom-Pom becomes absorbed with her own vanity, so the toys decide to teach her a lesson.
1x12 - Torchy Is Stolen
May 10, 1960
Soon after arriving back on earth, Torchy's battery runs down. He's discovered by Mrs. Meanie-Mouth, who takes him home as a gift for her rotten son, Bogey.
1x13 - King Dithers Loses His Crown
May 17, 1960
The hunt is on for King Dithers' crown, which is discovered in the possession of Pollikan, a strange bird with a penchant for shiny objects.
1x14 - Pilliwig Gets A Present
May 24, 1960
Pilliwig the Clown is depressed because everyone's grown weary of his jokes, so Torchy introduces him to Ena, a giggling hyena who resides in Topsy Turvy Land.
1x15 - Bad Boy Bogey
May 31, 1960
Torchy brings Bogey to Topsy Turvy Land to teach him to behave, but the brat brings along his toy pirate, Pongo, who steadfastly refuses to return to Earth.
1x16 - Torchy and the Strange Animal
June 7, 1960
When Torchy learns that the other toys are terrified of a ferocious monster in the caves, he investigates and discovers Sparky, a mild-mannered, lonesome dragon.
1x17 - Bossy Boots Forgets to be Good
June 14, 1960
When Torchy learns that Bossy Boots has reverted to her former ways, he lures her back to Topsy Turvy Land with the promise of a party in her honor, but instead, he forces her to feed Clinker, the money box she's been starving.
1x18 - The Hungry Money Box
June 21, 1960
After discovering King Dithers does not need cash, Pongo the pirate decides to steal Clinker the money box's private reserve. Clinker complains of hunger, so Torchy uses his magic light and eventually finds a fruitful money tree.
1x19 - The Naughty Twins
June 28, 1960
When Torchy returns home to visit Mr. Bumble-Drop, his battery dies, so terrible twins Bobby and Babs take him home and lock him in a chicken pen. To get even, Mr. Bumble-Drop lures them into Torchy's rocket with a bag of candy.
1x20 - The Twins Learn a Lesson
July 5, 1960
Torchy instructs King Dithers to lock Bobby and Babs in the dungeon, but when his highness proves to be unfit for the simple task, it's up to Pollikan to dole out punishment.
1x21 - King Dithers Goes Down to Earth
July 12, 1960
Torchy gets stranded on Earth, so King Dithers agrees to retrieve him, but he takes a wrong turn and faces the man on the moon, who's decided to go on strike.
1x22 - Torchy Is Saved at Last
July 19, 1960
King Dithers and Polliken bid farewell to the Man on the Moon by fitting him with sunglasses so he can sleep through the day. Meanwhile, Mr. Bumbledrop and Torchy plan to reward Bossy Boots for her exemplary behavior by bringing the girl along to Topsy Turvy Land. Unfortunately, they learn that she's been in bed for a week, playing sick to keep from going to school.
1x23 - Torchy and the Man on the Moon
July 26, 1960
Torchy decides to stop on the moon for cheese when he takes Mr. Bumbledrop home.
1x24 - Bogey and the Statues
August 2, 1960
Torchy visits Mrs. Meaniemouth to get medicine for Mr. Bumbledrop. Her son, Bogey, takes Torchy captive and forces him to watch as he destroys the park statues.
1x25 - The Moon Falls Asleep
August 9, 1960
When darkness envelops Topsy Turvy Land, Torchy and Flopsy discover the man on the moon has overslept.
1x26 - Torchy's Birthday
August 16, 1960
Torchy feels left out as all of the toys secretively make plans for his birthday.