- wSerie
- TV Shows
- Unus Annus
- Season 1
- Episode 18
1 Man 100 Accents
Unus Annus - S1 - E18
Ethan is a man of many talents. Accents is one of them. Watch and be amazed as he regales you all the accents of the world.
Unus Annus: Season 1 - 68 Episode s
1x1 - Unus Annus
November 15, 2019
The first episode and explanation to the year long series "Unus Annus" explains the purpose, duration, fate, and the hoped outcome for the channel
1x2 - Cooking with Sex Toys
November 15, 2019
Mark and Ethan use a variety of sex toys as substitutes for kitchen utensils to make pancakes and a bacon omelet.
1x3 - Purging Our Sins with a Neti Pot
November 16, 2019
Mark and Ethan prepare their bodies for the afterlife with a Neti Pot Cleanse. This horrifying contraption is designed to clear the sinuses through the application of clean water and brute force.
1x4 - Hot Dog'd to Death
November 17, 2019
The boys chase their dreams of joining Joey Chestnut in the MLE hall of fame.
1x5 - Making Our Own Sensory Deprivation Tank
November 18, 2019
Sensory Deprivation Tanks allow you to slip away from the noise of reality. The physical world melts away to reveal a deeper understanding of one's self and the world as a whole. But they're expensive. So we made our own.
1x6 - The Good Kind of Cupping 🙂
November 19, 2019
Speed Cup Stacking is a time honored tradition enjoyed by thousands across the globe. Mark and Ethan attempt to learn the ways of the cup to see if they can compete in the global cup arena.
1x7 - The Bad Kind of Cupping 😐
November 20, 2019
To be clear, Cupping Therapy isn't bad. Mark and Ethan are bad. Cupping Therapy is an ancient healing art that involves vacuums and cups. Mark and Ethan know nothing about it but are committed to trying it for and on themselves.
1x8 - The Worst Kind of Cupping 😨
November 21, 2019
It's been 12 Years since a certain video about girls and a cup hit the internet... and it's never been the same since. Mark and Ethan google deep to discover where they are now... Also Mark has never seen it...
1x9 - Ethan Will Be Kicked in the Balls
November 22, 2019
It is inevitable. It is inescapable. Your fate is sealed, Ethan. Run if you must but it's coming for you all the same.
1x10 - Doing Each Other's Makeup in the Dark
November 23, 2019
In preparation for the darkness of the void beyond, Mark and Ethan practice doing each other's makeup in a pitch black room. Which one will get mascara in the eye?
1x11 - Baby Hands Operation
November 24, 2019
Mark and Ethan strap on their baby hands and get straight to their most important job: Saving lives.
1x12 - Mark and Ethan Summon a Ghost
November 25, 2019
In November of 2019, Mark and Ethan went missing. The only piece of evidence that investigators could find was this tape. Be warned; what you are about to see is disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.
1x13 - 2 Truths and 1 Lie -- Waxing Edition
November 26, 2019
2 Truths and a Lie is a great way to get to know each other! But why not throw waxing in the mix to spice up the recipe? Also Ethan is going to take a bat to Mark's van very soon.
1x14 - Poopsie Sparkly Critters (a slime surprise...)
November 27, 2019
Poopsie Sparkly Critters are the latest and greatest slime toy sensation. Will they spit or will they poop? This question has been plaguing humanity for all time. Today... we answer it once and for all.
1x15 - Plah-Doh Thanksgiving
November 28, 2019
Mark and Ethan are ready to celebrate their last Thanksgiving with you! And with Play-Doh! The tasty treat that's fun to play with and not to eat! Don't eat Play-Doh.
1x16 - Helium Therapy
November 29, 2019
As their voices grow higher, Ethan and Mark's friendship grows stronger.
1x17 - Drawing Memes from Memory
November 30, 2019
These memes are dead. Long gone and long forgotten. But we cherish the memory of these memes by bringing them back from the depths of our subconscious and reacting to each other's interpretations of said memes.
1x18 - 1 Man 100 Accents
December 1, 2019
Ethan is a man of many talents. Accents is one of them. Watch and be amazed as he regales you all the accents of the world.
1x19 - An A.I. Predicts How We're Going to Die
December 2, 2019
A.I. is advancing at an incredible pace and Talk to Transformer is the latest example of Artificial Intelligence being used in new and slightly scary ways. Can this A.I. predict how we will die?
1x20 - Mark Turns Ethan into a Mummy to Prepare Him for the Great Beyond
December 3, 2019
Mummification is the key to eternal life after death. The ancient Egyptians went to great lengths to make the best mummies possible. Now, thousands of years later, with the help of modern technology we have perfected the process.
1x21 - The Chubby Gummy Challenge
December 4, 2019
Chubby Bunny is so last decade. We're bringing challenge videos into the 2020s with the Chubby Gummy Challenge. And yes... it's just as gross as you'd think.
1x22 - We Buy a Professional Hypnosis Video and React To It
December 5, 2019
Hypnosis is the art of suggestion. And in 2019 there just so happens to be professional hypnosis videos for sale on the internet! So we buy one and hypnotize ourselves by reacting to it.
1x23 - Mark and Ethan Attempt an Escape Room
December 6, 2019
Escape Room... such a simple concept. You are trapped in a room and you have to escape. If you fail, the darkness will take you. Ethan and Mark venture to The Basement in Los Angeles to attempt their most devious escape room yet... THE COURTYARD.
1x24 - Ethan Destroys Mark's Van with a Bat
December 7, 2019
Following their challenge from "The Good Kind of Cupping🙂," Mark and Ethan failed to reach two million subscribers in less than a week. As part of their bet, Ethan vandalized Mark's van with a bat.
1x25 - There's Still Hope...
December 8, 2019
The Barrel has left us and is with the great mechanic in the sky... but there may still be hope. Through the power of song, we may be able to bring her back. Upload your video using #RIPTheBarrel in the description and we'll pick the winner one week from now. Who knows, maybe... just maybe, we'll be able to make a miracle happen.
1x26 - Ethan Gives Mark a Viking Funeral
December 9, 2019
A Viking Funeral is when you send your dearly departed down a river on a boat and then light that boat on fire with a flaming arrow. Probably not historically accurate but neither is our recreation.
1x27 - The Great Meat Mistake
December 10, 2019
The boys call upon their German heritage to help them stuff the most delicious sausages in the world.
1x28 - Acupuncture Is NOT Painful
December 11, 2019
Mark and Ethan open their inner eye’s through the power of Acupuncture
1x29 - Floating in a Real Sensory Deprivation Tank
December 12, 2019
We tried to make a sensory deprivation chamber and failed miserably. Now... we go to the real deal. With 1500lbs of salt and a whole bunch of water, you'll float to!
1x30 - Mark Reviews The Impossible Burger But There’s a Looming Sense of Impending Doom
December 13, 2019
Mark reviews Burger King's Impossible Whopper, with Ethan standing behind, waiting to shoot Fischbach in the back with a paintball gun if he were to mention one of the several words written down on a flip chart behind him. Seeing as Ethan shot Mark twice by accident, the two agreed for Fischbach to return the favor at a later date.
1x31 - We Made Nude Paintings of Eachother
December 14, 2019
Just 2 bros making nude paintings of eachother in the buff. Nothing wrong with it. Nothing right with it either but that's not the point.
1x32 - You Made Beautiful Music for The Barrel... But Only One Could Win
December 15, 2019
You blew us away with the incredible music you crafted in honor of The Barrel. Now The Barrel can live on in our memories. All of the participants in this video are linked below. Please send love to them and everyone who made music by searching #RIPTheBarrel
1x33 - We Had To Drink Each Other's Pee
December 16, 2019
Through the power of the Life Straw, Ethan and Mark taste each other's urine.
1x34 - Ethan Explores Mark's Haunted Basement
December 17, 2019
Strange noises have been emanating from Mark's basement. He dares not venture down there. He is no fool. But he knows a fool. He knows the most foolish fool there is...
1x35 - Giving Away Our 1,000,000 Subscriber Gold Play Button
December 18, 2019
You helped us reach our goal faster than we ever thought possible. And true to our word, we set out to hand deliver the Golden Play Button directly to one of you!
1x36 - Ethan’s Relaxing and Totally Normal Nail Salon 💅🏼
December 19, 2019
As an act of friendship, Ethan attempts to calm Mark's stress with a little spa time.
1x37 - Taped and Afraid
December 20, 2019
Mark wants to be immortalized in a sculpture but marble is too expensive and experts even more so. Thus the only options left are a Tape Sculpture and Ethan... what's the worst that could happen? Surely Ethan wouldn't be foolish enough to tape Mark's mouth over so he can't breathe right? ...right?
1x38 - What Was The Most Painful Thing We've Ever Endured?
December 21, 2019
We're bringing Tier Lists into the 2020s with our Pain Scale to benchmark our most painful experiences.
1x39 - Donating Toys to Charity w/ JackSepticEye
December 22, 2019
In the spirit of giving, we set to work to fill up Mark's sleigh with the help of our good pal JackSepticEye
1x40 - Harnessing Our Dogs' Unlimited Energy
December 23, 2019
Like Icarus who came before them, Mark and Ethan fly too close to the sun. Or at least... they attempt to fly. Shoot for the moon and you'll land among the stars. Shoot for the north pole and you'll land about three inches from where you started.
1x41 - Santa's Mukbang (Drinking 1 Gallon of Eggnog)
December 24, 2019
Mark and Ethan attempt to match Santa's insatiable hunger by consuming a mere fraction of the egg nog and cookies that Santa eats every Christmas.
1x42 - Forcibly Turning Mark Into Santa Claus Against His Will
December 25, 2019
In an attempt to complete the circle of life, Ethan turns Mark into Saint Nick.
1x43 - Preserving Ourselves In Wax
December 26, 2019
Improving our minds, bodies and souls is our #1 priority, so to preserve our temples of flesh even more, we dipped them in wax.
1x44 - Beating Inanimate Objects to Death
December 27, 2019
In search of a controlled environment to let out their anger, Mark and Ethan visit Rage Grounds in Los Angeles. No bottle, mug, or friendship is safe when the boys get a lead pipe in their hands.
1x45 - Emotional Pain vs Physical Pain... Which is Worse?
December 28, 2019
Here at Unus Annus we've already rated our worst Physical Pains... so now it's time to rank our Emotional Pain. Watch with care as we discuss the most traumatic experiences of our lives.
1x46 - Duct Tape Crucifixion (Amy, Please Don't Watch This Video)
December 29, 2019
Crucifixion was abolished a long time ago but no one was around to stop us so we took some duct tape and tried to attach each other to the walls and doors. Amy, please don't watch this video.
1x47 - You Blink You Lose
December 30, 2019
Mark and Ethan challenge each other to a staring contest. After 10 minutes, Ethan falters, losing to Mark. As punishment, Mark deletes Ethan's "I Want To Believe" video from his CrankGameplays channel.
1x48 - 2 Grown Men Attempt the Presidential Fitness Test
December 31, 2019
The Presidential Fitness Test is a benchmark to see if the youth of America are up to the arbitrary standards of fitness set forth by the government. Are we still up to the task? Are we still fit?
1x49 - We Took The Polar Plunge
January 1, 2020
There is only one RIGHT way to start a new year: By submerging yourself in freezing cold water. #ColdusAnnus
1x50 - Hiding Our Sins from Amy's Holy Peepers
January 2, 2020
Time has run out. Amy has returned. Will we be able to cover up the evidence of our sin from Amy's eternal peepers?
1x51 - We Eat Bugs
January 3, 2020
Bugs are all around us. Tiny little morsels of nutrition just waiting to be cronched. Would you monch an insect? We did...
1x52 - DIY Bungee Jump (please don't try this)
January 4, 2020
A bungee jump is a great way to get an adrenaline rush but it's so expensive! So we decided to make our own DIY Bungee Jump right in our backyard! What could go wrong?
1x53 - We Have The BEST Thumbnails on YouTube and No One Can Tell Us Otherwise
January 5, 2020
Mark and Ethan go into the deep, dark depths of YouTube in search of the best and worst thumbnails.
1x54 - Who Can Make Themselves Taller?
January 6, 2020
We are perfectly average humans in every single way. But with the power of technology can we BUILD ourselves taller?
1x55 - The Sensory Overload Tank
January 7, 2020
SEIZURE WARNING!! What's the opposite of a sensory deprivation tank? A SENSORY OVERLOAD TANK! Ice bath + Eating Garlic + Bath Bombs + Strobe Lights + Air Fresheners + Loud Music + Icy Hot + Megaphone +...
1x56 - Recreating Ourselves as a Cursed Mannequin
January 8, 2020
We won't be around forever... so what better way to immortalize ourselves than recreating ourselves as a cursed mannequin? This certainly won't come back to haunt us...
1x57 - We Took an IQ Test
January 9, 2020
It's finally time to find out who has big brain and who has smol brain.
1x58 - Ethan Finally Becomes a MAN
January 10, 2020
Mark teaches Ethan the ways of becoming a man... through hard MANual labor. Little does Ethan know the painful surprise that also comes with growing up...
1x59 - Mark and Ethan Go Casket Shopping
January 11, 2020
Mark and Ethan browse A Better Casket (ABC Caskets) for the most suitable coffin to be laid to rest in, as preparation for their channel's inevitable demise in November of 2020.
1x60 - We Take a Lie Detector Test to Uncover Our Darkest Sins
January 12, 2020
For as long as humans have been able to speak, we've been able to lie. But thanks to modern lie detector technology, we can finally uncover the truth.
1x61 - Learning to Breathe Underwater
January 13, 2020
Just two dudes in a hot tub...
1x62 - Fixing Mark's Hole with Ramen but Every Time We Add Glue We Get 5% Closer to God
January 14, 2020
In an attempt to fix a hole in the drywall made by Mark in "2 Grown Men Attempt the Presidential Fitness Test", Mark and Ethan pad out the hollow wall with ramen and dissolve its contents with super glue to fill up the gap, in accordance to a life hack YouTube video Mark watched before filming the episode. Every time they apply glue, the video becomes slightly distorted, until the two collapse in an exaggerated manner from inhaling the adhesive substance. The end of the video features a short compilation of all #ColdusAnnus winners.
1x63 - Mark Steals Ethan’s Face
January 15, 2020
In an effort to steal his identity, Mark makes a mold of Ethan's face. **THIS IS NOT A TUTORIAL.** We left out lots of vital information necessary to pull this off safely. If you're interested in making your own face mold, there are many comprehensive tutorials on Youtube that can teach you. Always do your research and have a safety plan in place! Unus Annus!
1x64 - You Breathe You Die
January 16, 2020
Mark and Ethan challenge each other to see who can hold their breath the longest, with the round format being best of 5. After winning 3-2 against Mark, Ethan gets to delete one of Fischbach's YouTube videos from the "most popular" assortment.
1x65 - 2 Absolute Beginners Experience the Dancing Glory that is Salsa
January 17, 2020
Salsa is the ancient art of dance whereby the dancers express thoughts and emotions through the undulations of their hips. We attempt to learn the mysterious ways of this sanctified dance.
1x66 - DIY Geriatric Simulator
January 18, 2020
What does it feel like to be old? Well now you can find out with our patent-pending geriatric simulator!
1x67 - This Is How We'll Die...
January 19, 2020
Mark and Ethan sort various life ending scenarios on a tier list to determine which one is most likely going to be the catalyst behind their inevitable deaths. Most of the examples shown in the video are done as a joke, either being heavily exaggerated or unrealistic.
1x68 - We Cryogenically Freeze Ourselves
January 20, 2020
Long have men dreamed of eternal life. Walt Disney famously froze himself to awaken in a world ruled by The Mouse. Today we embark on that very same, frosty journey.