Van Helsing (2016)

In the thrilling TV show Van Helsing (2016), Vanessa Helsing, offspring of the renowned vampire hunter, Abraham Van Helsing, awakens from a five-year slumber to a world dominated by vampires. Discovering her exceptional power over these nocturnal beasts, she becomes the last beacon of hope for humanity. Armed with her unique abilities, Vanessa is tasked with spearheading a counteroffensive to reclaim what the vampires have seized from mankind.

Created by

Van Helsing: Season 1 - 13 Episode s

Actors in Van Helsing

Other names for Van Helsing

Van Helsing (US)וואן הלסניג (IL)Ван Хелсінг (UA)Βαν Χέλσινγκ (GR)반 헬싱 (KR)Ван Хелсинг (BG)

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