- wSerie
- TV Shows
- Virtues Of Harmony II
- Season 1
- Episode 317
Episode 317
Virtues Of Harmony II - S1 - E317
LAU KAM sighs that he has no excuse to be late for work and leave work early anymore after NAM moves into the same building. GUCCI bumps into NG SAU on the back stairs. Neither will give way, so they slip and fall down the stairs together. Someone plays a practical joke on NG SAU and NAM by ringing their bell. They are very annoyed. NG SAU comes to the Honey Cave to try to find out who did it. Someone suggests that he might have offended someone. He suspects that GUCCI is the one.
Virtues Of Harmony II: Season 1 - 101 Episode s
1x267 - Episode 267
May 11, 2004
Roger asks JOE why she does not want to sign the contract. SING takes all the blame. LAU KAM and the others want to visit Taiwan. Unfortunately, LAM asks them to hand in an urgent proposal when they are about to leave the office. KELLY and the others want to leave with an excuse. SING asks for sick leave. LAM thinks he is faking it and scolds him. LAU KAM and the others miss the plane and go home. LAM visits the KIMs and demands to work at their home. SING falls asleep on the sofa after taking some medicine. LAM realizes that he is really ill. LAU KAM reads about how to curse the boss from a magazine and wants to try it out on LAM. He is thrilled to see it works.
1x268 - Episode 268
May 12, 2004
ATHENA knows that LAM has a rash and uses the excuse of fearing catching it to take some leave. SING finds out from SAU about the curse and feels very uncomfortable about it. LAM uses some tricks to punish the staff. LAU KAM is appointed to clean the toilet. The female staff fears that LAM will torture them in other ways. When LAM invites them to try out a free slimming programme, they worry that it is a trap.
1x269 - Episode 269
May 13, 2004
LAU KAM and MARCO advise KELLY and KITTY to form a “Handbag Team” with LAM so as to get closer with LAM. When the four are late the next morning, they receive a warning letter from LAM threatening to punish them. ATHENA asks the staff to handle her personal business. LAM deliberately assigns them work to help them out. They are friends with her afterward. TODAY and FRANCIS go to shop for some cosmetic items and FRANCIS is mistaken for a woman. When they go to buy some clothes, he buys a woman’s outfit the same as TODAY’s and a paparazzo takes a photo of him. He takes some soup and an embroidery cardigan to the TV station for TODAY. MAY sees him and laughs at him being so feminine. He is pulled in to act as a woman extra at a scene. TODAY sees him dressed up in woman’s clothing and gets in a rage.
1x270 - Episode 270
May 14, 2004
TODAY later finds out from GEORGE that FRANCIS was not like that when he was little. She goes to Sai Kung with GEORGE to simulate the scenes. Then they decide to hypnotize FRANCIS to ease his psychological fear. They take him to Sai Kung and repeat the scenes.
1x271 - Episode 271
May 17, 2004
TODAY and GEORGE find out that FRANCIS was once bitten by a snake. Then he had a fever caused by GEORGE. FRANCIS finds out by chance that TODAY does not want him to be so feminine, so he goes to a fitness centre and sunbathes on a beach. However, things do not work out. TODAY suggests he should learn from another man. They find out that all the girls think that LAU KAM is the man of all men. FRANCIS decides to learn how to be a man from him.
1x272 - Episode 272
May 18, 2004
FRANCIS buys movie tickets for LAU KAM and KITTY and follows them around. KITTY gets annoyed when he constantly leans against LAU KAM. LAU KAM thinks that FRANCIS fancies him, so he tries some tricks to put him off, but fails. KITTY suggests LAU KAM dress up like a gay man to date FRANCIS, which scares him off. They then find out that they have misunderstood FRANCIS. LAU KAM dresses up like a woman the next day. SING laughs at him saying that he has gone too far. LAU KAM ignores him.
1x273 - Episode 273
May 19, 2004
LAU KAM cannot shed his feminine inclination. Everyone tries hard to help him, but in no avail. LAU KAM asks KITTY to marry him. She refuses at first but agrees eventually. When they go to a restaurant, he is harassed by a gay man in the toilet. He throws the man out of the toilet. Then he comes out with machismo which pleases KITTY.
1x274 - Episode 274
May 20, 2004
1x275 - Episode 275
May 21, 2004
LAU KAM and MARCO follow LAM SIN and find out that he was a dancing king. LIN wants him to enjoy dancing again, so she asks him to practice at her dancing school, but he refuses. When LIN’s daughter CINDY shows up, LAU KAM and MARCO are surprised by her beauty. They try to persuade LAM SIN to join the dancing class. They also pull in FRANCIS and SING to join the class. They all become very flexible and healthy looking which surprise everyone.
1x276 - Episode 276
May 24, 2004
KELLY, KITTY, and TODAY suspect that MARCO, LAU KAM, and FRANCIS are having an affair. They follow them to a train station and are shocked to see LAM SIN is also involved. KITTY forgets to bring her home visit permit and they have to return home. LAU KAM and the others go up to Shenzhen to make some dancing outfits. They have a game meal in a restaurant. They then return to the KIMs’ home. Their partners are particularly sincere to them and prepare a hotpot dinner for them. They all have a nose bleed as soon as they see the hotpot. TODAY, KITTY, and KELLY have another action plan.
1x277 - Episode 277
May 25, 2004
KEI SUM learns from TODAY, KITTY, and KELLY that LAM SIN is fooling around with the others, so she follows the girls to track down their men to the dancing school. LAM SIN asks the others to leave first and let him handle the women. When the women interrogate him, he does not say a word. KEI SUM humiliates him in front of the others. He picks up LIN’s hand and dances like a tiger, but blacks out from exhaustion afterward. MARCO and the others worry about what their partners are going to do to them. Fortunately, they are not angry but only ask them not to dance again.
1x278 - Episode 278
May 26, 2004
KELLY, KITTY, and TODAY put down MARCO, LAU KAM, and FRANCIS’s names for a hiking competition. The next day, they receive a call from the hospital. Apparently, their partners ran out of water and food during the hike. They were also stung by bees and robbed by thieves. Finally, the women allow them to go dancing. They are glad to return to the dancing school hoping to see some new girls. However, the new classmates are KELLY, KITTY, TODAY, and GUCCI. ROGER and LAM have a meeting with Sir CHAN. They learn that his dancing partner has not shown up, so ROGER demands that LAM dance with Sir CHAN in order to close the deal.
1x279 - Episode 279
May 27, 2004
ROGER orders all his staff to join Sir CHAN’s dancing competition. KELLY and KITTY are very skilled at dancing after GUCCI teaches them some tricks. MARCO and LAU KAM are jealous seeing them dancing intimately with ROGER. During the competition, MARCO and LAU KAM insist on dancing with KELLY and KITTY. MARCO and KELLY win “The Funniest Couple” award and LAU KAM and KITTY win the championship. ROGER completes his mission to have a big contract with Sir CHAN.
1x280 - Episode 280
May 28, 2004
During a meeting, ROGER praises LAM and SING and wants to reward LAM with the “Best Staff” award. ATHENA objects to his proposal, but he turns around to scold her for not performing well lately. She swears that she will impress him within a month. MARCO and KELLY plan to have a holiday. Unfortunately, ATHENA orders everyone to work with her and will not allow anyone to take leave. LAU KAM decides to find her a boyfriend to give everyone a break. When he gets on a matchmaker website, he finds out that she has already been blacklisted. LAU KAM, MARCO, and FRANCIS ask SING to be the sacrifice, but he refuses. LAU KAM then thinks up a plot.
1x281 - Episode 281
May 31, 2004
MARCO persuades ATHENA to do a prayer in a temple. Although SIN the fortuneteller is bribed by LAU KAM, he still manages to accidentally give SING’s birthday information to GUCCI, who is praying for health, and to give LAU KAM’s to ATHENA, who is praying for love, saying that he is a good match for her. GUCCI gives SING special treatment which puzzles LAU KAM. ATHENA uses an excuse to get close to SING. KELLY advises SING to accept ATHENA for her money and body. LAM is upset and objects to whatever SING does.
1x282 - Episode 282
June 1, 2004
SING pretends to be ill to avoid ATHENA. However, she goes to visit him and turns the KIMs’ upside down, which bothers the KIMs. SING wants to make everything clear with ATHENA. He meets LAM who is meeting a client Mr. CHAN and gets jealous. He kisses ATHENA by mistake. ATHENA slaps him on the face and announces that LAU KAM is her target. LAU KAM, who is tailgating and photographing them, loses consciousness immediately after hearing that. LAU KAM has a taste of his own medicine. MARCO and the others persuade him to change his image and accept ATHENA.
1x283 - Episode 283
June 2, 2004
ATHENA demands that LAU KAM marries her within three months and leaves KITTY in a week. When KITTY comes back after a business trip, everyone tries hard to hide the fact. LAU KAM and ATHENA have a dinner in a high-class restaurant. She is very picky. He ends up paying $8000 for the dinner. KITTY finds out that his credit card is overdrawn and asks him about it. He lies to her saying that the money was lent to his friend TAI HAU KEUNG, but she doubts him. Then, the restaurant manager delivers one of ATHENA’s earrings. KITTY stares at LAU KAM who knows he is in big trouble.
1x284 - Episode 284
June 3, 2004
ATHENA tries every way to let KITTY know that she is dating LAU KAM, but she just cannot get it. SING deals with all ATHENA’s plots and saves LAU KAM. KITTY believes that love is selfish and swears to live and die with LAU KAM, which stops him from confessing to her and bothers him immensely. ATHENA uses more tricks to arouse KITTY’s suspicion. She orders LAU KAM to work overtime and arranges for KITTY to come back to the office to see him and her hugging together dressed untidily.
1x285 - Episode 285
June 4, 2004
To ATHENA’s surprise, KITTY thinks that LAU KAM has been ordered by ROGER to please ATHENA. ATHENA is annoyed and uses LAU KAM as her punch bag. He is hurt. MARCO and the others pretend to be hawkers and plan to knock her down in order to let her know that LAU KAM is not her luck charm. However, things turn out opposite. LAU KAM saves her life. She decides she wants to marry him which terrifies him. GUCCI tries to help him out by telling ATHENA all his shortcomings. ATHENA is slightly worried.
1x286 - Episode 286
June 7, 2004
ATHENA decides to help LAU KAM to quit all his bad habits. She delivers some engagement presents to the KIMs and discusses the wedding with them. KITTY loses consciousness and is rushed to the hospital. LAU KAM and ATHENA meet a thief. LAU KAM flees, leaving her helpless. He seeks out SIN for revenge. ATHENA learns about their deal and announces she is breaking up with LAU KAM, which pleases him. Apparently, KITTY had too much “Chinese cold food” and passed out. She did not hear ATHENA talking about the marriage. Everyone is relieved. When they go back to the office, ATHENA is waiting for them.
1x287 - Episode 287
June 8, 2004
ROGER’s home is under renovation, so he has nowhere to put his luck charm. Everyone wants to be lucky and fights to take over the charm. The KIMs are selected at last. MARCO comes to welcome the charm and finds out that it is ROGER’s nephew CHIU CHOI. ROGER deliberately sends SING to Germany, so that CHOI can have his room. CHOI is hard to live with and annoys the KIMs.
1x288 - Episode 288
June 9, 2004
CHOI grew up in the States, but he does not speak any English. His eating and living habits are not very westernized at all which surprises everyone. He does not like going out, but he chooses to visit Shaolin. When he sees GEORGE acting in a Martial Arts movie, his Kung Fu dream vanishes. LAU KAM thinks that CHOI has a suitcase full of US dollars, so he makes everyone leave and pretends to be a Shaolin monk and hopes that CHOI will beg him to be his mentor and give him all his money.
1x289 - Episode 289
June 10, 2004
GUCCI and the others are shocked to see CHOI cutting LAU KAM’s toe nails when they come back home. LAU KAM wants to take advantage of CHOI but he ends up paying $4000 to buy him an abalone meal. He betrays also the fact that he does not know any Kung Fu when he is robbed. The KIMs order him to apologize to CHOI. CHOI eats too much festival food and takes some wrong medicine, so he passes out and is rushed to the hospital. MARCO and the others think they are taking care of CHOI, so they have an excuse to be late. However, they receive warning letters all the same. LAU KAM and the others find out that CHOI is not really ROGER’s nephew. Therefore, they try to kick him out.
1x290 - Episode 290
June 11, 2004
CHOI stands up for a woman. LAU KAM and the others are beaten up as a consequence. CHOI is scared of ghosts. LAU KAM and the others dress up as ghosts to try to scare him. When they learn that CHOI plans to stay until the end of the year, they decide to escalate their action. They all dress up as the characters from a TV show. At first, CHOI thinks they are rehearsing. He is scared when he sees LAU KAM eating a joss stick.
1x291 - Episode 291
June 14, 2004
CHOI is scared off by the KIMs and runs away. They find him unconscious in a rubbish bin later. GUCCI acts as CHOI’s tour guide, causing rumors of her having an affair with him. They wear matching watches and go traveling in Macau together. CHOI even calls her “Silly Piggy” which shocks the KIMs. SARAH tries to discover whether GUCCI wants to be re-married. GUCCI scolds her for being silly. When she learns that CHOI has prepared three things for a proposal to go to Macau with, she is scared.
1x292 - Episode 292
June 15, 2004
GUCCI falls ill. CHOI takes even better care of her. When GUCCI goes to visit her dead husband’s grave, LAU KAM has an idea. He wants to take CHOI to a nightclub to find a replacement, but CHOI tells him that GUCCI, who is short and fat, is his ideal partner. The KIMs force GUCCI to shed some weight, but CHOI finds her attractive all the same. GUCCI prepares to tell CHOI that she does not love him. Meanwhile, there is news of a maniac in Texas who killed people with an electric saw, who fits the description of CHOI. When CHOI comes home with an electric saw, everyone is horrified.
1x293 - Episode 293
June 16, 2004
GUCCI and the others do whatever CHOI says in fear of provoking him to kill. However, TAI TSUN calls him “Cockeyes” and makes him angry. The next day, CHOI shows up covered in blood with TAI TSUN’s new mobile phone. He tells everyone that TAI TSUN has gone back to Shun Tak to visit his dead mother’s grave. But HELENA knows that TAI TSUN is from Chiu Chow, not Shun Tak. They find a bloodstained electric saw in CHOI’s room and suspect that TAI TSUN has been murdered. They want to escape from the house. However, the number 8 typhoon signal has been hoisted and they are forced to stay home. CHOI demands to have a game of Mah-jong. They fear making him angry, so they try hard to let him win. But he finds out. He goes back into his room to get the electric saw and scares everyone.
1x294 - Episode 294
June 17, 2004
LAM is beautiful and kind and is welcomed by everyone. When she is suspected of torturing SAU, GUCCI will not believe it. LAU KAM and the others gather some money to buy him a hotpot dinner. He suddenly passes out and is sent to the hospital. They then realize that he is diabetic and buying him a good meal is equivalent to murdering him. They take him home to apologize to LAM. However, she does not mind at all and buys him replacement sugar and an exercising machine, which moves him.
1x295 - Episode 295
June 18, 2004
SAU wins the “Best staff” award. LAM is very excited about it. When she sees all his colleagues are rough people, she worries for his future. She thinks that he goes to Shenzhen with some bad friends to visit the prostitutes there. Luckily, SAU proves that he is innocent. He has made a dangerous prop – “Blood Dripper” – for a show. Coincidentally, GUCCI is on the same mini-bus. He is not happy about her watermelon being in his way, so he decides to test the sharpness of his prop with the melon and splashes red juice all over GUCCI’s face. The police point guns at him and order him to drop the weapon.
1x296 - Episode 296
June 21, 2004
GUCCI is scared at seeing the “Blood Dripper” and becomes paranoid. When the director of the show decides to stop using the prop, SAU is mad and gets drunk. When GEORGE takes him home, LAM is sarcastic and annoys SAU. The executive producer thinks that TODAY is not very fit, so he bans her from filming at the Amazon. When SAU learns about it, he hides the fact that he is ill and ignores LAM’s objection to join the crew. On the departure day, he is expelled from the group for his medical history of contracting dengue fever. He knows that LAM has betrayed him and they hate each other after that.
1x297 - Episode 297
June 22, 2004
SAU runs away from home. LAM regrets what she has done to him. GEORGE advises SAU to leave the street and move to a motel. However, the condition of the motel is so awful that he sneaks into HELENA’s flat. HELENA suddenly comes back home and nearly discovers SAU. GEORGE goes out to buy SAU some underwear and leaves him having a bath. HELENA comes back unexpectedly again. She thinks that it is TAI TSUN in the bath and suggests joining him. She undresses immediately and scares SAU.
1x298 - Episode 298
June 23, 2004
HELENA orders SAU to pay her compensation for seeing her naked, but her demand is denied by GUCCI and the others. LAM visits SAU at where he stays, but he refuses to return home and insists on staying on the street. She gives MARCO money to buy SAU some daily necessities and food. When HELENA learns about it, she forces SAU to move into TAI TSUN’s home and then blackmails LAM with fake receipts. LAM pays her unquestioningly and asks her to buy expensive high calcium low fat milk powder for SAU.
1x299 - Episode 299
June 24, 2004
MARCO and the others persuade SAU to go home so as not to be blackmailed again. He claims that he only agrees to do so in order to take care of LAM. LAM is delighted about his decision. KELLY is criticized about the fact that her figure is similar to a housewife who has given birth. She and MARCO are also invited to model for middle age clothing, which outrages them. She deliberately dresses up for work and proposes to meet MARCO’s client for him. She starts off the meeting really well. Yet when the client finds out that she is married, he loses interest in her in no time.
1x300 - Episode 300
June 25, 2004
All the colleagues laugh at her saying that even though MARCO dresses up like an old man, she still cannot hide the fact that she is a housewife. TODAY goes to see a fortune-teller who foresees that big trouble will happen to MARCO. One big client captures KITTY and the others’ attention. KELLY finds out that he is her ex-boyfriend RICHARD. She has a game of golf with MARCO and RICHARD. During the game, she deliberately shows off how happily married she is. RICHARD gives some durian chocolate to KELLY. She mistakes it as a love proposal. KEI SUM tries to persuade KELLY to leave MARCO for RICHARD, not know that MARCO…
1x301 - Episode 301
June 28, 2004
MARCO is very upset by the rumour that KELLY and RICHARD are having an affair. KAM claims that KELLY and RICHARD are together again, and urges MARCO to call KELLY on her mobile. MARCO’s face turns white when he hears KELLY panting on the phone. RICHARD is named as one of the most influential businessmen. GUCCI and the others praise his success. When he visits the Kims, everyone welcomes him. MARCO is ignored and feels bitter.
1x302 - Episode 302
June 29, 2004
MARCO is deliberately attentive to KELLY in front of RICHARD. She is embarrassed by his unusual behaviour. RICHARD takes some tea to visit KA YAN. He accidentally breaks MARCO’s beloved robot. KELLY tries to find some replacement parts among a pile of broken robots, but fails. RICHARD presents MARCO with a brand new robot. MARCO loses his temper and tells RICHARD off.
1x303 - Episode 303
June 30, 2004
KELLY is scheduled to meet RICHARD at a hotel to sign a contract. She is shocked when she overhears RICHARD telling a barman that he loves her and is determined to come between her and MARCO. She meets RICHARD, who appears exhausted, on the way home. MARCO knows that RICHARD is after KELLY, so he decides to talk to him at his hotel. KELLY waits for a long time, but MARCO does not show up, so she goes to the hotel to look for him. She is shocked to see MARCO and RICHARD fighting on the bed.
1x304 - Episode 304
July 1, 2004
At a hand imprint ceremony, GEORGE finds out by chance that PIK TAI was selected as a Star because she is having an affair with her boss SZE. He hates her for it. SARAH feels it is unfair on GEORGE, so she tricks TAI and forces her to give up the seat for him. GEORGE is frightened by SARAH’s unexpected appearance when the press are taking photos of him, and falls on to the cement. Everyone’s attention is drawn to this funny scene.
1x305 - Episode 305
July 2, 2004
GEORGE chokes on a fish ball. SARAH sucks it out for him. In order to thank her, he decides to do something for her. The Kims and the Sheks are meeting in a restaurant. SARAH is happily waiting for GEORGE to announce his marriage proposal to GUCCI. However, he pulls out a gold bowl and a pair of gold chopsticks and asks to be SARAH’s sworn brother. SARAH cries out loud in her heart.
1x306 - Episode 306
July 5, 2004
A picture of GEORGE and KA YING meeting in a restaurant is printed in a newspaper. There is a rumour of them getting back together. SARAH thinks that GEORGE is KA YING’s kept man and is heartbroken. She goes up to KA YING’s hotel and begs her to let GEORGE go. KA YING is confused and cries for help. They fight, and SARAH pulls KA YING’s wig off when they are fighting. Meanwhile, a group of reporters arrive and take some pictures. GEORGE knows that the situation is tricky when he arrives.
1x307 - Episode 307
July 6, 2004
Several newspapers publish photographs of KA YING’s eczema-ridden scalp. GEORGE blames SARAH for hurting KA YING’s feelings. He tells her he wants to cut off any relationship with her. She leaves sadly. KITTY and SARAH meet a man who they think is their old class master Mr. KAN, whom SARAH secretly loved before. The man denies that he is KAN. SARAH chases after him and suddenly blacks out.
1x308 - Episode 308
July 7, 2004
The Kims visit SARAH in hospital and ask KITTY what happened. When GEORGE returns home, he is surprised to see SARAH waiting at his door. She appears to have something to tell him. In order to keep her calm, he takes her to the seaside and sings to her. He asks her what she wants to tell him the next morning. She says that she has to report herself to the police for her past sins. She asks two passing policemen to arrest her.
1x309 - Episode 309
July 8, 2004
GUCCI and KEI SUM go shopping. KEI SUM scolds GUCCI for not being sensitive after a man molests her and she does not even realise it. When KEI SUM is wandering aimlessly on her own, she sees an old lady wearing a branded watch. A secret plan is formed in her head. KITTY tries on many pieces of new clothing. LAM KAM knows that KEI SUM has brought a fake watch for $30,000 for KITTY, but he does not say a word.
1x310 - Episode 310
July 9, 2004
Six of the Kims have a pimple on a different part of their bodies. AH WONG says if they gather seven people with the same condition to bet on the Mark Six, they might have a chance to win. GUCCI and the others decide to apologise to KEI SUM on KAM’s behalf. Unfortunately, they swap the apology letter with the ferry tickets by accident. They fear that KEI SUM and KAM might end up fighting. However, they come back being nice to each other, which surprises everyone.
1x311 - Episode 311
July 12, 2004
LAU KAM fills in the wrong combination on his lottery ticket, but unexpectedly he wins the Mark-Six first prize. KEI SUM suggests splitting the money with him. They check into a hotel room in order to keep the ticket safe. They also use ropes to tie all the furniture in the room to stop each other from running away with the ticket. MARCO and KELLY see them in the hotel lobby and suspect that they are having an affair.
1x312 - Episode 312
July 13, 2004
KITTY and LAM SIN are looking for LAU KAM and KEI SUM at the Honey Cave. GUCCI tells them to stop being paranoid. She accidentally pours some sweet soup on LAU KAM. When she goes to the kitchen, LAU KAM takes the ticket out nervously and dries it with newspaper. Later he finds that the ticket has gone missing. He and KEI SUM suspect that GUCCI has stolen it.
1x313 - Episode 313
July 14, 2004
LAU KAM and KEI SUM ask GUCCI for their lottery ticket. Meanwhile, the KIMs, LAM SIN and KITTY suddenly appear. They are relieved to find that LAU KAM and KEI SUM are not having an affair, but are together only because they won the lottery. They march to the lottery ticket office together to claim the money. However, they are shocked when they are told that the ticket is invalid.
1x314 - Episode 314
July 15, 2004
NAM suggests becoming KELLY’s sworn sister, which surprises KELLY. MARCO reminds KELLY that NAM and her are very different in many ways, so she should avoid her. NAM buys KELLY some breakfast. KELLY rejects her kindness and spills some coffee on her shirt. KELLY accidentally drops her wedding ring into a ditch. While she is panicking, NAM shows up.
1x315 - Episode 315
July 16, 2004
NAM is a workaholic. Everyone is scared that she might overwork them. LAU KAM swears that he can tackle her. He notices that the deliveryman is sneezing and coughing, so he approaches him deliberately to catch his germs and pass them onto NAM. GUCCI makes fun of NG SAU’s bad health. He is annoyed and challenges her to play a basketball game. They compete fiercely in the game. The doctor is surprised that NG SAU’s blood sugar level, blood pressure and cholesterol level are normal. When NAM hears him shouting at GUCCI, she understands the reason and devises a plan.
1x316 - Episode 316
July 19, 2004
The KIMs learn that NAM is planning to move into their building and worry that she will be watching them constantly. The KIMs and the SHEKs are shocked to see NAM and NG SAU moving in.
1x317 - Episode 317
July 20, 2004
LAU KAM sighs that he has no excuse to be late for work and leave work early anymore after NAM moves into the same building. GUCCI bumps into NG SAU on the back stairs. Neither will give way, so they slip and fall down the stairs together. Someone plays a practical joke on NG SAU and NAM by ringing their bell. They are very annoyed. NG SAU comes to the Honey Cave to try to find out who did it. Someone suggests that he might have offended someone. He suspects that GUCCI is the one.
1x318 - Episode 318
July 21, 2004
ATHENA is going on holiday. Everyone fights to take care of her dog, Cheque. KELLY uses some tricks to become Cheque’s caretaker after seeing the amount of swift nests and abalones that ATHENA has prepared for Cheque. Cheque runs away. MARCO, KELLY and LAU KAM are responsible, but KELLY thinks that anyone who has eaten some swift nests and abalones should also be responsible. However, GUCCI, SARAH and TODAY ignore her.
1x319 - Episode 319
July 22, 2004
MARCO and KELLY take a bath with some pomelo leaves in order to get rid of their bad luck. SARAH asks everyone to give her household money. KELLY wonders why LAU KAM takes no action. She then finds out that he has not been paying household money for a year. She blames GUCCI for keeping him in the flat for nothing.
1x320 - Episode 320
July 23, 2004
KELLY is enraged and refuses to give GUCCI any more spending money. GUCCI swears that she will do no more cooking. When LAU KAM comes home and finds everyone having a cup noodle for dinner, he has no choice but to eat some mouldy dry beef. It is boiling hot in the flat. GUCCI has banned anyone from turning on the air-conditioners, fans or TV. LAU KAM stills refuses to pay her any money. She looks everywhere to check if he has some hidden money, but fails. She pretends that there is a fire in the building and tells him to run with all his important belongings. He takes a wooden box with him up to the roof. The KIMs get hold of his box and are shocked by the contents.
1x321 - Episode 321
July 26, 2004
TAI TSUN feels that his lucky drawn ticket number is not lucky, so he secretly swaps it with SARAH’s. SARAH wins the first prize. He asks BOON YAT SIN for help. SIN advises him that he will only be rich if he gets away from a mountain. TAI TSUN thinks that SIN is telling him to find a partner, so he tries to approach HELENA. He notices that she has a patch of leg hair shaped like a mountain. He secretly burns off her leg hair and wins some money the next day. HELENA finds that her leg hair has been burnt off and asks BOON YAT SIN for help. He tells her the same thing. The next night, TAI TSUN wants to burn her leg hair again.
1x322 - Episode 322
July 27, 2004
HELENA breaks TAI TSUN’s head. They end up in a police station. The KIMs settle the argument. HELENA hears TAI TSUN cursing her out loud while he is dreaming, so she draws some magical words on his face. The next day, he gets beaten up in a betting branch. He then gets drunk and asks GEORGE to find him a hitman to kill HELENA. When he wakes up and remembers his drunken talk, he races home with GEORGE and finds a man holding a bloodstained knife standing in the flat.
1x323 - Episode 323
July 28, 2004
HELENA stays at the KIMs’ flat to hide from the hitman, much to their annoyance. GUCCI asks TAI TSUN to beg for HELENA’s forgiveness. He serenades her with a love song outside the flat. She demands that he quit gambling, which he feels is quite harsh. GUCCI asks all the KIMs to help him. KELLY and the others pass TAI TSUN’s bankbook to HELENA and promise her that TAI TSUN has successfully given up gambling. They tell her that he is waiting for her in a restaurant for dinner, which delights her. However, when she gets to the restaurant, she sees a man who shocks her.
1x324 - Episode 324
July 29, 2004
HELENA meets her father Sir Chan outside the restaurant. She begs GUCCI to lie to her father that HELENA is the owner of the Honey Cave. Unfortunately, LAM SIN and KEI SUM ruin her plan. Sir Chan leaves angrily. He asks MARCO and KELLY to break up HELENA and TAI TSUN, but TAI TSUN has lost interest in gambling, leaving no weakness for MARCO and KELLY to exploit. TAI TSUN falls into a trap when he returns to the hotel. Some loan sharks look for him at the Honey Cave. HELENA is heartbroken and demands a divorce.
1x325 - Episode 325
July 30, 2004
TAI TSUN falls ill after HELENA decides to divorce him. GUCCI interrogates MARCO and KELLY. HELENA returns to the Chans’ mansion and feels more comfortable with servants around her. Sir Chan sends TAI TSUN a cheque to buy him out of the marriage. TAI TSUN swallows the cheque and refuses to consent to a divorce. He keeps having nightmares, from which GEORGE and FRANCIS suffer. Sir Chan invites TAI TSUN to his mansion to gamble on his marriage. TAI TSUN loses at last and leaves sadly. Sir Chan laughs hysterically after winning the bet and tells HELENA the truth that he wants her to sacrifice her marriage for his face.
1x326 - Episode 326
August 2, 2004
MARCO, KELLY and LAU KAM feel exhausted after having a night out, but a Black Storm Warning is hoisted, which cheers them up. Unfortunately, NAM demands that they have a meeting in the office. LAU KAM deliberately gives himself food poisoning and requests sick leave. He irritates NAM with his loud noise. The KIMs find a wooden box at their front door. They think it is SARAH’s and carry it in. SARAH calls up to say that she will be back in Hong Kong later and tells them that the wooden box is not hers. When they open the box, they find lots of burial tablets. They are scared and move the box outside. They find the tablets lined up on the dinner table the next day.
1x327 - Episode 327
August 3, 2004
The KIMs think that they might have offended the dead, so they clean up all the tablets. Meanwhile, NAM and NG SAU arrive and annoy everyone when they explain that the tablets are NG SAU’s props. TODAY gets a worrying chest pain while she is shooting a public awareness film about breast cancer. She goes to see a doctor in Yuen Long. NAM gives her a lift. The two are robbed on the way. They fight the robber off together and become sworn sisters afterward. LAU KAM takes away a notice about a traffic diversion from the management office and NAM’s mailbox. All the staff wait for NAM the next day, believing that she will be late.
1x328 - Episode 328
August 4, 2004
The KIMs all fall ill. LAU KAM thinks they are cursed. NAM gives the KIMs a homemade cake, but it is so hard that GUCCI’s false tooth is knocked out when she tries to eat it. TODAY is invited to join a beauty pageant. NAM encourages her and they join together. They reach the semi-final together. They both pick the same costume, but NAM lets TODAY take it. At the press conference, NAM gets all the attention and her picture is put on the newspaper front page. LAU KAM tries to cause discord between NAM and TODAY.
1x329 - Episode 329
August 5, 2004
Everyone guesses that ROGER might find a replacement for NAM, so they pretend to work hard in front of him. They even set up eight-trigram battle arrays to defend against each other. NAM and TODAY have an interview in the TV station. Many reporters surround NAM to ask her questions, which upsets TODAY. NG SAU reminds NAM to be careful of TODAY. GUCCI learns that TODAY is upset, so she and NAM secretly help publicising TODAY. TODAY is surprised. When she finds out that NAM and GUCCI have helped her, she decides to compete fairly with NAM.
1x330 - Episode 330
August 6, 2004
LAU KAM, KELLY and MARCO want to avoid NAM and TODAY meeting each other at the Honey Cave, so they get NAM to leave the restaurant. TODAY scolds them for being mean. MARCO appears looking like an executive after KELLY has transformed him. KITTY shows up looking like a first lady. ROGER is forced to reveal what it means by “Internal promotion”. On the first audition, TODAY sees a real competitor, so she plays a trick, which unfortunately backfires on NAM. They are both disqualified. GUCCI wants them to get on again, but everyone else has doubts.
1x331 - Episode 331
August 9, 2004
TAI TSUN takes the largest present from SARAH’s trip, but is disappointed to find that it is a toy dinosaur egg. He and HELENA are annoyed, so they pretend to be sick. When they are out, WONG sees them. TAI TSUN buys a big bag of lychees and decides to make himself sick by eating them all. GUCCI and SARAH are furious. ROGER is bothered by his ex-girlfriend in a park. WONG helps him out of kindness. He is late for work and everyone gives him a hard time. He resigns angrily. Meanwhile, ROGER arrives and wants to hire WONG.
1x332 - Episode 332
August 10, 2004
WONG arrives at Ka Yan early. ROGER can find no suitable position for WONG and realizes that he should not have hired him, so he runs away from him and hurts himself. ROGER suddenly has the idea of appointing WONG to be the safety officer. Everyone tries to please WONG. GUCCI worries about WONG’s new job, and everyone thinks that WONG is her illegitimate son. Everyone lines up to have a medical check-up by WONG. WONG announces that only one person in the company has failed the medical requirement.
1x333 - Episode 333
August 11, 2004
WONG points out problems in ROGER’s personal hygiene, which troubles him. ROGER takes ATHENA’s advice and tries to frame WONG for stealing his crystal ball. Unfortunately, he accidentally breaks the ball himself before he executes his plot. WONG is attracted to NAM. ROGER and ATHENA tell WONG how to pursue her. He shows up looking like a racing driver the next day and forces NAM to go out with him. While ROGER and ATHENA are imagining how it will look when WONG is arrested by the police, WONG faints on the street.
1x334 - Episode 334
August 12, 2004
MARCO, KELLY, LAU KAM and FRANCIS receive ROGER’s instruction to stop WONG from delivering some goods, so that he can fire him. GUCCI learns about it and secretly tries to help WONG. The whole issue turns into a joke. ROGER thinks that WONG has not finished his task and is about to fire him. NAM speaks up for WONG, forcing ROGER to keep him. Unexpectedly, WONG hands in his notice. TAI TSUN and HELENA are overworked when WONG is not at the Honey Cave. When they see WONG wandering the street, they beg GUCCI to re-hire him.
1x335 - Episode 335
August 13, 2004
GEORGE reveals LAU KAM’s waist size and WONG’s height. He also points out that MARCO is a penny-pincher. LAU KAM, WONG and MARCO are outraged and interrogate FRANCIS to find out GEORGE’s shortcomings. FRANCIS accidentally tells them GEORGE’s age. They ask GEORGE about some historical events to test him. GEORGE learns that a TV station is planning to produce a new version of ‘The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Sabre’, so he tries to slim down to get on the cast. TODAY tells him that he looks like a real martial arts hero. He goes confidently to the audition.
1x336 - Episode 336
August 16, 2004
GEORGE quits filming for the TV series because he is unhappy with his character. He insists on changing his hair style to make him look younger, but with the opposite result. Meanwhile, TODAY passes by and helps him. They show up in water skiing outfits and change the producer’s impression about them. They are asked to join the cast of a soap about young people. TODAY cannot get hold of a script. She finds out that her lead actress position has been taken by a young new actress. The film crew plays tricks on her. She makes lots of mistakes and gets bruises all over. FRANCIS is heartbroken to see her get hurt, and proposes to her.
1x337 - Episode 337
August 17, 2004
TODAY announces her wedding. All except SARAH and GEORGE aren happy for her. GEORGE tells NG SAU that if FRANCIS gets married, it will make him feel old. NG SAU laughs at his silliness. TODAY takes FRANCIS for crazy shopping, which costs him a lot. The KIMs and the SHEKs argue about where TODAY and FRANCIS should live after they get married. GEORGE learns that TODAY is horrified by the idea of having a baby, so he tells her that FRANCIS wants to have a baby as soon as they get married, which brings her nightmares every night.
1x338 - Episode 338
August 18, 2004
TODAY is stressed by the wedding preparations and takes it out on FRANCIS. Some sponsors learn that TODAY is getting married and want to cancel her their contracts with her. FRANCIS tries to comfort her by saying that she can retire and have babies after getting married. However, she is scared by the thought of having babies and has an argument with him. GUCCI wants them to make up again, so she deliberately causes FRANCIS to have an accident. TODAY rushes to the hospital to see him, which delights GUCCI. Unexpectedly, TODAY and FRANCIS have to make a big announcement.
1x339 - Episode 339
August 19, 2004
GUCCI feels very unsettled. She worries that something bad has happened to SING. He suddenly appears at the KIMs’ and criticizes GUCCI’s radish cake, which she worked overnight to make for him. SING tells ATHENA that MARCO and KELLY have photocopied some personal letters at the office, and LAU KAM sleeps during work hours. SING keeps behaving strangely and seems to be attracted by red objects. All his colleagues interrogate SING about the snitching. He admits that everything is a practical joke. SING tells NG SAU that he wants to cut off all links with GUCCI. SAU asks him why, but he finds it hard to explain.
1x340 - Episode 340
August 20, 2004
NG SAU sees the KIMs turn their backs to each other through selfishness, so he supports SING for wanting to leave them. SING tells GUCCI that he wants to set up his own business and asks her to get a mortgage with the Honey Cave and her flat, which shocks everyone. GUCCI finds a note saying ‘I hate GUCCI’ in SING’s room. Everyone keeps their distance from SING. GUCCI feels sick and is hospitalized after drinking some soup that SING has prepared. SING tells everyone that he can only marry an island princess if he becomes an orphan. No one believes him, which annoys him.
1x341 - Episode 341
August 23, 2004
TAI TSUN and HELENA show up at the Honey Cave wearing 1970s-style clothes and say that they have a cousin, WAH, nick-named ‘Tribal Chief’, coming to visit Hong Kong. They go to pick up WAH from the hotel. WAH is scared by their outfits and behaviour, so he hides and decides to return to Shanghai immediately. They think that a real tribal chief, who has come to visit with a tour group, is WAH, and bring him home. As soon as they arrive home, HELENA tries to sell him some jewelry. He claims that he has no money, but only ‘gold’. GUCCI and the others have dinner at the Seafood Boat. They pay for the meal when they see that the chief has no money. The chief is enraged to hear the KIMs criticizing his islands and punishes them secretly.
1x342 - Episode 342
August 24, 2004
The chief swears to regain his dignity before midnight. SING points out that the chief’s bodyguards are very good at martial arts, and can kill a man in a flash. GUCCI suggests leaving the flat temporarily. Unfortunately, the front and back doors are guarded by the bodyguards. TAI TSUN and HELENA scream out loud when the clock strikes midnight. Apparently, the chief only wants to take revenge on them. The KIMs take the chief to a dim sum restaurant. He sees that the KIMs are hypocritical and unjust, so he decides to call off SING’s wedding. Everyone is shocked.
1x343 - Episode 343
August 25, 2004
SING holds the volleyball, given by Princess Fiona, and sighs how unfair it is that he can’t marry her. GUCCI and the others go down on their knees to beg the chief to change his mind. He agrees to let SING marry FIONA if everyone can be honest, not wasteful, and just in 3 days. The KIMs find the chief watching them all the time. SING thanks everyone for helping him. LAM SIN shows up at the Honey Cave with scratch marks on his face and begs everyone to lie for him. SING is not scared of the chief and decides to tell a white lie for LAM SIN.
1x344 - Episode 344
August 26, 2004
KEI SUM finds that LAM SIN has hidden an erhu and demands that he breaks it. She and HELENA look for a $500 receipt in a rubbish bin in a department store, so that they can take part in a lucky draw. Unfortunately, they can only find receipts of $250 each, so they have one draw together. They try to sell their holiday house coupon for cash. SARAH reveals their plot. TAI TSUN, LAM SIN, KEI SUM and HELENA go to the holiday house. HELENA and KEI SUM fight over the rooms and beds. When they receive a call from their mahjong friend, they rush back to Kowloon and order their men to stay in the house.
1x345 - Episode 345
August 27, 2004
TAI TSUN tells LAM SIN that he will be delighted if HELENA will not talk for a day. LAM SIN instructs him to put a snake inside a rice cooker to scare HELENA, and make her scream so much that she loses her voice. He finds that his rice cooker has been borrowed from someone and has been returned when he gets home. His plot doesn’t work out. HELENA learns about his plan and twists his ear very hard. KEI SUM and HELENA run into bad luck. They overhear BOON YAT SIN saying that if they can find someone they really hate, they can transfer the bad luck to that person. They devise a plan accordingly.
1x346 - Episode 346
August 30, 2004
HELENA tries to find someone she really hates. Meanwhile, KEI SUM shows up and tries to steal her chance to help WONG. They argue with each other. Suddenly, they become each other’s most hated person. They are troubled by how to become sworn sisters. KELLY suggests that they write apologetic letters to each other. When they accept the letters, they pretend to be good sisters. The KIMs know that they have secretly bought knives and scissors. Although they look like good sisters, they might try to kill each other.
1x347 - Episode 347
August 31, 2004
TAI TSUN is sick. HELENA ignores him and plays mahjong. LAM SIN visits him at the SHEKs. He feeds TAI TSUN some medicine. When LAM SIN goes to the toilet, HELENA comes home and eats up all the seafood congee, which is on the table. KEI SUM sees two empty bowls on the table. Together with TAI TSUN’s unclear explanation, she swears that he is hiding something. He keeps talking on the phone and forgets to deliver some take-away food. The KIMs think that he is having an affair. HELENA seeks help from them, which they agree to give.
1x348 - Episode 348
September 1, 2004
LAU KAM thinks that LAM SIN and TAI TSUN are having a relationship. HELENA and KEI SUM find this hard to believe. MARCO and the others drag LAM SIN to a beach. He shuts his eyes the whole time. HELENA puts on some sexy underwear to seduce TAI TSUN, but he would rather kill himself than get close to her. LAM SIN and TAI TSUN are signaling to each other, and everyone decides to find out if they are having an affair. HELENA and KEI SUM praise each other verbally, but curse each other in their hearts. After so much bad luck, they decide to talk to BOON YAT SIN. He explains how to transfer it to someone else. They realize that they have wasted all their efforts and turn their backs to each other again.
1x349 - Episode 349
September 2, 2004
GEORGE sees SARAH searching through his VCDs and DVDs, and thinks that she still loves him. SARAH and KITTY receive a banquet invitation, which brings them mixed feelings, from their old school friend MAO, who is getting married for the third time. KITTY decides to copy MAO and tries to force her lover to marry her. She asks SARAH to get some ‘Fertility Tea’. TODAY and the others hold a birthday party for SARAH at the SHEKs’. They soon disappear with excuses. GEORGE feels something bad is going to happen. He thinks that SARAH is trying to force him to get her pregnant.
1x350 - Episode 350
September 3, 2004
GEORGE finds out about SARAH getting the ‘Fertility Tea’ for KITTY and the reason for everyone leaving. He realizes that he misunderstood SARAH. He feels sorry when he sees her leaving sadly after throwing away his VCDs. LAU KAM and MARCO try to please TODAY. Apparently, a top model SUKI is appearing on a TV game show. They want TODAY to get them some tickets and some signed posters. When they arrive at the office, ROGER announces that SUKI is going to be their advertising model, which excites them.
1x351 - Episode 351
September 6, 2004
MARCO, KELLY and LAU KAM are forced to help ROGER pursuing SUKI, which annoys them. SARAH knows that SUKI, BONNIE and CAROL are only trying to take advantage of ROGER, so she advises him not to be fooled, but he ignores her. Then he overhears the girls talking, which confirms that SARAH was telling him the truth. ATHENA dresses up sexily, but ROGER scolds. MARCO and the others are shocked to see ROGER helping an old lady to move stuff onto a truck.
1x352 - Episode 352
September 7, 2004
MARCO and the others are shocked when ROGER suddenly shows up as they are having a hot pot in the office. LAU KAM points out that they need to help ROGER make up with SUKI, so that they can keep on skiving. LAU KAM tells ROGER that SUKI wants to make up with him, but SARAH learns that SUKI is going to blackmail ROGER. ROGER goes to the hotel to talk to SUKI. She drugs his wine. Luckily, SARAH arrives in time. She loses balance and falls on top of ROGER after punching SUKI. Someone takes some photos of them lying together in bed.
1x353 - Episode 353
September 8, 2004
ROGER knows that SARAH is a good girl with not many friends, so he introduces a good bachelor SZETO KAM YUEN to her. YUEN turns to leave as soon as he sees her. ROGER arrives and drags him back to see her. YUEN ignores her after ROGER leaves. ROGER tries to let SARAH know that she needs to change her look by sending her some fashion, facial and hair salon coupons. He wants to see her in a new look, but only sees the KIMs buying some new clothes.
1x354 - Episode 354
September 9, 2004
SARAH runs into a macho man and knocks over the bag that he is carrying. She is shocked to see lots of jewelry and a gun in it. A policeman comes and arrests the man. He shouts out that he will remember her. She worries that the man will take revenge, so she decides to change her look. SARAH bumps into YUEN, who is attracted to her. She feels great afterwards. She asks a fortune-teller to predict her love life. She pulls out a card of ‘The King Is Crowned’. The images in her head are of GEORGE acting as an emperor in a show and ROGER being urged by a stewardess, who is holding the same card, to get abroad the plane. Who is going to be SARAH’s true love?
1x355 - Episode 355
September 10, 2004
KELLY and MARCO go for a dim sum meal with KEI SUM and the KIMs. KELLY yells at KEI SUM to stop her from eating a pig’s trotter. She tells the same thing to GUCCI, but in a softer tone, annoying KEI SUM. The neighbors praise GUCCI for having a good daughter-in-law, which pleases her, but makes KEI SUM even more jealous. KEI SUM reminds KELLY of how kind she was to her, but LAM SIN points out that she has only scolded and beat KELLY ever since she was little. She remembers that KELLY is terrified of black dogs, so she takes her to a back street, and waits for a black dog to attack her, and then tries to save her. Unfortunately, this backfires.
1x356 - Episode 356
September 13, 2004
KELLY and GUCCI enter the “Hong Kong’s best mother and daughter-in-law” competition and win first prize. KELLY assumes that GUCCI will give her the prize (a diamond necklace), but she is wrong. The KIMs travel to Thailand. KELLY has to work and cannot join them. GUCCI forgets to bring her passport and has to go back home. She notices that her passport has been trodden on when she gets home. In order to preserve harmony, she gives KELLY the diamond necklace. The KIMs are trapped in a lift when they come home. KELLY claims to have a stomachache. When the firemen open the lift door, a noxious smell emanates from the lift, and all the KIMs are lying on the floor in a faint.
1x357 - Episode 357
September 14, 2004
LAU KAM reveals KELLY’s story in the lift on a webpage. GUCCI accidentally sends it out by email, which annoys KELLY. KEI SUM promises KELLY to strike the KIMs back. The next morning, the KIMs find themselves suffering from hair loss, rashes, lip blisters and itching and aching on their calves. When they hear KEI SUM claiming to be the “Southeast Asian Number One Witch”, they beg KELLY for mercy and to reverse the curse. KELLY receives an urgent phone call from KEI SUM asking for her. When she rushes to meet her, she finds four housewives and KEI SUM all hurt. The housewives blame KEI SUM for bringing them disaster by claiming that she is the “Mahjong Queen”. GUCCI and the others then realize the cursing was just a misunderstanding.
1x358 - Episode 358
September 15, 2004
GUCCI and MARCO envy SAM POR playing with her grandchild. KELLY declares immediately that she doesn’t want to have children. LAU KAM suggests MARCO should cause an “accident”, to which MARCO agrees. He swaps KELLY’s contraceptive pills with chocolate. She moves back to her parents’ home after finding out. MARCO begs her forgiveness outside the LAMs’ flat and promises he will never try to force her to have children again. However, he is gone when she opens the door. KEI SUM wants KELLY to go back to the KIMs as soon as possible, so she goes to see how badly the KIMs want KELLY to return. LAU KAM packs up all KELLY’s stuff for her to take away, which shocks her.
1x359 - Episode 359
September 16, 2004
GUCCI demands that MARCO bring KELLY home, but LAU KAM tries to stop him. At the office, KELLY pretends she has a cough. MARCO pours her some hot water, but LAU KAM plays a trick on him again. KELLY sees GUCCI scolding MARCO, he admits that he did something wrong after drinking; KELLY hates him for having a mistress. She and KEI SUM follow the others. They see a pregnant woman MAY demanding that MARCO be responsible for her. KEI SUM pays MAY $100,000 thinking that will save KELLY’s marriage, which shocks the KIMs. In fact, MARCO lost $50,000 on gambling at a banquet. KEI SUM is devastated when she hears the news.
1x360 - Episode 360
September 17, 2004
TODAY finds out that a restaurant is offering free buffet, on condition that customers do not put on more than 3 pounds after eating. Everyone tries hard to avoid paying, but only ATHENA succeeds. A model stands the shooting crew up. All the girls in the office try to put on the designated bathing suit to replace the model. However, KELLY is the only one it fits, much to ATHENA’s annoyance. ATHENA replaces all the snacks in the pantry with fattening food to make everyone put on weight. KELLY finds out that she has put on five pounds. She tries to lose weight by doing kickboxing, and faints. MARCO rushes to the hospital and finds that KELLY is pregnant.
1x361 - Episode 361
September 20, 2004
KELLY interrogates MARCO over her pregnancy. She learns from the news that she had purchased fake contraceptive pills, and is very annoyed. ATHENA threatens to fire her. Only then she remembers that she did not go to see a client because she was hospitalized. She tries to explain, but ATHENA won’t believe that she is pregnant and demands that she show her the doctor’s certificate. While MARCO dashes to the hospital to get the doctor’s certificate, ATHENA hurries LILY to type up a dismissal letter. The girls try to help KELLY by planting viruses into the office computers. However, ATHENA takes her own laptop out and types the letter herself.
1x362 - Episode 362
September 21, 2004
KELLY is too hungry to sleep. However, she vomits every thing up when she eats. She forces MARCO to find ways to help her eat and sleep. They decide to hire a domestic helper to help out with the new baby, but the KIMs and the LAMs forcibly object. GUCCI and KEI SUM both claim that they are experts in baby care. LAU KAM and the others decide to hold a competition for them. They ask them to carry a big winter melon and shop for eggs, bean curd and light bulbs in the market. They finish the task, but with great difficulties. Then, they are given an IQ test. While they are competing neck and neck, they both black out from exhaustion.
1x363 - Episode 363
September 22, 2004
LAU KAM sets up a betting pool on whether KELLY will have a girl or a boy. The KIMs want her to have a girl, but the LAMs want the opposite. LILY tells KELLY that eating sweet food will bring her a girl, so she eats all kinds of sugary food. She is diagnosed with carrying twins, which delights MARCO. ATHENA and KELLY meet a client Mrs. CHAN. When she finds out that KELLY is pregnant, she asks ATHENA to offer her seat to KELLY. She also reminds KELLY of all the precautions during pregnancy, which annoys ATHENA. KELLY wants to quit her job in order to take care of the babies herself, but MARCO worries about their finances if she quits.
1x364 - Episode 364
September 23, 2004
MARCO worries about not having enough income, so he works as a part-time coolie. He twists his wrist and loses more than he gains. He meets an old friend, who introduces him to working at a gigolo bar. KELLY notices that MARCO is spending a lot of money on the baby cots and becomes suspicious. She and LAU KAM follow MARCO to the bar and see him working there. Before he can explain, KELLY slaps him on the face. He explains to everyone the real situation, which brings the KIMs great relief.
1x365 - Episode 365
September 24, 2004
KELLY goes for crazy shopping. She cannot manage the bags and boxes. Luckily SHAN passes by and helps her. He lectures her that she should not squat because of her pregnancy. Afterwards, he goes to the Honey Cave and annoys everyone with his arrogant tycoon attitude. NAM has a swim in the sea and finds that the female changing room is under maintenance when she wants to take a shower. She goes into the male one instead. SHAN rushes into the toilet and is utterly embarrassed to find NAM in it. A new cafe, La Gogo, opens near the Honey Cave. GUCCI goes to investigate and is worried by the competition it brings to the Honey Cave.
1x366 - Episode 366
September 27, 2004
The KIMs find out that SHAN is the owner of La Gogo, and hate him. The Honey Cave business diminishes sharply because of La Gogo. GUCCI wants to close it down, but somehow, SHAN is tricked by his uncle, SZE MO, and loses all his money, so he has to close down La Gogo. The Honey Cave gets back to normal. While everyone is celebrating this development, SHAN suddenly appears at the Honey Cave. SHAN’s father’s helped GUCCI before, so she takes SHAN in and helps him to file a lawsuit. SHAN is broke. He is looked down on by everyone. TODAY pities him.
1x367 - Episode 367
September 28, 2004
SHAN swears in front of his father’s grave that he is going to live a new life. Unfortunately, his bad spending habit worries the KIMs. MARCO and KELLY try hard to force ROGER to hire SHAN as the manager. NAM runs into SHAN on his first day at work. She feels very unlucky and even blacks out. After she regains consciousness, she thinks that SHAN has told everyone about her and the embarrassing changing room incident, so she looks for him to take revenge. She forces him to swear in the toilet that he will tell no one about the incident. He is very intimidated by her evil look when she breaks a metal ball pen.