- wSerie
- TV Shows
- Virtues Of Harmony II
- Season 1
- Episode 429
Episode 429
Virtues Of Harmony II - S1 - E429
SARAH finds her egg tarts are stolen. Everyone thinks that TAI TSUN and HELENA did it. The next day, the thief shows up again. MARCO fails to catch him, but GUCCI does. A neighbor, UNCLE CHOI, says that MARCO and TODAY don’t inherit any of GUCCI’s smartness. LAU KAM points out that it might have skipped a generation. KELLY decides that her sons should become lawyers or doctors. The others ask FOON and HEI to decide their future. The babies pick up a cross and a Buddhist necklace among other things, an implication that they want to become a monk or a priest when they grow up.
Virtues Of Harmony II: Season 1 - 66 Episode s
1x379 - Episode 379
October 14, 2004
KELLY, MARCO and TODAY try every trick to acquire their favorite things. LAU KAM is delighted to learn that he has what they want. KITTY uses an excuse to refuse intimacy with LAU KAM, which arouses his suspicion. He sees a man in KITTY’s flat and beats him up. He later finds out that the victim is a mainland tourist who is renting one of KITTY’s rooms. When LAU KAM returns home, he, based on a fortune-telling book, calculates that he is going to live to 82, but KITTY’s life span is only 42. He tries every way to extend KITTY’s life expectancy and shortening his own, but fails. He is shocked to learn from a fortune-telling professor the difference between “misfortune” and “life shortening”.
1x380 - Episode 380
October 15, 2004
LAU KAM sees an old lady, KUK, leave something behind, so he chases after her. KUK thanks him for his kindness and suggests becoming his sworn mother. Everyone knows that KUK is a millionaire, although she doesn’t appear to be one. LAU KAM might have a chance to inherit her wealth if he becomes her sworn son. The whole thing excites him. MARCO and LAU KAM are disgusted by the intimate relationship between a handsome young boy and his wealthy sworn mother, WAI. KUK goes to tea with LAU KAM. She is extremely amorous towards him and gives him a hotel room key. Her acts scare LAU KAM off. He and KITTY are approaching a building when they see KUK…
1x381 - Episode 381
October 18, 2004
LAU KAM originally thinks that having children is a good investment. However, he changes his mind when he sees how modern people abandon their aged parents. He thinks that his life will be sorted if KITTY has a life insurance policy with him as the beneficiary. Although KITTY has already bought a life insurance, he is not the beneficiary. KITTY accidentally breaks GUCCI’s expensive jade pendant. In order to compensate for it, she sells all her expensive items and tries to borrow money from ATHENA. ATHENA demands a high interest rate on the loan. In addition, she demands that KITTY dress up like a pregnant woman and pretend to beg her to leave her husband in order to show how attractive she is to men in their old classmate gathering. KITTY takes a big sum of money to return to GUCCI, who later tells her that the pendant is only worth $30,000 and the insurance company will pay for her loss……
1x382 - Episode 382
October 19, 2004
LAU KAM knows that the winner of the quadrennial “South China Textile Design Talents Contest” will win $500,000. Unfortunately, ROGER announces that NAM and KITTY have been nominated to join the contest. LAU KAM tricks KITTY into quitting the contest. NAM also has to quit because of her skin allergy. ROGER and a client CHAN have a business meeting. CHAN derides the fact that NAM and KITTY are under standard. CHAN’s assistants and secretary use laptop computers and PDAs, but NAM and KITTY only use paper and pen to jot minutes. They even forget to bring the contract and are unfamiliar with the shipping schedule, which embarrasses ROGER. Meanwhile, LAU KAM appears and pulls ROGER from the awkward situation. ROGER decides to let him join the “Superboy” competition, which delights him.
1x383 - Episode 383
October 20, 2004
LAU KAM is excited to join the “Superboy” competition. However, his family doesn’t share his enthusiasm. ROGER regrets nominating him. His mind wanders when he plays Ping-Pong with SARAH. LAU KAM reveals the hiding place of a contestant who is skiving. He frames an old contestant for abusing the ambulance services. He also arranges for another contestant’s girlfriends to meet together. KELLY warns KITTY that men usually abandon their old love when they become rich. Every lady in the office receives a phone message saying that LAU KAM is the snitcher. They happen to be in the same lift as LAU KAM. He takes the chance to introduce himself. The girls look at him aggressively.
1x384 - Episode 384
October 21, 2004
LILY and two other office ladies buy themselves a diamond ring, some roses and some chocolate. ATHENA makes fun of them, saying it will only be special if the presents are from their boyfriends. ROGER picks up SARAH in a convertible. Her hair gets messed up in the wind. ROGER decides to change car. He bumps into ATHENA and gives her a lift. She is shocked to see the roses in the car and thinks that he wants to pursue her. In a banquet, ATHENA hears her girlfriends praise ROGER, which makes her fall for him. Meanwhile, ROGER invites her to dance, which gives her a chance to show off in front of her girlfriends.
1x385 - Episode 385
October 22, 2004
LILY and two other office ladies gossip about how ROGER glows with satisfaction lately. ATHENA overhears their conversation and is happy for herself. ROGER drives her to the peak and asks when she will sign the paper. She replies in a shy manner, saying that she has to discuss with her parents. He is confused by her answer and realizes what she means when she takes over his car key. The cleaning lady, SISTER OI, accidentally breaks ROGER’s beloved antique vase, but he doesn’t ask her to pay for it. ATHENA’s feeling for him grows even more. She is excited when he asks her if she has time after work. However, ROGER only suggests that she should see a doctor about her dandruff, which annoys her very much.
1x386 - Episode 386
October 25, 2004
ATHENA meets the KIMs at a night market. She ends up completely covered in soup. ROGER buys a medicinal tonic for his girlfriend. KITTY praises his girlfriend, which makes ATHENA feel sour. ATHENA is shocked to find out on the street that SARAH is ROGER’s girlfriend. LILY points out that being able to cook, careful with money and caring are the three main characteristics which will please a man. ATHENA decides to change herself. She joins voluntary work with SARAH to tidy up an old lady’s flat. However, the lady shouts at her and beats her up. She also orders her to clean up two buckets of stinking manure.
1x387 - Episode 387
October 26, 2004
ATHENA approaches SARAH deliberately hoping to steal ROGER from her. Her colleagues have a meeting and conclude that ATHENA is suddenly getting on with SARAH for a reason. MARCO pours red paint over ATHENA, but she puts up with him. The next day, she brings some congee to the KIMs, who think that she has put poison in it. They decide to turn the situation around and force her to have the congee first. She loses consciousness immediately. She then tries to persuade SARAH to attend a ball held by a knight whose name is LAW with ROGER, hoping that she will make a fool of herself.
1x388 - Episode 388
October 27, 2004
ATHENA fails to humiliate SARAH at the ball and her behavior ends up helping SARAH. LAU KAM waits for a chance to strike ATHENA if ROGER becomes his support. ATHENA is very annoyed and decides to change her strategy to pushing SARAH to leave ROGER. Her plan succeeds. SARAH thinks that ROGER is having an affair and wants to split up with him. She refuses to see him. MARCO and the others try to mediate between them, but SARAH points out that they only want to keep ROGER as their backup. ROGER is depressed. ATHENA sends him home. She tries to get him drunk and have a relationship with him but…
1x389 - Episode 389
October 28, 2004
ATHENA and ROGER fall into the swimming pool while they are struggling with each other. SARAH calls up ATHENA after breaking up with ROGER. ATHENA sends KITTY to meet with SARAH, who is moved to see her. ATHENA breaks ROGER’s beloved ping-pong bat, and ROGER threatens to dismiss her. She agrees to help him get back with SARAH. She demands that MARCO, FRANCIS and LAU KAM work with her to pull ROGER and SARAH back together. Luckily, they succeed. MARCO, FRANCIS and LAU KAM receive a warning letter from the company while they are having breakfast, so they rush back to the office.
1x390 - Episode 390
October 29, 2004
People in the office find out that ATHENA has been sending chocolate flowers to herself, and suspect that she is lying about dating someone. She claims that a handsome chief inspector NG MAN TAK is her boyfriend, but no one believes her. The KIMs bump into her when she is praying at the “Lover’s wishing stone”. She insists that she has come with her boyfriend. Meanwhile, SHAN exposes her lie by accident. It is SHAN’s last day of probation. ATHENA thinks that ROGER should dismiss him immediately. However, NAM thinks that he should be given a contract because he has just closed a big contract for the company. ROGER decides to keep him.
1x391 - Episode 391
November 1, 2004
ROGER announces that if the company is doing well by the end of the year, everyone will get a bonus. He passes two big clients to NAM and ATHENA to follow. ATHENA goes to T & B to talk to SIMON, who is known as the best bachelor. She arrogantly humiliates SIMON’s secretary and is then embarrassed to find out that the secretary is SIMON’s fiancee. Meanwhile, NAM and SHAN have a meeting with tycoon HO at his home. HO agrees to talk to them further when they ride horses together next time. NAM is afraid of animals. SHAN patiently teaches her how to ride a horse. He also helps her to conquer her fear using his wit. NAM and HO ride together. HO praises her riding skills and agrees to increase his order. She is shocked to find HO lying unconscious on the horse a while later.
1x392 - Episode 392
November 2, 2004
Rumours circulate that HO had a stroke while he was having sex. SHAN defends NAM. ROGER is chased out of HO’s room by his daughter and he takes his anger out on NAM. SHAN manages to distract the guards and HO’s daughter’s attention and lets NAM into the room. She finds out by surprise that she knows HO’s daughter, GRACE. GRACE chases NAM out of the room angrily. SHAN and NAM look for GRACE to discuss the business proposal, which HO has verbally agreed. GRACE invites them to attend a charity party for the children’s fund. NAM is delighted. However, it is GRACE’s plot to take revenge on NAM for damaging HO’s integrity.
1x393 - Episode 393
November 3, 2004
NAM and GRACE’s business meeting falls through. ROGER points out that it is not NAM who is at fault, but her subordinates. ATHENA derides NAM for sacrificing her subordinates. The KIMs see SHAN getting into GRACE’s sports car. They demand that SHAN reveal his relationship with GRACE. SHAN is holding an umbrella and waiting for TODAY at a building when he meets GRACE. GRACE thinks that he wants to get back with her, but he declares to her that they are finished. ROGER is worried that he will lose HO’s business, so ATHENA tries to advise him. GRACE takes HO to Ka Yan and scolds ATHENA for nearly killing HO. HO decides to increase his order on condition that NAM is in charge.
1x394 - Episode 394
November 4, 2004
KELLY finds out that she is carrying twins. The KIMs take good care of her. A TV commercial company invites her to act in a milk powder advert, which makes her even more daring. Every KIM is suffering. KELLY sees ATHENA being unreasonable in an electrical appliance shop, so she asks MARCO to read SUN’s Battle Tactics to their unborn babies, much to his annoyance. KELLY’s TV commercial comes out, but it only shows the bits of KELLY being an agitated mother. She is very annoyed and demands that MARCO give her a reason. She even swears that she will not let it go.
1x395 - Episode 395
November 5, 2004
KELLY and MARCO go up to the advertising company to find out why they played a trick on her. She lies about having a tummy ache and threatens that if anything happens to her babies because she is so angry, then it may get onto the news, which would definitely affect the sales of the milk powder. The company agrees to pay her off. LAU KAM finds his portraits posted on the street. Meanwhile, TODAY’s producer complains about her not speaking clearly. KELLY is behind it all. She claims that LAU KAM and TODAY’s bad habits are having bad influences on her babies. KELLY’s brother KONG goes to the KIM family and demands that LAU KAM apologise to KELLY. Meanwhile, an accident happens.
1x396 - Episode 396
November 8, 2004
KEI SUM blames KONG for bringing KELLY home and making the whole family suffer. LAU KAM takes MARCO to a sauna parlour when KELLY is not around. KEI SUM deceives MARCO into thinking that KELLY cries everyday since leaving the KIMs. MARCO is glad to learn from her that KELLY had agreed to go back home if he apologises to her. When KELLY is waiting for him on a street, LAU KAM suddenly calls him. Meanwhile, KELLY is knocked down by a hawker and is sent to hospital. She sees MARCO and LAU KAM walking out from a sauna parlour when KONG and KEI SUM take her home. KELLY demands a divorce, much to MARCO’s dismay. LAU KAM and TODAY, however, congratulate him. GUCCI scolds them immediately.
1x397 - Episode 397
November 9, 2004
GUCCI blames the others for causing KELLY’s departure, so she forces everybody to apologise to KELLY. KEI SUM bumps into CHOI TING TING, a fortune-teller, and learns that her life should have ended, but KELLY’s twins have extended it. The KIMs bring presents to apologise to KELLY. However, KEI SUM stops them from taking KELLY home because her babies will bring her good luck. MARCO doesn’t show up to beg KELLY to go back home, so she lies to him saying that something went wrong at KEI SUM’s home and she will move to an apartment. He tells her to check into a youth hostel instead.
1x398 - Episode 398
November 10, 2004
PETER dresses up like Spiderman to propose to NAM, which scares her big client off. ROGER is very annoyed and awards the biggest bonus to ATHENA. PETER presents NAM with a diamond ring, so LAU KAM pretends to be a property developer and her boyfriend. Unfortunately, PETER sees through his lie. SHAN is short of money. NAM lends him money, but he has to pretend to be her boyfriend in front of PETER. PETER is scared by SHAN’s hobbies like flying a private jet, so he invites him for a game of golf, which he still loses. Another pursuer appears, NAM is shocked and asks SHAN for help again.
1x399 - Episode 399
November 11, 2004
NAM pays SHAN to become her secret contract boyfriend. Their colleagues notice that SHAN has suddenly become wealthy, and interrogate him. Luckily, NAM helps him out. She demands that SHAN has an oyster eating competition with one of her pursuers, which makes him feel sick from being too full. She even pushes him into the sea in order to scare another pursuer, who declares his love for her by jumping into the sea. SHAN wants to break up the contract, but is tied up by NAM’s offer. Their colleagues see SHAN and a gay man YEUNG SHAN are very intimate and suspect that SHAN is being “taken care of”. They follow SHAN and are shocked to see he and NAM hugging.
1x400 - Episode 400
November 12, 2004
SHAN and NAM deliberately pretend to be intimate in front of other people. GUCCI worries that NG SAU will break them up, so she invites him to an expensive meal and presents him with expensive gifts to bribe him. However, he scolds her instead. NAM scolds MARCO and the others for doing a bad job. They think that she is taking her anger out on them after having an argument with SHAN, so they try hard to pull her and SHAN back together. They give NAM and SHAN presents and flowers to celebrate, and demand that they kiss. After the kiss, they rush to the back ally to clean their mouths and start shouting at each other. Meanwhile, the others appear and find out that they are only contract lovers.
1x401 - Episode 401
November 15, 2004
ATHENA makes fun of NAM and SHAN’s fake relationship, much to NAM’s annoyance. SHAN is beaten up by NAM’s pursuers. The KIMs also give GUCCI a hard time for being obsequious toward NG SAU for SHAN. SHAN has no choice but to put up with the incorrect accusation. He sends the wrong samples to a big client, resulting in cancellation of the order and NAM shouts at him. He wants to take some fashion design courses, but the school fee is too expensive. NAM hears about it and decides to help him. SHAN is delighted to find an enrolment notification attached with a scholarship confirmation letter when he gets home. He wants to take one more course, so he calls up the school for enquiry and finds out there is no scholarship. He then finds a school fee receipt in NAM’s room and suspects that NAM did everything for him.
1x402 - Episode 402
November 16, 2004
LAU KAM accidentally deletes a contract from SHAN’s computer. SHAN plans to rewrite it in the office after school, but NAM is already writing it for him. NAM has a cold. SHAN is grateful for her help and is sorry that she has fallen ill because of helping him. She is resting at home. He secretly gets into her flat to take care of her and gets hurt as a result. NAM sees his fingers covered in plasters and asks if he has cooked some congee for her. He admits to it and reveals that he loves her. She warns him that she is a cursed woman.
1x403 - Episode 403
November 17, 2004
NAM lists out many examples to prove that she is cursed, but SHAN insists that he will not give her up. MARCO and the others practise how to lose a friendly football match to Fong’s Co., which makes everyone suffer. NAM tells ALEX, one of her pursuers, that SHAN is her boyfriend. Everyone in Ka Yan lines up to welcome the Fong’s Co. representative. NAM is shocked to see that ALEX is the representative. LAU KAM advises ROGER to put NAM and ALEX together. ROGER has to urgently call off LAU KAM’s plan when he finds out that ALEX hates to be cheated.
1x404 - Episode 404
November 18, 2004
ALEX suspects NAM and SHAN’s love relationship, so he hires private investigators to check it out. The KIMs force NG SAU to move in to let SHAN and NAM pretend to be living together. LAU KAM, MARCO, KELLY and FRANCIS decorate NAM’s home. SHAN and NAM come home and find no food in the flat, and have to starve overnight. Meanwhile, NG SAU is very unsettled in the KIMs’, and wants to go home to check out NAM and SHAN. However, he is scared by the way that GUCCI eats and loses consciousness.
1x405 - Episode 405
November 19, 2004
The KIMs force SHAN and NAM to put on matching outfits, which annoys them. They try to cook together after work, but neither of them knows how, so they have to eat canned food instead. At night, while they are having a long chat, ALEX suddenly rushes in and finds some flaws in their relationship. Meanwhile, there is an unexpected thunderclap. SHAN wraps a blanket around NAM and comforts her. ALEX leaves suddenly after seeing that.
1x406 - Episode 406
November 22, 2004
ROGER says that SHAN and NAM look very suitable for each other, but she indicates that she will not consider SHAN at all. SHAN leaves NAM’s home, and both feel loath to part from each other. SARAH accidentally breaks SHAN’s expensive watch, but SHAN doesn’t care. He does, however, lose his temper when he sees LAU KAM using the tie that NAM gave him to scratch his back. NAM’s mind wanders at breakfast time and she wonders if she has fallen in love with SHAN. She is bothered by her pursuers again. Luckily, SHAN appears to save her. However, she tells him not to pretend to be her boyfriend again. In order to stop him from approaching her, she tries to find him a girlfriend.
1x407 - Episode 407
November 23, 2004
FRANCIS brings everyone, but TODAY, a present from his business trip, because she asked him not to bring back anything for her. She is very annoyed and wishes to split up with him. NAM wants to bring SHAN and TODAY together, but feels sour when he puts a jacket on TODAY. She is even more jealous when she overhears SHAN inviting TODAY to go to Cheung Chau. He sees NAM waiting at the pier and asks her to face her true feelings. She doesn’t know how to react, so she denies that she loves him, which leaves him no choice.
1x408 - Episode 408
November 24, 2004
SHAN finds out by chance that NAM lied to him about being cursed. Unfortunately, she still rejects him. TODAY arranges for SHAN to meet with NAM, which makes NAM lose her temper. NAM and ATHENA both refuse to be the manager of the Mainland factory. NAM recommends SHAN to ROGER. SHAN understands her intention and accepts the job. She loses control when she is told that SHAN has been seriously hurt in a fire in the factory. She feels relieved after verifying that SHAN was not badly injured. TODAY knows that she loves him and asks her why she can’t give him a chance, so she tells her what happened to her family before, which influences her decision.
1x409 - Episode 409
November 25, 2004
MARCO and LAU KAM visit SHAN in Dongguan and find him drinking heavily. SHAN develops a skin rash soon after returning to Hong Kong. GUCCI advises him to stick to a straight diet, but he deliberately eats a lot of deep fried food. ROGER allows him to stay in Hong Kong, thinking that he has a skin allergy from the Mainland. NAM scolds him for lacking ambition. TODAY knows that she is harsh on him for a reason, so she tries to comfort him. He decides to save up after her scolding. He meets his biggest rival SZE MO in a bank and they start arguing. SHAN is devastated to find his beloved car damaged by MO’s mistress, and it is towed away. LAU KAM tries to calm him down.
1x410 - Episode 410
November 26, 2004
SHAN swears that he will work hard to get back what he lost, which comforts NAM. ROGER finds a potential client and tells his subordinates that everyone will have a big bonus if they can close the deal. Otherwise, someone will be laid off. Unfortunately, SZE MO is the client. MO flirts with NAM when they are discussing the contract, so she pours some wine on his face and leaves. She tells ROGER that the deal with MO is off, which disappoints everyone. Meanwhile, MO shows up with a bunch of flowers and a signed contract. ROGER is most delighted. Everyone is happy for NAM’s good luck.
1x411 - Episode 411
November 29, 2004
LILY, SUGAR and GIGI agree to help SHAN to fight against MO, but when MO sends them presents, they turn around to praise him. MARCO and LAU KAM have an argument with some other customers in a restaurant. MO settles it for them and impresses them. GUCCI, SARAH and SHAN are chased by a vicious dog for no reason. Luckily, MO appears suddenly and saves them, but he is hurt by the dog. GUCCI and SARAH bring some soup to him in the hospital. He is deliberately harsh on NAM when they discuss the contract in order to extend the meeting. She has a headache. SHAN wants to buy her some painkillers, but MO sends his subordinates to buy up the painkillers near the office.
1x412 - Episode 412
November 30, 2004
NAM receives a bottle of paper stars. Everyone thinks that it is from MO, but NAM tells SHAN that she knows it is from him, and scolds him for wasting time. He works part-time in a convenience store. She brings MO to the store to upset him. MO signs a contract with Ka Yan. SHAN feels sick seeing MO showing off. He overhears MO’s order to his subordinates and worries that he will harm NAM, so he dresses up like a deliveryman to get into MO’s house. He suddenly loses control and beats MO up.
1x413 - Episode 413
December 1, 2004
SHAN and MO have a fight. SHAN finds out later that he has misunderstood him. GUCCI advises SHAN not to judge MO. SHAN asks NAM to avoid MO, but she refuses and derides him. He gives her up completely and resigns. NAM tells TODAY that she is mean to SHAN for his sake and hopes that he will succeed one day. SHAN asks Mr. CHONG to hire him to work in his South America branch, which he agrees. He goes back to Ka Yan to pack up and throws away all the paper stars. NAM picks them back up. Everyone sees SHAN off. He swears to NAM that he will only return to Hong Kong if he succeeds.
1x414 - Episode 414
December 2, 2004
NAM tells the KIMs that she and MO are only business partners, which everyone doubts. GEORGE has very little work. He feels very sour seeing that SARAH and ROGER are still close. He meets an old classmate LI LIN YING in the company. YING thanks him in front of everyone for giving him the chance of an audition, which brought him success. GEORGE keeps his regret to himself. He feels like a loser both at work and in love. While he is wandering on the street, a Hollywood movie scout spots him and invites him for an audition.
1x415 - Episode 415
December 3, 2004
SARAH learns that GEORGE is preparing for an audition, so she volunteers to gather newspaper cuttings for him. She also rehearses some scenes with him. They are so involved they nearly kiss each other. The director asks GEORGE act like a person who has lost all hope in life, which he feels that he didn’t do well. He wants to give up acting and start his own business. SARAH learns about it and tries to comfort him. She doesn’t give enough time to ROGER because of GEORGE. She even goes back to her old looks, which scares the KIMs. ROGER thinks that he is not treating SARAH well enough, so he pays even more attention to her. After dinner, she sees a beggar on the road and thinks that he is a ghost, so she shouts out GEORGE’s name by accident.
1x416 - Episode 416
December 6, 2004
SARAH understands that she has to avoid seeing GEORGE for now she is ROGER’s girlfriend. She sees ROGER meeting a very pretty client, but she is not annoyed. An herbal tea shop is giving out some badges to attract customers and SARAH is one of them. However, she can’t bear the biter taste of the tea and returns empty-handed. GEORGE gets hold of some badges for her and mixes them in with some cloth pegs, which surprises her. GEORGE has a chance to develop in Hollywood. LAU KAM points out that he is not meant to be in a western country. Only AUNT LUNG’s luck charm will protect him. SARAH learns about it and humbly begs AUNT LUNG for the charm. She puts it into GEORGE’s jacket pocket. Coincidently, GEORGE puts more badges into her cloth peg holder. Love suddenly sparkles between them.
1x417 - Episode 417
December 7, 2004
SARAH is bothered by the love triangle between GEORGE, ROGER and her. GEORGE decides to give up Hollywood and stays for her. He tries to ask ROGER to meet him on the roof and tells him everything, but fails. He and SARAH go out for a date and are nearly seen by ROGER. ROGER finds SARAH acting suspiciously lately, so he asks MARCO and the others to investigate her. They find her meeting GEORGE in a grave yard and think that she is possessed. MARCO and GUCCI follow her to the grave yard. They show up when SARAH and GEORGE are discussing how to improve ROGER’s heart function.
1x418 - Episode 418
December 8, 2004
GUCCI and the others decide not to tell ROGER about SARAH and GEORGE’s relationship. ROGER suddenly returns from Shanghai and is angry to find SARAH and GEORGE holding hands together. The others lie to him saying that someone has played a trick and put some glue on their hands. ROGER believes them. He takes out a ring, which shocks SARAH. She pretends to be sick and runs straight home. The others try to comfort ROGER and explain to him how much stress SARAH is having from dating him. They are worried that SARAH is putting herself into a drama series and reminds ROGER to watch it finale. Surprisingly, the soap finishes with a happy ending. Meanwhile, ROGER shows up with some flowers and a ring. SARAH is shocked and runs away with GEORGE in no time.
1x419 - Episode 419
December 9, 2004
KELLY shouts at MARCO in a restaurant. Everyone suspects that she is suffering from pre-natal depression. She has offended LAU KAM, and so he scolds her. When she is trying to get back the mark six ticket, which is hidden inside LAU KAM’s sock, the others notice that the combination was contributed by everyone, but KELLY denies it. MARCO laughs at his old friend who is over protective towards his pregnant wife. The KIMs has a barbeque. Meanwhile, KELLY has a belly ache. Everyone thinks that she is about to give birth. Fortunately, she is just having a tummy ache. She is attended 24 hours by the KIMs. She tells the doctor about the KIMs’ strange behavior and the doctor diagnoses that all the KIMs are suffering from pre-natal depression.
1x420 - Episode 420
December 10, 2004
KELLY has won the first prize in a lucky draw. Unfortunately, pregnant women are not qualified for the draw, much to KELLY’s annoyance. She hears that if a woman gives birth in an aeroplane, the baby can have free rides forever. KELLY is determined to get her babies some free benefits. TODAY tells her that a television broadcasting company is giving away free milk powders, nappies and a scholarship to babies born at the strike of the New Year. KELLY’s babies are due on the 8th, so she plans to induce them.
1x421 - Episode 421
December 13, 2004
KELLY has given birth to twins. Everyone argues over how to name the babies. Finally, they are named KIM FOON and KIM HEI, following the rules in the family name book. KELLY wants to take a shower and wash her hair, but the KIMs cut off her water supply to prevent her from doing so. MARCO forces his colleagues to look at some photos and video of the twins when they are eating some prickled gingers and pig feet in the office. Everyone is annoyed. MARCO and KELLY are woken up by their sons. Neither of them wants to take care of the babies, so they push the cot to another room. The babies’ crying wakes everyone up and they find that the babies are unattended.
1x422 - Episode 422
December 14, 2004
LAU KAM has lost FOON by accident. He and KITTY want to find him by offering to change nappies for babies on the street, but fail. He wants to push the blame on GUCCI, but she sees through his plot. While they are wondering what to do, they receive a phone call saying that the caller has FOON. LAU KAM overhears TAI TSUN and his wife’s conversation in the toilet and suspects that they have kidnapped FOON. So he decides to investigate them.
1x423 - Episode 423
December 15, 2004
The KIMs receive a call from a woman saying that she can send the baby home if they pay her. They bring money to meet her in a restaurant and find out the baby is not FOON. It turns out that LAM SIN and KEI SUM have taken FOON out. They return him to the Honey Cave. BOON YAT SIN points out that GUCCI brings bad luck to her grandchildren. She finds bruises and cuts on them when she gets home. She is so worried that she has to leave home. The KIMs worry a lot about GUCCI. She meets BOON YAT SIN again and finds out what he said about her grandchildren was all rubbish. When she goes home with the others, she realizes that her infrared belt was the reason why the babies cried, which relieves her.
1x424 - Episode 424
December 16, 2004
MARCO and KELLY have to meet a client, so they ask KITTY to take care of the babies. LAU KAM tells them how careless KITTY is normally. They are so scared and run straight home. Surprisingly, they find that KITTY is taking very good care of the babies. KITTY and LAU KAM take some wedding photos. She takes the chance to force him to marry her earlier, but fails. He has a car accident, which worries her a lot. He tries to trick her to give up the idea of having a baby. She goes to pray for him. BOON YAT SIN tells her that LAU KAM can only get married but not have a child. Otherwise, he might die.
1x425 - Episode 425
December 17, 2004
KITTY tells LAU KAM that she is too old to have a baby, much to his delight. He has lots of grey hair and is laughed at being old. The others say that he will live alone, but he replies that he has KITTY. He has a fever. The KIMs are too busy to take him to the doctor’s, so he goes alone and has an accidental fall. He is admitted to the hospital. An old man stays next to him tells him how glad he is to have a son to take care of him in his old age. LAU KAM is convinced by him to start up a family. He proposes to KITTY. She agrees to marry him but is not prepared to have a child with him.
1x426 - Episode 426
December 20, 2004
LAU KAM has BOON YAT SIN’s consent to try to trick KITTY to agree on having a child with him, but their plot fails. She threatens to leave him. KITTY dresses up elegantly to go to work. KELLY says that she might have met someone else. LAU KAM believes that KITTY is only doing that to annoy him. The KIMs are having a meal in a high class restaurant. They bump into KITTY and PAUL, who is a lawyer. LAU KAM speaks sarcastically, but ends up being humiliated. The others ask KITTY to forgive LAU KAM, but KITTY tells them that she and PAUL are in love and that they plan to get married soon. The news hits LAU KAM really hard.
1x427 - Episode 427
December 21, 2004
LAU KAM tries to visit KITTY, but is sent home. He dresses up to go to work and pretends that he has a date. He also arranges a beautiful extra to be his girlfriend, but his plan fails. He asks a good friend to investigate PAUL and finds that PAUL is better than him in any way. He decides to frame him by putting some pornographic materials in his suit jacket. Unfortunately, he cocks it up and embarrasses himself instead.
1x428 - Episode 428
December 22, 2004
GUCCI and the others decide to help LAU KAM to get KITTY back. He plays the piano for her, but is found out playing a tape. She is very annoyed by his lack of sincere. She agrees to get back to him if he wins a competition in there days’ time. However, he joins many competitions and loses each one of them. KITTY decides to meet with PAUL’s parents in the States. LAU KAM knows that she will meet PAUL in the airport, so he asks LAM SIN to take him there. Coincidentally, a marathon is held on the highway and the road is blocked. He gets off the car and runs. He wins the race eventually.
1x429 - Episode 429
December 23, 2004
SARAH finds her egg tarts are stolen. Everyone thinks that TAI TSUN and HELENA did it. The next day, the thief shows up again. MARCO fails to catch him, but GUCCI does. A neighbor, UNCLE CHOI, says that MARCO and TODAY don’t inherit any of GUCCI’s smartness. LAU KAM points out that it might have skipped a generation. KELLY decides that her sons should become lawyers or doctors. The others ask FOON and HEI to decide their future. The babies pick up a cross and a Buddhist necklace among other things, an implication that they want to become a monk or a priest when they grow up.
1x430 - Episode 430
December 24, 2004
GUCCI wants to have a family gathering, but the KIMs have already had their own plans. LAU KAM swears that he will find GUCCI a partner. He finds out that she likes someone like kungfu master WONG, who likes to help people. A customer smokes in the Honey Cave. GUCCI fails to tell him off. While they are arguing, a man suddenly comes up and kicks the smoker out of the restaurant. The next day, GUCCI falls down when she is delivering some takeaway. The same man appears to help her again. He leaves her with his jacket and a good impression.
1x431 - Episode 431
December 27, 2004
The man is called UNCLE SUEN. He notices that GUCCI has a backache, so he teaches her tai chi and she teaches him dancing in return. He also helps her to take care of her grandsons. She falls for his manhood. HELENA has joined the “Greatest Mother” competition. The KIMs nominate GUCCI to join. She dreams of being awarded the honor of a chaste widowed woman. However, SUEN suddenly appears and makes her lose the honor. GUCCI avoids him the next day. He visits her at her flat. Meanwhile, the KIMs come back. She is pushing him into her room when his cell phone rings. The others therefore mistakes that there is a thief. The next day, the KIMs tell her in the Honey Cave that they don’t mind her getting married again.
1x432 - Episode 432
December 28, 2004
Some triads show up at where TODAY and GEORGE are filming. SUEN appears to settle the event. The news reports that the police are fighting against some triad organizations. One of the master minds has been caught. One is dead and one has escaped. GUCCI passes by a funeral parlor the next day and SUEN is there for the deceased, who is none other than the master mind. She dreams of having a wedding in a church with SUEN when Police Inspector WONG suddenly appears. WONG finds some criminal evidence on him. She is woken up by her dream. The nest day, she tells SUEN that she doesn’t want to be connected to him. He tries to explain, but she will not listen.
1x433 - Episode 433
December 29, 2004
GUCCI destroys the presents that SUEN has given her before. She insists not to be his girlfriend. SUEN chases after her. She demands that he leaves the organization. She overhears his phone conversation and knows that he has not left it. When she confronts him about it, she finds out that everything is just a misunderstanding. He looks for her to have a chat. The KIMs think that he is going to reveal his feelings to her. However, it turns out that everything is only GUCCI’s fantasy.
1x434 - Episode 434
December 30, 2004
NAM suddenly remembers that she is nearly 28, so she asks TODAY out and hands her all her stock shares. TODAY laughs at her, saying that it looks like she is preparing for her death. SZE MO tries to talk to NAM in a pub, but she ignores him. He has a bet of $300,000 with his friends that he will get NAM. NG SAU is cheated $3 millions by his colleagues. NAM worries for his future, so she buys lots of mark six tickets. None of them wins. NAM sees SUGAR looking for a new owner for her dog, so she decides to look for a woman for SAU, too.
1x435 - Episode 435
December 31, 2004
NG SAU tries to locate his colleague “Prop CHAN”, wishing that he will pay him back. NAM tries to take him home, but fails. GUCCI passes by and manages to convince him to go home. BOON YAT SIN says that GUCCI and SAU have a relationship for seven lives. NAM wants to pull them together after hearing that. MO proposes to NAM with a diamond ring, which is worth $3 millions. She agrees to marry him for SAU’s future. She and MO play golf. She finds out that MO is pursuing her for a bet with his friends.
1x436 - Episode 436
January 3, 2005
GUCCI mentions about SHAN. NAM doesn’t reply. ROGER has a big contract, but the client insists that NAM to meet him. It turns out that SHAN is the client. He sought for opportunities in the South America and has become the director of a company. He deliberately gives NAM a hard time and demands to have the proposal by the next day. MO comes to Ka Yan to pick up NAM. He tells SHAN that he will marry NAM, which shocks him. SHAN turns down GUCCI’s proposal on opening a restaurant in South America. He goes on and humiliates the Honey Cave, which outrages GUCCI so much that she swears not to see him again.
1x437 - Episode 437
January 4, 2005
MO tries to sell his company. SHAN is interested, but MO turns him down. SHAN is not satisfied with NAM’s proposal, so she holds her anger and modifies it again. SHAN offers NAM $4 millions to break her engagement with MO, which she accepts. SHAN scolds her for being materialistic. He also thanks her for abandoning him before, which has stimulated him to work hard. NAM swears that they are not friends anymore.
1x438 - Episode 438
January 5, 2005
SHAN and NAM turn their back to each other. GUCCI tries to test NAM’s feeling for SHAN by setting up a road side funeral for him, but fails. TODAY and NG SAU have returned from the mainland after a filming trip. KELLY suggests having a dinner out. TODAY advises NAM to tell SHAN the truth, but she insists her to keep it a secret. The KIMs talk about SHAN’s new girlfriend. NAM thinks that they are playing a trick on her. Meanwhile, SHAN and his girlfriend VIVIAN appear. He introduces her to everyone as his fiancee, which shocks NAM.
1x439 - Episode 439
January 6, 2005
The KIMs visit SZE MAN’s grave. TODAY takes the chance to scold SHAN for being ungrateful. NAM prepares some information on wedding for SHAN. TODAY praises her greatness. VIVIAN and her brother TO dine with the KIMs. GUCCI praises TO’s personality. TO replies her that he is very easy going, but he will not allow anyone to bully his younger sister. SHAN distributes his wedding invitation cards in Ka Yan and ends up having an argument with NAM. He finds out that NAM has ordered a coffin, which he thinks that she is playing a joke on him on his wedding day. Later, he is shocked to find her name on the tablet.
1x440 - Episode 440
January 7, 2005
SHAN finds out that NAM has a terminal disease, so he looks everywhere for her. Meanwhile, the KIMs try every way to destroy SHAN and VIVIAN’s wedding. SHAN dresses up as a monk to wait in a temple for NAM to show up to visit her late parents. When she does, he asks to be with her until the end of her life. They walk along the beach and talk about the past. NAM’s scarf is blown away. SHAN worries that it is the sign indicates that NAM is dying.
1x441 - Episode 441
January 10, 2005
NAM and SHAN are delighted to find that her father is someone else, so she has not inherited the family disease. GUCCI forces SHAN to tell VIVIAN that he loves NAM. When he is about to do it, VIVIAN tells him that her father’s car has been bombed and her brother has been retained in the airport. She is not sure if they are dead or alive. SHAN doesn’t want to hurt either NAM or VIVIAN. He gets the KIMs to help him so that he can go out with both girls.
1x442 - Episode 442
January 11, 2005
SHAN loses consciousness and is sent to the hospital. NAM and VIVIAN want to visit him, but are sent back by the KIMs. They overhear the KIMs talking about SHAN hopping around two girls, so they decide to test SHAN’s feeling. They find that he loves NAM most. TO takes his revenge at the Honey Cave. He makes all the KIMs feel sick. One day, TO’s father KWO looks for TO at the Honey Cave and that is when the others realize that TO has gone missing.
1x443 - Episode 443
January 12, 2005
The KIMs learn from the news that TO’s car has crashed and caught fire, but the driver is no where to be seen. The KIMs report themselves to the police respectively saying that they are involved in TO’s death. The police send them home for lack of evidence. The KIMs want to find out the truth, so they ask SHAN to simulate the crime scene. Unexpectedly, they are robbed at the hillside. LAU KAM manages to escape and finds TO being tied up on a tree. When he is happily thinking about the reward…
1x444 - Episode 444
January 13, 2005