- wSerie
- TV Shows
- World War Two
- Season 0
- Episode 368
Inside the Gulag System
World War Two - S0 - E368
Even as the Allied powers condemn the German crimes against humanity, their recent victories are in part thanks to the massive system of forced labour built by Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. Over one million prisoners work in the Gulag to power the Soviet war economy.
World War Two: Season 0 - 101 Episode s
0x318 - Japan - Liberators of India? - War Against Humanity 065 - June 19, 1943
June 19, 2022
As the people of Bengal and Iran continue to be tormented by hunger, so are the people of Germany and Yugoslavia by bombs. In Eastern Europe, the Germans continue to kill anyone they deem an enemy.
0x319 - The Queen of F**king Everything đź‘‘ - Blooper Reel
June 27, 2022
Most videos on this channel have a few blooper gems that need to be cut, here are some of our favourite from Spies and Ties
0x320 - A Deep Dive into the Tiger I, by the Chieftain
June 29, 2022
The best tank of World War Two or a piece of junk? Using the original held at the U.S. Army Armor & Cavalry Collection, Chieftain and Rob Cogan take you on a literal deep dive into the iconic Tiger I.
0x321 - How to Fool a FĂĽhrer - Operation Mincemeat - WW2 - Spies & Ties 19
July 4, 2022
Glyndwr Michael, the dead secret agent, has deposited his deceptive letters in Spain. Now the next phase of Operation Mincemeat begins. If Charles Cholmondely of MI5 and Ewen Montagu of Naval Intelligence have done their job right, the letters should make their way into Hitler’s hands.
0x322 - Decapitating the French Resistance - War Against Humanity 066 - June 26, 1943
July 5, 2022
The Gestapo deals a devastating blow to French Resistance, and in Bengal, British India the famine is only getting worse.
0x323 - The Master Race of Asia? - War Against Humanity 067 - July 3 1943
July 8, 2022
0x324 - Troop Deployments for the Battle of Kursk
July 9, 2022
Over the last few weeks entire cities worth of troops along with all the logistical support needed to support them have gathered in and around the Kursk salient. Here's how they've been deployed, and where they could go from here.
0x325 - Killing the Resistance, and Rockets of Death - War Against Humanity 068 - July 10, 1943
July 10, 2022
The Polish and French resistance find themselves weakened by the lots of their leaders. Hitler decided to give Werner von Braun hundreds of thousands of slaves to launch the German rocket program.
0x326 - The Irish Fighting for Britain, Mexico's Role in the War, and Chuikov in Uranus - WW2 - OOTF 27
July 12, 2022
How many Irishmen are fighting for Britain and why? And what did Chuikov do during Operation Uranus? And what role has Mexico played in the fighting so far? Find out the answers to these fascinating questions in our latest edition of Out of the Foxholes!
0x327 - General Patton Orders War Crimes - War Against Humanity 069 - July 17, 1943
July 17, 2022
This week, we see a contrast in the way different civilians behave within occupied Ukraine, Patton order war crimes, and Jewish resistance give up one of their own fighters.
0x328 - The Myth of Rosie the Riveter - On the Homefront 016
July 19, 2022
With American men going off to fight the war, there are concerns about a labor shortage. Enter Rosie the Riveter. The women who answered the "We Can Do It" call and entered the factories. But did she really exist?
0x329 - The Famine the World Forgot
July 22, 2022
The occupation of a neutral country by the United Nations Alliance potentially killed millions of innocent people. Few seemed to care at the time and it has gone largely unreported in traditional historiography. This is the forgotten famine of World War Two. The Iranian Famine.
0x330 - Stalin, Hitler, and Churchill - Architects of Death - War Against Humanity 070 - July 24, 1943
July 24, 2022
This week, civilians are on the frontlines once again. Children man the flak guns of German cities and Soviet laborers build defenses around battle-scarred Kursk. On-going tragedies also continue their relentless unfolding, from Bengal to Warsaw.
0x331 - Come Meet Indy, Sparty, and the TimeGhost Team
July 26, 2022
Make sure to RSVP so you get notified as soon as tickets are on sale: https://forms.gle/XL3cQG5xrA11jvbT7
0x332 - The Posh Brits Betraying Their Country - WW2 - Spies & Ties 20
July 27, 2022
Being allies does little to discourage Moscow from recruiting double agents in the British establishment. The most famous of them all, Kim Philby and the Cambridge Five, penetrate deep into MI5, MI6, and Bletchley Park. With friends like the NKVD, who needs enemies?
0x333 - Hamburg’s Citizens Burnt Alive - War Against Humanity 071 - July 31, 1943
July 31, 2022
In Italy the Fascists fall from power in a peaceful coup, while in Germany the RAF and USAAF bring down a rain of fire of biblical proportions in Operation Gomorrah, launching the Firestorm of Hamburg.
0x334 - The Battle of Stalingrad Every Week with Maps
August 1, 2022
0x335 - The Never Ending Failures in France - WW2 - Spies & Ties 21
August 8, 2022
The typical image of the French Resistance is of a man, beret at an angle, cigarette hanging from his bottom lip, captured MP40 across his chest. But one of the most successful resistance leaders is a woman – Marie-Madeline Fourcade. And right now, the Germans have her on the run!
0x336 - TimeGhost Army Meetup!
August 9, 2022
We have some fan meet-ups planned for September. Join us in Normandy, Munich, or even at Oktoberfest! Tickets are exclusively available to members of the TimeGhost Army, and there is an exclusive auction for a seat with the team in an Oktoberfest beer hall.
0x337 - The Great Escape from Treblinka Death Camp - War Against Humanity 072 - August 7, 1943
August 12, 2022
While enslavement, and mass murder continues unabated in August 1943, at the Treblinka Death Factory the forced laborers decide that enough is enough, and bring battle to the SS in a daring escape attempt.
0x338 - Amazing Money Heist by Polish Resistance - War Against Humanity 073 - August 14, 1943
August 14, 2022
The reality of war finally seeps through to the majority of Germans, and it didn’t match up with the propaganda. Meanwhile resistance is increasing, and part of that is a classic money carriers when the Polish Home Army robs a money transport.
0x339 - The Communist Spies in America's Atomic Program - WW2 - Spies & Ties 22
August 15, 2022
The NKVD have wormed their way into British society. Across the pond, America is also teeming with communist spies. They’re in the government, military, even OSS, and the FBI. Now they’re going for the biggest secret of all – the atomic bomb.
0x340 - How Accurate is Saving Private Ryan?
August 16, 2022
How accurate is that famous beach scene in Saving Private Ryan? Is it true to the history or just another Hollywood story? Seeing as we're about to start the filming for our massive D-Day project, we figured we'd break it down, shot by shot.
0x341 - Join Us in Person at Oktoberfest!
August 17, 2022
We have some fan meet-ups planned for September, but the crown jewl is a spare seat at the TimeGhost Teambuilding in Munich on Oktober first. Join the bidding for this seat live on Friday, 19/August/2022, at 8PM CEST (German) time.
0x342 - LIVESTREAM: Meetup Auction - Bonus Q&A
August 19, 2022
The auction and tickets are available for sale exclusively to TimeGhost Army Members
0x343 - Greece Burns Under Nazi Occupation - War Against Humanity 074 - August 21, 1943
August 21, 2022
The aerial bombing of Germany takes a new turn but continues to fail to bring long-term results. In occupied Greece and Poland, over a thousand children are murdered by the Nazis.
0x344 - A Floating Airfield Made of Ice - WW2 Newsflash
August 23, 2022
In 1943, the British are working on a radical plan which could revolutionize the Allies' productive capacity. It might sound crazy, but ice might be the magic material they need.
0x345 - The Astonishing Nazi Underground Slave Factories - War Against Humanity 075 - August 28, 1943
August 28, 2022
While the RAF and USAAF continue to try to bomb Germany into submission, the German Nazis move their war production underground. In the process they create an underground slave camp that defies imagination.
0x346 - What would the Nazis say about this? - Blooper Reel
August 31, 2022
Lights, Camera, Action - CUT!
0x347 - Amon Göth: The Super Nazi - War Against Humanity 076 - September 4, 1943
September 4, 2022
While the Allies give up on the first Battle of Berlin, Amon Göth goes on a murderous rampage in the Tarnow Ghetto.
0x348 - How to Escape the Nazis
September 12, 2022
This is an intimate story inspired by real events (notably inspired by the story of a member of the Danish resistance and grandmother of Hans von Knut Skovfoged, Head of Development at PortaPlay. A story told not on the front line, but in the intimate setting of a small Danish village.
0x349 - Italy Switches Sides in World War Two - War Against Humanity 077 - September 11, 1943
September 14, 2022
When Italy leaves WW2, The Nazi German Reich immediately begins occupying the country, and the occupied nations it has held until now.
0x350 - D-Day On the Road Vlog [Part 1]
September 17, 2022
We're on the road right now, and filmed a little behind the scenes for all of you. Stay tuned for part 2!
0x351 - US Concentration Camps and Hitler's Latest Ally - War Against Humanity 078 - September 18, 1943
September 18, 2022
The German Nazi Genocide of the Jews surpasses four million deaths, while the Soviet Union and US step up oppression against some their own citizens.
0x352 - D-Day On the Road Vlog [Part 2]
September 22, 2022
The TimeGhost crew continue exploring the D-Day sites with Paul Woodadge, have a BBQ, and show you the very historical bed and breakfast, La Ferme aux Chats that they live in while in Normandy.
0x353 - Life Inside a Panzer - Tank Life Part 1
September 23, 2022
The German Panzers are high on the list of the most feared and respected weapon systems of the Second World War. Much of their effectiveness however did not simply stem from technical or tactical superiority, but was achieved through rigorous training and the tight camaraderie of their crews. Days, weeks, or even months on end, the men operating a Panzer would stay together, maintaining the tank, and training for the battle to come. Through summer and winter, heat and snow, mud and rain, the tank would become their home.
0x354 - Did D-Day win WW2? - a WW2 expert discussion
September 25, 2022
WW2 historians Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson, and Paul Woodadge moderated by Ryan Socash discuss the meaning and significance of D-Day from historical, current, and future perspectives. Recorded on the road while shooting in Normandy for TimeGhost’s 24-hour documentary on the events of June 6, 1944.
0x355 - End of D-Day On the Road Vlog [Part 3]
September 25, 2022
As the first D-Day recording session concludes, Indy, Sparty, and Paul go look at the Hedge Rows, and Utah Beach. The grand finale is a meetup and dinner with the TimeGhost Army… with oysters!
0x356 - Nazis Go Fascist Hunting - War Against Humanity 079 - September 25, 1943
October 2, 2022
The Wehrmacht continues Operation Axis and its slaughter of Italian soldiers. In Western Europe, the situation of the Jews becomes increasingly precarious, especially so in Denmark.
0x357 - Sweden: The Jews' Salvation? - October 2, 1943 - War Against Humanity 080
October 2, 2022
As the Allies advance in southern Italy, the people of Naples join them in fighting the Wehrmacht. In Denmark, the biggest rescue operation of Jews thus far begins.
0x358 - Canine War Heroes
October 6, 2022
Where man goes, so does man’s best friend. Across the globe, tens of thousands of dogs are called up. They play their part in tales of heroism and joy. But without any agency over their own lives, they also experience fear, death, and cruelty.
0x359 - Chinese Warlords and the Royal Canadian Navy - WW2 - OOTF 028
October 9, 2022
In today's episode of Out of the Foxholes, we discuss the role of Chinese warlords played in the war against Japan, while also shining a bit more light on the Canadian Navy and its impact on WW2.
0x360 - The Nazis' Justification for the Genocide - October 9, 1943 - War Against Humanity 081
October 12, 2022
This week the Nazis go on the record about their genocide of the Jews. Meanwhile the Jews in Denmark are coming closer to safety, and the Roman Jews are again at peril.
0x361 - Nazis Suck at Sabotage - WW2 - Spies & Ties 23
October 13, 2022
They say every masterpiece has its cheap copy. Well, the German Sicherheitsdienst are trying to copy the success of the Soviet Partisans. With Walter Schellenberg, Heinrich Himmler, and Reinhard Heydrich in charge, you know it’s going to be a bloody affair.
0x362 - The Great Escape from Death Camp Sobibor - October 16, 1943 - War Against Humanity 082
October 16, 2022
The German Nazis and their helpers are facing increasing resistance, this week in Rome from the Vatican, and at the Sobibor extermination camp from their victims.
0x363 - Britain's Royal Spy - WW2 - Spies & Ties 24
October 20, 2022
SOE agents come from all walks of life but very few can claim to be royalty. Few except Noor Inayat Khan. She’s been sent as a radio operator to France, arriving right in the middle of a German crackdown on the resistance. Now she is the sole link between London and Paris.
0x364 - Another bombed city - war still not ended - October 23, 1943 - War Against Humanity 083
October 23, 2022
Trainload after trainload arrives at the slave and murder factories in Auschwitz, and a fire storm is created in Kassel, while the United Nations War Crimes Committee UNWCC is formed.
0x365 - Executed for Telling a Joke - October 30, 1943 - War Against Humanity 084
October 30, 2022
From a conference in Moscow the United Nations Alliance issues a warning to Nazi Germany about their atrocities, while those atrocities continue unabated.
0x366 - Community Livestream! [Starting 9PM Munich Time, 30/October/2022]
October 30, 2022
0x367 - Your Thoughts on Our D-Day Coverage So Far
November 3, 2022
Indy and Sparty pick out some of the best, most interesting, and even controversial comments by you under our videos. Stay for the PJs.
0x368 - Inside the Gulag System
November 4, 2022
Even as the Allied powers condemn the German crimes against humanity, their recent victories are in part thanks to the massive system of forced labour built by Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. Over one million prisoners work in the Gulag to power the Soviet war economy.
0x369 - The Final Bloody Chapter of Operation Reinhard - War Against Humanity 085
November 9, 2022
The genocide of the Jews of Eastern Europe concludes with Operation Harvest Festival - Aktion Erntefest when 42,000 are murdered in the Lublin district.
0x370 - The Auschwitz Business Model - War Against Humanity 086
November 10, 2022
Hitler commemorates the twentieth anniversary of the failed Beer Hall Putsch, in Auschwitz 50 men are shot in celebration, and Arthur Liebehenschel replaces Rudolf Höss as commandant.
0x371 - The Real Reason for Hitler's War
November 15, 2022
The murder of the Jews of Europe is not simply conducted alongside the military and political war aims of the Third Reich. For Hitler and the Nazis, the murder of the Jews of Europe is the military-political aim of the war. It confounds all logic, but in the twisted worldview of Nazi ideology, it makes perfect sense. This is a war on the Jewry.
0x372 - The Pornstars of World War Two - Pin-Ups - On the Homefront 017
November 16, 2022
How do you motivate men to leave home and go fight in a foreign land? Send them packing with Betty Grable, Rita Hayworth, and Irene Manning, of course! It helps if you include an Esquire magazine and girlie cartoons from the infamous Alberto Vargas.
0x373 - Baltic Peoples Join the SS - War Against Humanity 087
November 17, 2022
Hitler forces Himmler to betray his promise of independence for the Baltic states, despite giving the Waffen-SS 40,000 of their young men. Ion Antonescu of Romania decides to save the remaining Romanian Jews to save his own ass.
0x374 - The Secret Radio in Auschwitz - War Against Humanity 088
November 24, 2022
In Auschwitz the inmates gathering evidence of Nazi crimes score two successes, while the RAF score a direct hit on Goebbels as they set Berlin aflame. In the Pacific the accidental sinking of the SS Suez Maru triggers a Japanese war crime.
0x375 - Victorious Italians, Swedish Turnips, and Battlefield Songs - OOTF 29
November 29, 2022
Rommel disliked Italian officers, but how bad were the troops during the North Africa Campaign? DID German pilots use skip-bombing in the Atlantic? AND what kind of wartime songs did soldiers sing? Find out in this episode of Out of the Foxholes!
0x376 - The NKVD Making Fools of German Intelligence - Spies & Ties 25
November 30, 2022
Colonel Reinhard Gehlen is head of German military intelligence in the East. He likes to think he’s a master of his craft. But all along he’s been a victim of the NKVD and a man named Max. Gehlen thinks he can hold off the Red Army. But as things go from bad to worse his thoughts will start to turn to the possibility of a new world…
0x377 - Bombing Berlin with Ed Murrow of CBS - War Against Humanity 089
December 1, 2022
Ed Murrow accompanies the RAF on a bombing raid on Berlin, and files one of his most iconic broadcasts with CBS. In Teheran, Winston Churchill walks out on a dinner with Joseph Stalin, after the USSR Premiere suggests mass murdering German officers.
0x378 - Is the Luftwaffe Defeated in 1943?
December 7, 2022
Outnumbered and outproduced, the once mighty Luftwaffe is battling to hold its own across three fronts. Every month brings new pain for the force. But the Luftwaffe still has a few tricks up its sleeves and can make the Allies bleed heavily. If only Hitler and the Nazi leadership weren’t sabotaging its chances…
0x379 - V-1: Hitler's Deluded Revenge Plan - War Against Humanity 090
December 8, 2022
Japanese planes bomb Calcutta when it is still being crushed by the weight of the Bengali famine. Adolf Hitler and Albert Speer are obsessively trying to increase war production so Germany can begin launching its vengeance weapon against Britain. The wars of resistance continue across the Balkans with continued brutality and a new resistance force emerges in Italy.
0x380 - The Story of Poland's Armed Forces in Exile
December 13, 2022
The Polish state was the first to fall in this war, yet across the globe Polish soldiers are fighting on land, air, and sea as part of the United Nations alliance. The story of the tens of thousands of men and women fighting for Polish liberation is equal parts hope and hardship as they battle the enemy and even sometimes their own allies.
0x381 - The RAF’s Worst Day of the War - War Against Humanity 091
December 15, 2022
The United Nations Allies has some success bombing the Nazi German Reich, but it comes at a heavy price. In the village Kalavryta in Greece, the Wehrmacht massacre hundreds of men and boys.
0x382 - The Nazi Quest for Thor's Hammer
December 20, 2022
Books, films, and comics are filled with Nazi scientists and explorers travelling the globe to get their hands on ancient artifacts or summoning daemons with black magic. But how much of it is grounded in reality? Well, some of it. In the neo-pagan religion invented by ReichsfĂĽhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler, the world can only be explained through the occult.
0x383 - US Couples Miraculously Escape Japanese Massacre - War Against Humanity 092
December 22, 2022
Two escapes, one from the Nazis in Kovno (Kaunas) Lithuania, from the prison at Fort IX, and one from Japanese terror on Panay in the Philippines this week, will help to document the crimes of the Axis powers.
0x384 - The Myth of the Nazi Police State
December 27, 2022
The popular image of the Gestapo is as black leather-jacketed fiends whose spies keep the nation under constant surveillance. They are so powerful that the terrified population has no choice but to sell out its family and friends. But how true is this? Are all Germans living in fear of the Gestapo all the time?
0x385 - Stalin Deports An Entire Ethnicity - War Against Humanity 093
December 29, 2022
The last week of 1943 is a busy one. Stalin deports the Kalmyk minority from Kalmykia, the escapees from Fort IX get away, and the US President moves to found the post-war UN.
0x386 - 1943 in Numbers
January 1, 2023
This war is massive. Our chronological coverage helps give us an understanding of it, but sometimes statistics help us understand the bigger picture.
0x387 - Will Stalin Liberate or Occupy Poland? - War Against Humanity 094
January 5, 2023
The last week of 1943 is a busy one. Stalin deports the Kalmyk minority from Kalmykia, the escapees from Fort IX get away, and the US President moves to found the post-war UN.
0x388 - Is the French Resistance Defeated by 1944? - War Against Humanity 095
January 12, 2023
While the Soviet Union declared they will annex parts of Poland, the Western Allies fear that the broken French Resistance may ruin the plans for D-Day.
0x389 - The Partisan War Behind the Frontlines
January 18, 2023
There is a second war raging on the Eastern Front. From the huge expanses of no man’s land behind the German lines, Moscow’s battle-hardened and well-armed partisan bands are waging a Rail War in support of Red Army offensives. But every successful mission brings down the wrath of the genocidal Axis war machine.
0x390 - When the SS Go Too Far - War Against Humanity 096
January 20, 2023
The internal conflict between Poland and the other United Nations Allies deepens as Churchill faces them with diplomatic defeat over Soviet land grab. In the Occupied Netherlands and Poland the Nazis continue their atrocities.
0x391 - The Latest D-DAY Project Update, from an Alpine Cabin
January 25, 2023
Indy and Sparty are locked up in a mountain house working away at D-Day, and it's all thanks to those of you who have joined us on Patreon and booked memorials!
0x392 - Who Were the Flying Aces of World War Two?
January 30, 2023
Young, daring, and handsome, the Allied fighter aces of World War Two have captivated the public with their thrilling exploits. Join us as we take a look at the top scorers! Thanks to Curiosity Stream for sponsoring today’s video.
0x393 - Poland's Descent into Civil War - War Against Humanity 097
February 2, 2023
Poland, occupied, abandoned or even threatened by her allies is left to fight her own war. A war that under the influence of internal and external forces looks more and more like a full blown civil war inside the world war.
0x394 - How We Make Our Videos (and what it costs)
February 5, 2023
We're excited to finally answer all your questions about where Indy lives, how we produce the series, and how many of us there are in the TimeGhost Team!
0x395 - Hitler's Jazz Band
February 9, 2023
Does Adolf Hitler like Duke Ellington? No, and nor do many National Socialists. But the story of the music in the Third Reich is more complicated than you might think. What if we told you that Joseph Goebbels has tried to create a Nazi-approved swing band tasked with bringing the Jazz War to the Allies?
0x396 - A Very Special Message from Astrid
February 12, 2023
This is our last day of the TimeGhost Fundraising week. You saw what goes on behind the scenes, and now we want to show you what you've made possible over the last seven days.
0x397 - America’s War on Japanese Shipping
February 15, 2023
We've covered in great depth the Battle of the Atlantic and the war by and against German U-Boats, but what about the other side of the world? Why has the war on Japanese shipping been so much quieter? There are several very specific reasons for that, which we look at today.
0x398 - Mosquito Bombers Bust Out French Resistance - War Against Humanity 098
February 21, 2023
Across Europe the anti-Nazi Resistance continues to rise as does the infighting. In France the RAF carry out Operation Jericho to break out captured resistance members held at the prison in Amiens.
0x399 - Up Close and Personal - Mountain Warfare in Italy
February 23, 2023
Even as the Allied and Axis commanders focus on the sweeping warfare of the Eastern Front and the planning for the invasion of Europe, their men continue to fight a grinding war of attrition high in the Italian mountains. It’s a war of merciless terrain, brutal close-quarters combat, and vast quantities of artillery and bombs. They may be playing second fiddle, but the soldiers on the Italian front will never forget these battles.
0x400 - Luftwaffe Defeated in One Week?! - War Against Humanity 099
February 26, 2023
Allied and German Air Forces fight fierce battles over Europe with civilians caught in the crossfire, while Joseph Stalin and Lavrenti Beria deport two entire ethnicities of half a million in just one week.
0x401 - African Opinion in the War, Minor Axis Partners, and Foreign Ships in the British Navy - OOTF 30
March 2, 2023
How did the British manage their multinational Merchant Navy who are the non-American operators of Liberty Ships? How did Kenyans, South Africans, and others from Britain’s Sub-Saharan Empire view the war? And what is going on in Slovakia and Hungary right now? Find out in this episode of Out of the Foxholes.
0x402 - Ukrainian, Yugoslav and Baltic Nazis? - ϟϟ Foreign Fighters Part 2
March 16, 2023
Across Europe, non-Germans are filling the ranks of Heinrich Himmler’s forces. These foreign fighters certainly don’t meet the racial standards of the SS but times are tough and the Reichsführer-SS needs warm bodies. So, does that mean Himmler’s given up on the idea of a Germanic master race? Not at all. And he uses all sorts of twisted esoteric logic to justify his latest moves.
0x403 - Beria’s Reward for Ethnic Cleansing - War Against Humanity 100
March 23, 2023
Authoritarian regimes on both sides, in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Imperialist Japan the terror is once again escalating. The bombing war from both sides see continued death of civilians, while Harris of the RAF, Spaatz of the USAAF, and Supreme Allied Commander Eisenhower are getting into a fight about how the bombers should be used for the upcoming D-Day.
0x404 - The Rise of the US Airforce
March 27, 2023
The United States Army Air Forces, USAAF, is the most powerful air force in the world. Alongside the Royal Air Force, it is winning the air war against the Luftwaffe. But things weren’t always like this. At the outbreak of war, the USAAF could not hold a candle to its allies or enemies. How have the Americans managed to turn things around?
0x405 - Will Finland Leave the War?
March 28, 2023
The Finns have been fighting the Soviet Union since the Winter War. But now, Marshal Mannerheim and Prime Minister Risto Ryti look like they might pull out of the Eastern Front commitments they agreed upon with their Axis allies. German-Finnish relations seem to be at breaking point, and Red Army troops are threatening the borders. How long will Finland stay in this war?
0x406 - Do the Germans Know About Operation Overlord?
April 14, 2023
We are getting closer and closer to D-Day and the potential liberation of Nazi Europe. But how much do the Germans know about this? Is the leak inside the British Embassy in Ankara enough to thwart the efforts of Operation Bodyguard, Operation Fortitude, and everything else the Allies are doing to deceive Adolf Hitler? Let's find out. This is the story of Cicero
0x407 - Why We Don't Talk About China
April 19, 2023
We often see comments asking why we don't cover the war in China. Chiang Kai-shek is one of the major Allied leaders - so why don't you hear about him as much as Stalin, Roosevelt, or Churchill? Let us explain.
0x408 - Hitler's Revenge on the Italian People - War Against Humanity 101
April 21, 2023
As the RAF closes in on Berlin and the German Army is running dangerously low on men, the Nazi leadership is determined to use their resources to spread their crimes deeper into Hungary and Italy.
0x409 - They Predicted D-Day Would Fail
May 16, 2023
D-Day is almost here and we're putting our faith in all of you to join us in making it happen: https://dday.timeghost.tv/
0x410 - What Happened Behind a Photographer's Lens on D-Day
May 21, 2023
Roberta Capa has gone down in history as one the most groundbreaking war correspondents in all of journalism. His account of what happened on D-Day was something we wanted to share with all of you.
0x411 - The Moment D-Day Was Announced
May 28, 2023
D-Day is just around the corner, we're in the end game now. You can learn more about the project and how to get involved at http://DDay.TimeGhost.tv
0x412 - Invasion by Air - D-Day [Part 1]
June 5, 2023
In the early hours it is up to the Allied airborne troops to secure the battlefield perimeter, and protect the operation. Now they will find out if the Germans have been deceived, or are ready and waiting with mortal force.
0x413 - Through The Gates of Hell - D-Day [Part 2]
June 6, 2023
When the amphibious landings begin, they run straight into Hitler’s Atlantic Wall. Eisenhower has predicted a third of his troops may fall. While they land, the news breaks across the world.
0x414 - Piercing the Atlantic Wall- D-Day [Part 3]
June 6, 2023
With wide gaps struck in the Atlantic Wall, it is now up to the Allies to secure the beachheads and move inland. There they will face off with new German defences, and the Norman geography.
0x415 - German Counterattack - D-Day [Part 4]
June 6, 2023
It has taken all day for Rundtsedt, Hitler and the rest of German command to gather their wits, but now the Panzers are rolling - will the beachheads hold?
0x416 - The Combat Engineers of D-Day
June 22, 2023
How do you blast through the obstacles and minefields on the beaches Normandy? How do you get thousands of tonnes of tanks, guns, and men into the fight? And what about reopening the shattered French ports? You need men who are as skilled in construction as they are destruction. You need the engineers.
0x417 - The End of Nazi Intelligence in 1944
June 27, 2023
After years of undermining the Nazi regime and aiding the resistance, Abwehr Chief Wilhelm Canaris finally loses his battle with Heinrich Himmler and the SS. The Abwehr Trojan Horse is no more, and German intelligence is at death’s door at the most crucial moment.
0x418 - Nazis Destroy Last Jewish Sanctuary - War Against Humanity 102
July 6, 2023
Until now Miklos Horthy’s Kingdom of Hungary has been a rare sanctuary where most Jews have lived in relative safety. That changes with the German occupation. Now Adolf Eichmann. the Nazis, and their Hungarian allies bring the Holocaust to Hungary.