- wSerie
- TV Shows
- World War Two
- Season 0
- Episode 441
WW2 Jet Engine Development
World War Two - S0 - E441
Jet planes and jet engine technology revolutionized air travel, as we are all well aware. However, the development of jet planes during WW2 was fraught with all sorts of obstacles and hurdles. Let's take a look at it.
World War Two: Season 0 - 101 Episode s
0x391 - The Latest D-DAY Project Update, from an Alpine Cabin
January 25, 2023
Indy and Sparty are locked up in a mountain house working away at D-Day, and it's all thanks to those of you who have joined us on Patreon and booked memorials!
0x392 - Who Were the Flying Aces of World War Two?
January 30, 2023
Young, daring, and handsome, the Allied fighter aces of World War Two have captivated the public with their thrilling exploits. Join us as we take a look at the top scorers! Thanks to Curiosity Stream for sponsoring today’s video.
0x393 - Poland's Descent into Civil War - War Against Humanity 097
February 2, 2023
Poland, occupied, abandoned or even threatened by her allies is left to fight her own war. A war that under the influence of internal and external forces looks more and more like a full blown civil war inside the world war.
0x394 - How We Make Our Videos (and what it costs)
February 5, 2023
We're excited to finally answer all your questions about where Indy lives, how we produce the series, and how many of us there are in the TimeGhost Team!
0x395 - Hitler's Jazz Band
February 9, 2023
Does Adolf Hitler like Duke Ellington? No, and nor do many National Socialists. But the story of the music in the Third Reich is more complicated than you might think. What if we told you that Joseph Goebbels has tried to create a Nazi-approved swing band tasked with bringing the Jazz War to the Allies?
0x396 - A Very Special Message from Astrid
February 12, 2023
This is our last day of the TimeGhost Fundraising week. You saw what goes on behind the scenes, and now we want to show you what you've made possible over the last seven days.
0x397 - America’s War on Japanese Shipping
February 15, 2023
We've covered in great depth the Battle of the Atlantic and the war by and against German U-Boats, but what about the other side of the world? Why has the war on Japanese shipping been so much quieter? There are several very specific reasons for that, which we look at today.
0x398 - Mosquito Bombers Bust Out French Resistance - War Against Humanity 098
February 21, 2023
Across Europe the anti-Nazi Resistance continues to rise as does the infighting. In France the RAF carry out Operation Jericho to break out captured resistance members held at the prison in Amiens.
0x399 - Up Close and Personal - Mountain Warfare in Italy
February 23, 2023
Even as the Allied and Axis commanders focus on the sweeping warfare of the Eastern Front and the planning for the invasion of Europe, their men continue to fight a grinding war of attrition high in the Italian mountains. It’s a war of merciless terrain, brutal close-quarters combat, and vast quantities of artillery and bombs. They may be playing second fiddle, but the soldiers on the Italian front will never forget these battles.
0x400 - Luftwaffe Defeated in One Week?! - War Against Humanity 099
February 26, 2023
Allied and German Air Forces fight fierce battles over Europe with civilians caught in the crossfire, while Joseph Stalin and Lavrenti Beria deport two entire ethnicities of half a million in just one week.
0x401 - African Opinion in the War, Minor Axis Partners, and Foreign Ships in the British Navy - OOTF 30
March 2, 2023
How did the British manage their multinational Merchant Navy who are the non-American operators of Liberty Ships? How did Kenyans, South Africans, and others from Britain’s Sub-Saharan Empire view the war? And what is going on in Slovakia and Hungary right now? Find out in this episode of Out of the Foxholes.
0x402 - Ukrainian, Yugoslav and Baltic Nazis? - ϟϟ Foreign Fighters Part 2
March 16, 2023
Across Europe, non-Germans are filling the ranks of Heinrich Himmler’s forces. These foreign fighters certainly don’t meet the racial standards of the SS but times are tough and the Reichsführer-SS needs warm bodies. So, does that mean Himmler’s given up on the idea of a Germanic master race? Not at all. And he uses all sorts of twisted esoteric logic to justify his latest moves.
0x403 - Beria’s Reward for Ethnic Cleansing - War Against Humanity 100
March 23, 2023
Authoritarian regimes on both sides, in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Imperialist Japan the terror is once again escalating. The bombing war from both sides see continued death of civilians, while Harris of the RAF, Spaatz of the USAAF, and Supreme Allied Commander Eisenhower are getting into a fight about how the bombers should be used for the upcoming D-Day.
0x404 - The Rise of the US Airforce
March 27, 2023
The United States Army Air Forces, USAAF, is the most powerful air force in the world. Alongside the Royal Air Force, it is winning the air war against the Luftwaffe. But things weren’t always like this. At the outbreak of war, the USAAF could not hold a candle to its allies or enemies. How have the Americans managed to turn things around?
0x405 - Will Finland Leave the War?
March 28, 2023
The Finns have been fighting the Soviet Union since the Winter War. But now, Marshal Mannerheim and Prime Minister Risto Ryti look like they might pull out of the Eastern Front commitments they agreed upon with their Axis allies. German-Finnish relations seem to be at breaking point, and Red Army troops are threatening the borders. How long will Finland stay in this war?
0x406 - Do the Germans Know About Operation Overlord?
April 14, 2023
We are getting closer and closer to D-Day and the potential liberation of Nazi Europe. But how much do the Germans know about this? Is the leak inside the British Embassy in Ankara enough to thwart the efforts of Operation Bodyguard, Operation Fortitude, and everything else the Allies are doing to deceive Adolf Hitler? Let's find out. This is the story of Cicero
0x407 - Why We Don't Talk About China
April 19, 2023
We often see comments asking why we don't cover the war in China. Chiang Kai-shek is one of the major Allied leaders - so why don't you hear about him as much as Stalin, Roosevelt, or Churchill? Let us explain.
0x408 - Hitler's Revenge on the Italian People - War Against Humanity 101
April 21, 2023
As the RAF closes in on Berlin and the German Army is running dangerously low on men, the Nazi leadership is determined to use their resources to spread their crimes deeper into Hungary and Italy.
0x409 - They Predicted D-Day Would Fail
May 16, 2023
D-Day is almost here and we're putting our faith in all of you to join us in making it happen: https://dday.timeghost.tv/
0x410 - What Happened Behind a Photographer's Lens on D-Day
May 21, 2023
Roberta Capa has gone down in history as one the most groundbreaking war correspondents in all of journalism. His account of what happened on D-Day was something we wanted to share with all of you.
0x411 - The Moment D-Day Was Announced
May 28, 2023
D-Day is just around the corner, we're in the end game now. You can learn more about the project and how to get involved at http://DDay.TimeGhost.tv
0x412 - Invasion by Air - D-Day [Part 1]
June 5, 2023
In the early hours it is up to the Allied airborne troops to secure the battlefield perimeter, and protect the operation. Now they will find out if the Germans have been deceived, or are ready and waiting with mortal force.
0x413 - Through The Gates of Hell - D-Day [Part 2]
June 6, 2023
When the amphibious landings begin, they run straight into Hitler’s Atlantic Wall. Eisenhower has predicted a third of his troops may fall. While they land, the news breaks across the world.
0x414 - Piercing the Atlantic Wall- D-Day [Part 3]
June 6, 2023
With wide gaps struck in the Atlantic Wall, it is now up to the Allies to secure the beachheads and move inland. There they will face off with new German defences, and the Norman geography.
0x415 - German Counterattack - D-Day [Part 4]
June 6, 2023
It has taken all day for Rundtsedt, Hitler and the rest of German command to gather their wits, but now the Panzers are rolling - will the beachheads hold?
0x416 - The Combat Engineers of D-Day
June 22, 2023
How do you blast through the obstacles and minefields on the beaches Normandy? How do you get thousands of tonnes of tanks, guns, and men into the fight? And what about reopening the shattered French ports? You need men who are as skilled in construction as they are destruction. You need the engineers.
0x417 - The End of Nazi Intelligence in 1944
June 27, 2023
After years of undermining the Nazi regime and aiding the resistance, Abwehr Chief Wilhelm Canaris finally loses his battle with Heinrich Himmler and the SS. The Abwehr Trojan Horse is no more, and German intelligence is at death’s door at the most crucial moment.
0x418 - Nazis Destroy Last Jewish Sanctuary - War Against Humanity 102
July 6, 2023
Until now Miklos Horthy’s Kingdom of Hungary has been a rare sanctuary where most Jews have lived in relative safety. That changes with the German occupation. Now Adolf Eichmann. the Nazis, and their Hungarian allies bring the Holocaust to Hungary.
0x419 - Nazi Drone War Begins - War Against Humanity 103
July 11, 2023
Bombing enemy civilians does nothing to advance a nation’s war effort. But now, Adolf Hitler believes that the V-1 flying bomb, the first of the Vengeance Weapons, will bring London to its knees and unite the German population behind the war effort as never before. The missiles are ready for launch and thousands more civilians will die to satisfy the Führer’s delusions.
0x420 - How Hitler Approved His Own Assassination
July 13, 2023
So far, the German resistance haven’t had much luck with their attempts to kill the Führer, Adolf Hitler. But now, the German war hero Claus von Stauffenberg, together with Friedrich Olbricht and Henning von Tresckow, drives the resistance forward. It’s time to kill Hitler. It’s time for Operation Valkyrie.
0x421 - Diplomats Fight the Nazis in Budapest - War Against Humanity 104
July 18, 2023
Hungary's Jews are facing a Holocaust machine in overdrive. The deportation trains are arriving in such volume that even the extermination factory of Auschwitz can barely keep up with the pace. The entire country swiftly becomes Judenfrei and the Jews of Budapest sit helplessly as Adolf Eichmann and his Hungarian collaborators tighten the noose around them. Admiral Miklós Horthy is one of the few who can save them, but so far he has done nothing. Will that change?
0x422 - The Führer Adolf Hitler is Dead!?
July 20, 2023
Stauffenberg, Olbricht and the plotters launch Operation Valkyrie. The army moves in to seize power, troops surround the government quarter in Berlin, and Joseph Goebbels is arrested. But things start going wrong pretty much immediately and far away in East Prussia the Nazi fightback begins.
0x423 - Bombing France into Freedom - War Against Humanity 105
July 25, 2023
The destruction of German cities has shown how difficult it is for the heavy bombers of the RAF and USAAF to hit small targets with precision. Things will be no different when these big beasts go into action to support the D-Day landings. Thousands of French civilians will pay the price for the flawed logic of Allied bombing.
0x424 - D-Day Summary – Time Ghost PSA
July 28, 2023
Today we sat down with James Newman - our soon-to-be Head of Writing department and talked about the exciting D-Day adventure which had its spectacular finale last month.
0x425 - Moscow Invades Poland Again - War Against Humanity 106
August 4, 2023
The Home Army has fought hard to earn Poland its freedom from both Nazi and Soviet domination in Operation Tempest. But has it worked? Operation Bagration has seen the Red Army punching into Polish lands so what will become of Wilno, Lwów, and Lublin? And is the time right for an uprising in Warsaw?
0x426 - America Plans to Incinerate Japan - War Against Humanity 107
August 8, 2023
The Allied Strategic bombing campaign has claimed hundreds of thousands of civilian lives across Europe and has made little real impact on the Axis war machine. Even so, the United States is determined to extend the campaign to Japan. Until now, the vast distances of the Asia-Pacific theatre have protected the imperial enemy. That all changes when the USAAF unleashes the Superfortress.
0x427 - The End of Anne Frank’s Diary - War Against Humanity 108
August 10, 2023
In Poland, the SS and Wehrmacht unleash their most sadistic fighters to crush the Warsaw Uprising and massacre tens of thousands of people. In Amsterdam, the German security forces finally discover Anne Frank and her fellow fugitives. Against this backdrop, Heinrich Himmler talks of an irreversible ‘racial realignment’, and the Soviets discover the horrors of Majdanek.
0x428 - Hitler Youth Murder Canadian Soldiers - War Against Humanity 109
August 15, 2023
In Normandy, the Waffen SS butcher their military and civilian enemies while some Allied soldiers play fast and loose with the laws of the war. In China, hundreds of thousands flee their homes as friend, foe, and famine take their toll. Meanwhile, the spectre of deportation haunts Eastern Europe as Stalin reshapes his new empire.
0x429 - Life and Death at the heart of Nazism - On the Homefront 018
August 22, 2023
The Nazis love to spread the myth that they have transformed the German capital from a city of sin, unemployment, and Marxist street violence to the centre of a glorious new Reich. But the reality is that right now, Berliners are trapped between the Allied bombing and the Nazi regime’s tightening grip. And yet, the men and women of Berlin continue to support this war. For them, it’s a war of survival.
0x430 - Robo-tanks Slaughter Polish Children - War Against Humanity 110
August 25, 2023
Fierce fighting continues in Warsaw as German forces battle the Home Army’s uprising. Frustrated by a determined foe, the SS continues to retaliate against civilians, including Polish children. The Home Army calls for help but finds that London is silent. In Paris, the Resistance has their revenge against collaborators. The death factory at Auschwitz continues to burn as the Nazis start to evacuate the camps in the East.
0x431 - Hitler Plans His Genocidal Legacy - War Against Humanity 111
August 25, 2023
At the centre of his shrinking empire, Hitler plans his legacy. Together with his genocidal accomplice Heinrich Himmler, these two top murderers plan the destruction of the imagined creature of Judeo-Bolshevism. This week the children of Warsaw, the people of London, the peasants of Italy, and the souls condemned to slavery and death at Auschwitz pay the price for their warped worldview.
0x432 - The Double Agent Saving London From the V-1
August 30, 2023
The Germans are assaulting London with waves of V-1 flying bombs. But Eddie Chapman, a career criminal, serial womaniser, and masterful double agent working for MI5’s Double Cross is fighting a secret battle to beat the bombs. When he’s done with that, he pulls the wool over Reich’s eyes to help Britain beat the Kriegsmarine. This is Agent Zigzag.
0x433 - Will the Resistance Smash Nazism or Build Communism? - War Against Humanity 112
August 31, 2023
The hour of resistance is here. Across Western Europe, armies of resistance fighters rise up to meet the Allied armies and sabotage the Axis war machine. In Slovakia, a secret army fights to restore Czechoslovak independence. But against this hopeful backdrop, the Axis forces strike back hard. And, all around, the spectre of communism strikes fear in the Western Powers.
0x434 - It's getting worse.
September 3, 2023
Working via YouTube has always been a bit a of wrestling match, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for fighting in our corner.
0x435 - How Britain Helped the Communist Revolution - War Against Humanity 113
September 6, 2023
Fight the Nazis or fight your countrymen? From Marshal Tito's Partisans in Yugoslavia to the ELAS fighters in Greece, that is the animating question among the Balkans resistance movements. For many, the question is already answered. It is Mihailović and his Chetniks and EDES, EKKA, and the Greek royalist government who must be outmanoeuvred first. British foreign policy has so far failed to change this state of affairs, can Churchill get his SOE officers to stop these civil wars?
0x436 - At the end of the Axis’ Destiny - War Against Humanity 114
September 12, 2023
The imperial dreams of Germany and Japan are in tatters. But the expansionist beasts do their best to drag their enemies down with them. Across Europe the cycle of resistance and retaliation continues. Paris is free but Warsaw burns. V-1s rain down on innocent civilians in London. The Japanese cleanse West Borneo of opposition. The genocide of the Jews continues. For so many people, liberation is now so near yet so far away.
0x437 - When Patton Flipped out at Air Traffic Control
September 13, 2023
It’s time for another instalment of Across the Airwaves, where Indy and Sparty highlight some of the most interesting comments under our videos. In this episode they cover Patton losing his pilot’s license, the history of Polish 303 Squadron, the military irrationality of committing war crimes, and the community we’re creating here on the channel.
0x438 - Iranian Railways, Red Cross Care Packages, and Tail Gunners - WW2 - OOTF 31
September 20, 2023
How did the Allies build and manage an enormous railway supplying the Soviet Union through Iran? How did the Red Cross deliver aid parcels through enemy territory to Allied POWs? And, how effective were the rear gunners in ground attack aircraft like the Stuka and Sturmovik? Find out in this episode of Out of the Foxholes
0x439 - Is the Slovak Uprising Doomed to Fail? - War Against Humanity 115
September 21, 2023
Even as they battle an uprising in Slovakia, the Nazis see the opportunity to continue their racial realignment of Europe. The latest victims of this genocidal legacy are Anne Frank and her family, who arrive at Auschwitz. In Britain, the V-1 menace is defeated. But as London breathes a sigh of relief, the Nazis and their allies reduce Warsaw to rubble in a rampage of burning, looting, rape, and murder.
0x440 - What are we doing after WW2? TimeGhost Breakfast Club
September 25, 2023
It's been a while since our last one, but we're back with a fresh episode of the TimeGhost Breakfast Club! This episode has a look behind the scenes of TimeGhost, a short snippet of our team trip to Oktoberfest and an enticing sneak peek into the thrilling projects on the horizon. All whilst having breakfast between our latest filming!
0x441 - WW2 Jet Engine Development
September 28, 2023
Jet planes and jet engine technology revolutionized air travel, as we are all well aware. However, the development of jet planes during WW2 was fraught with all sorts of obstacles and hurdles. Let's take a look at it.
0x442 - The Man Who Stole the Atomic Bomb
September 29, 2023
In the New Mexico desert, a secret team of scientists is working flat out to develop atomic bombs. It’s the most important American military project in history. But one of those scientists lives a double life. Klaus Fuchs has decided to betray his country and share America’s most secret technology with the Soviet Union. But is he the only person who has turned traitor?
0x443 - Paris under the Swastika - Collaboration and Resistance - On the Homefront 019
October 3, 2023
Occupied Paris, a paradoxical city of banality and brutality, of resistance and collaboration. Join Anna as she takes you on a tour of the city from occupation, the establishment of the Pétain regime and collaboration, the growth of resistance, and finally liberation. But the story doesn’t end there and into the 21st century, the city of lights is haunted by its occupation.
0x444 - The Soviet Spies Who Kickstarted the Nuclear Arms Race
October 4, 2023
Last episode we saw Klaus Fuchs steal details of the American atomic bomb for the Soviet Union. But he’s only one component of a much bigger conspiracy. Today, Astrid introduces you to the mysterious web of Soviet atomic spies. Their work will change our world forever.
0x445 - Eastern Front Tank Warfare 1944
October 6, 2023
In this conflict, we’ve seen armoured warfare on a greater scale than anything before or since. Indy takes a look at some of the tanks slugging it out on the Eastern Front, from the long-serving Panzer III and IV, to the newer and more powerful Tiger and T-34 85, and the monstrous IS-2.
0x446 - How Britain Broke Hitler’s Brain
October 10, 2023
In a re-upload of one of our D-Day 24 Hour videos, Astrid introduces you to the war’s most effective counter-espionage and deception programme, The Double Cross system. Today she’ll talk about their operations before and during D-Day and introduce you to some of the most important double agents. Their mission - fool the Führer.
0x447 - Elvira, the Party Girl Double Agent
October 11, 2023
She’s the gambler with a hotline to the Abwehr. The party girl tearing up the London social scene. Now she’s doing her bit to hold back the Panzer Divisions and pave the way for D-Day. This is the story of Elvira Concepcion Josefina de la Fuente Chaudoir, Double Cross’s most flamboyant double agent.
0x448 - The Allied Rape Wave of 1944 - War Against Humanity 116
October 12, 2023
Since the earliest days of humanity, where there has been war, there has been rape. This war is no different. As vast armies battle across Europe, the chaos in their wake breeds an epidemic of rape. In its action and its punishment the European rape wave is also highly racialised. It adds up to a storm of suffering.
0x449 - Agent Garbo, MI5’s Greatest Actor
October 17, 2023
Juan Pujol Garcia’s neighbours think nothing of the new Spanish family that moves in during the war. But this quiet man who lives in suburban London and works for the BBC is a master of military deception. He runs a Double Cross network of invisible men who run rings around the Germans before, during, and after D-Day.
0x450 - Will Brutus Stab MI5 in the Back?
October 18, 2023
The problem with some Double Agents is that it’s very hard to trust them. After the mercurial Polish pilot and spymaster Roman Czerniawski offers his service to the Allies, MI5 and Double Cross worry that their new man will turn out to be a Triple Agent! But they’ll have to learn to trust agent Brutus because he might just hold the key to success in Operation Fortitude.
0x451 - Agent Treasure, MI5's Jewel of Deception
October 24, 2023
The intrigue of espionage lies in the shadows of trust. When the enigmatic Russian-born Nathalie Sergueiew is caught between German recruitment and British counter-intelligence, MI5 faces a quandary. Agent Treasure's unpredictable nature makes her a challenging asset, teetering between an invaluable ally and a potential risk. Yet, amidst the dance of deception, it becomes clear: Treasure's role is more golden than her codename suggests.
0x452 - The Double Cross Spy Bromance
October 25, 2023
Dusko Popov and Johnny Jebsen, Double Cross and Abwehr resistance working in perfect harmony. Together they forge a friendship that outfoxes the Nazis. But Popov and Jebsen are just a small part of a much wider story that goes to the heart of the anti-Nazi resistance and brings in our old friends Admiral Canaris and Hans Oster.
0x453 - The Tale of Fat Man and Little Boy
October 26, 2023
Here near the end of 1944, we look at the development of the atomic bomb. What different methods of creating a nuclear reaction are being developed? How close are they to development? How does it work? Will they be able to make one in 1945? Will it go boom?
0x454 - Smith Versus Smith: US Army/Marine Relations in 1944
October 27, 2023
When Marine Corps General Holland Smith removed Infantry General Ralph Smith from command in 1944 during the Battle of Saipan, it began a controversy that soon snowballed, threatening to sabotage Army-Marine relations at a time when cooperation was the key to victory.
0x455 - An Undersea Oil Pipeline to Beat the Nazis
November 1, 2023
They used to say that an army marches on its stomach. No so much anymore. These days armies march on oil. But how do the Allies get vast quantities of the stuff to their tanks and lorries across the Channel? Simple, they use the latest technology to lay a giant flexible pipeline across the sea. The armies of liberation are fuelled and ready.
0x456 - Will Japan Free or Enslave Indonesia? - War Against Humanity 117
November 3, 2023
Indonesian nationalists initially welcomed Japan’s promises of pan-Asianism. But now, these have been shown to be entirely hollow. While Indonesian nationalist leaders continue to support the new occupier, it’s clear that the country is simply under new colonial management. But the dream of Indonesian independence is still alive and this war will bring that day closer.
0x457 - The Magician Who Fooled the Nazis (and all of us)
November 7, 2023
Military deception is tricky. Sometimes you need to destroy a crucial piece of war industry or make an entire harbour disappear. Who do you call for this sort of job? Well, someone who knows a thing or two about tricking the eye. You need a professional magician. You need Jasper Maskelyne. But is there more to this illusionist than meets the eye?
0x458 - Western Front Tank Warfare 1944
November 8, 2023
This "corrupt" episode has been removed from YouTube and replaced by episode 463. Indy takes a look at the armoured beasts battling it out on the Western Front. On the German side we have vehicles like the long-serving Panzer IV, the sleek and modern Panther, and the obnoxiously heavy King Tiger. These are arrayed against the American stalwart, the M4 Sherman, and British tanks like the up-gunned Firefly, Cromwell, and Churchill.
0x459 - The Philippines Burns with Resistance - War Against Humanity 118
November 15, 2023
Organized resistance movements in Axis-occupied territory are often associated with beret-sporting, trench-coated Frenchmen. A far less known, but larger and more effective resistance movement existed in the Philippines.
0x460 - Japanese Concentration Camps - War Against Humanity 119
November 21, 2023
The Japanese decided that the Western civilians living in their new imperial territories threatened the Empire. Over one hundred thousand of these people now live in misery in concentration camps across Asia. Disease, overwork, hunger, and brutalisation are all taking their toll. Can the Allies free their civilians before time runs out?
0x461 - The Man Who Started the Cold War
November 23, 2023
What if I told you that a new conflict will sweep the globe in less than a year? It will open not with gunshots but with silent, shadowy espionage. The man who will kick off the Cold War is a quiet Canadian pilot, millionaire, and spymaster. A trusted aide to Churchill and FDR. I bet you haven’t heard this name before. William Stephenson.
0x462 - What Happened to the Nazis' Looted Art and Gold? - War Against Humanity 120
December 1, 2023
The Nazis have ripped the cultural and artistic treasures of Europe from their homes and brought them to the Reich to grace the walls of museums and the palaces of the criminal leadership. Now, with Germany on the ropes, those treasures are hidden away deep underground. But the Monuments Men, teams of Allied men and women fighting for art, are on the case. They will track down, preserve, and return these precious items.
0x463 - Western Front Tank Warfare 1944
December 8, 2023
This "fixed" episode replaces the corrupt episode 458. Indy takes a look at the armoured beasts battling it out on the Western Front. On the German side we have vehicles like the long-serving Panzer IV, the sleek and modern Panther, and the obnoxiously heavy King Tiger. These are arrayed against the American stalwart, the M4 Sherman, and British tanks like the up-gunned Firefly, Cromwell, and Churchill.
0x464 - Will Democracy End in 2024?
December 10, 2023
0x465 - How Churchill Started the Cold War in Greece in 1944 - War Against Humanity 121
December 12, 2023
You might think that the Cold War starts after this war ends. But already, as the Germans withdraw from Greece, the ideologically opposed Greek resistance groups ELAS and EDES are at each others’ throats. It all culminates in Athens in December 1944; British troops fire some of the first shots of the Cold War as Greece descends into Civil War.
0x466 - How to Break a Nazi Spy
December 14, 2023
What is the best way to extract information from enemy spies? British interrogator Robin “Tin Eye” Stephens reckons that physical torture is pretty useless. Instead he has great success with a method of psychological terror that breaks the spy’s will and even turns some of them into double agents. But when the war is over, will he stick to his principles?
0x467 - Camouflage
December 19, 2023
Camouflage comes in many forms, shapes, disguises, and even processes, for there are indeed many ways to hide your soldiers, guns, tanks, and even ships at sea. Today we take a wee look at camouflage during the war.
0x468 - The Gangsters of MI6
December 20, 2023
Should spies be suave gentlemen or streetwise crooks? Today, Astrid and Anna introduce you to two of MI6's original gangster spies, Walter Dicketts and Arthur Owens. They quickly bring some impressive results. But, the thing about criminals is that it can be hard to trust them. Just a couple of years into the war, MI6's Double Cross System might be in a lot of trouble…
0x469 - Did Miklos Horthy Save Hungary’s Jews? - War Against Humanity 122
December 21, 2023
After the first waves of Hungarian Jews were deported in the summer, Miklos Horthy halted Eichmann’s trains. Into the autumn of 1944 a coalition of diplomats, aid workers, and states attempts to save the Jews still surviving in Budapest. But when the SS launch a coup in Budapest and bring the Hungarian fascists come to power, time runs out.
0x470 - Curtis LeMay Starts Firebombing Tokyo - War Against Humanity 123
December 29, 2023
Curtis LeMay orders his B-29s to begin the firebombing of Japanese cities. This begins a campaign that will destroy the Japanese economy but leave hundreds of thousands dead. Meanwhile, the radicalisation of Japanese society continues at all levels as the Kamikaze suicide-pilots attack Allied warships and school-children build vengeance weapons.
0x471 - Will the Allied Bombers Finally Destroy Germany’s Economy in 1945? - War Against Humanity 124
January 4, 2024
The RAF and USAAF reopen the Combined Bomber Offensive against Germany in autumn 1944. The Allied heavy bombers are targeting a German economy that is churning out more war materiel than ever before, fuelled by German Armaments Minister Albert Speer’s army of slaves. But, as 1944 turns to 1945, the bombers finally start to break the German vampire economy. But, at what cost to civilian life?
0x472 - The Germans Knew about the Holocaust! - War Against Humanity 125
January 10, 2024
How often have you heard that the German population was unaware of the horrors of the Nazi camp system? Well, the opening months of 1945 destroys that myth once and for all as the SS force hundreds of thousands of Jews and other prisoners to march across the Reich and into the vast network of sub-camps. All of this happens in in full view of the German people.
0x473 - Eastern Front Deployments
January 11, 2024
The Soviets are just about to kick off a series of enormous offensives all along the Eastern Front. Here's a look at the forces who are to attack, and those who will be defending.
0x474 - The Gay Nazi Spying For Britain
January 17, 2024
What convinces a Nazi spy switch sides? For some it’s a deeply held opposition to the murderous ideology of the Third Reich. Sometimes it’s a love of money, adventure, or an affinity with Britain. But for others, the reason is simple: to save their own skin. One of those is Agent Tate, a man who never renounces his Nazi beliefs.
0x475 - Finnish Jews, Polish Special Forces, and MREs - WW2 - OOTF 32
January 24, 2024
How did Finland treat its Jews, and what did Finnish people know about the Holocaust? Who were the mysterious Polish Silent Unseen? And, what sort of rations did soldiers carry? Find out in this episode of Out of the Foxholes.
0x476 - The Sad Story of Churchill’s Iceman Geoffrey Pyke
January 31, 2024
Geoffrey Pyke is remembered as an eccentric scientist who spewed out ideas like giant aircraft carriers made of icy Pykerete. But there was much more to him than that. He was a spy, a special operations mastermind, and his novel ideas contributed to the success of D-Day.
0x477 - The Last Days of Auschwitz - War Against Humanity 126
February 2, 2024
When the SS evacuate the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp complex in the second half of January 1945, their intent is to make sure that no live prisoners get into the hands of the approaching Red Army. The death marches that follow are a final act of mass murder at the camp, that brings the death toll to close to 1.1 million murdered.
0x478 - The War Goals to End WW2 in 1945
February 8, 2024
While World War Two looks like it is about to end, the belligerent powers have vastly different goals for that end. Differences that may or may not prolong the war, will decide the survival of tens of millions of people, and the future fate of all of Humanity.
0x479 - Yalta, When Stalin Split the World
February 11, 2024
Indy and Sparty take you through the negotiations at Yalta as The Big Three thrash out the shape of the post war world. As the splits between East and West continue to deepen, who will come out on top?
0x480 - Red Army Rapes the Reich - War Against Humanity 127
February 13, 2024
When the Red Army invades the Eastern German Reich provinces, and occupied Poland, years of war, anti-German agitprop, and the general misery of being a Soviet soldier has whipped them into a frenzy of bloodthirsty revenge. It’s the women of all ethnicities who pay the heaviest price as German and Polish women, even liberated Soviet victims of Nazi terror are subjected to repeated mass rapes day in and day out
0x481 - Artillery! A WW2 Special
February 14, 2024
The modern artillery of the Great War was responsible for the vast majority of military deaths in that conflict, but how has artillery developed from that war to this one? Today we take a look at some of the artillery of WW2.
0x482 - The SS Betrays Hitler
February 20, 2024
Italy, 1945. Karl Wolff of the SS is looking for a way to save his skin. In his desperation he turns to Allen Dulles and the American OSS. Wolff’s bargaining chip? The surrender of German forces in Italy. The price? Escape from the hangman’s noose. Is it a price worth paying? And what will Joseph Stalin say when he finds out his allies are talking to the Nazis?
0x483 - Allied War Crimes, Latin American Troops, and Top-Secret Proximity Fuzes
February 21, 2024
Did the Western Allies commit war crimes? What did Latin American troops do during the war? And, how did the top-secret proximity fuze change the face of warfare? Find out in this episode of Out of the Foxholes
0x484 - Soviets Hunt Down the Heroes of Humanity
February 22, 2024
The Red Army taking Budapest launches a huge wave of crime by the soldiers and the Soviet state - the most famous crime will be when Moscow disappears Raoul Wallenberg. But he is not the only neutral country diplomat who has worked to save Budapest’s Jews threatened by the Soviets.
0x485 - Who Watches History Videos?
February 25, 2024
0x486 - V-2: Hitler’s Wunderwaffe
February 27, 2024
Hitler hopes that the V-2 rocket will turn the tide of the war. It’s cutting edge technology and impossible to intercept. Right now, the first long-range ballistic missile is raining death on London and Antwerp. But is it too little, too late? Find out the backstory to this powerful weapon.
0x487 - The Allied Hunt for Nazi Super Weapons
February 28, 2024
As the Allies advance further into Germany, they turn their eyes to a new objective: recovering as much of the Nazi science and as many of the scientists as they can. Advances in jet fighters, chemical and biological weapons, rockets, all of these will be useful in the inevitable future confrontation between East and West.
0x488 - The Brutal End to the Battle of Manila
February 29, 2024
This week yet another bloody urban battle draws to its conclusion. In Manila, despite clear orders from Tomoyuki Yamashita against wanton violence, his subordinates and superiors chose to ignore him. The Japanese defenders massacre, rape, loot and then burn the remains of the city.
0x489 - Who Cracked Enigma? The True Story, No B.S.
March 6, 2024
So, you think you know the Enigma Story? The Poles, the French, Bletchley Park, Alan Turing, and daring raids on sinking U-Boats. Well, there’s one figure you may never have heard of. Today, Anna and Astrid tell the story of a German Double Agent named Hans Thilo-Schmidt and his vital but forgotten part in the Enigma story.
0x490 - The Jewish Avengers Who Hunted Nazi Murderers
March 8, 2024
In March 1945 the first Jewish unit in the Allied forces reaches the frontline. Before fighting the Nazis, the men spent years battling against the policies of the British government. After the war, they will take vengeance on the perpetrators of the Holocaust and join the Zionist movement in building and fighting for Israel.
0x491 - Nazi Spies in New York
March 20, 2024
On a snowy night, two tall men are walking along the highway on the coast of Maine. They could hardly be more suspicious. They wear light European coats, no hats, large suitcases, and they leave a trail of footprints down to the beach… These strange men are German spies on the hunt for America’s biggest secrets!