Young Royals (2021)

Love or duty?

In the 2021 TV series, Young Royals, Prince Wilhelm navigates the intricacies of his elite boarding school, Hillerska, where adjusting to the norms is a task in itself. However, the real test lies in deciphering his heart's desires, a journey that turns out to be more complex than expected. This high-profile school saga unfolds a royal tale of self-discovery, love, and life's challenges.


Young Royals: 3 Season s

Other names for Young Royals

王储的抉择 (CN)王儲的抉擇 (CN)JEUNESSE ROYALE (CA)Jovenes altezas (ES)Książęta (PL)Молодые монархи (RU)王储的抉择 (SG)Genç Asilzadeler (TR)王儲的抉擇 (TW)

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