Style of Hiroshi Nohara's Lunch
The series follows Hiroshi Nohara's lunchtime philosophy, focusing on budget and break time constraints, cooking trivia, preparation methods, and everyday dilemmas for salarymen, including deciding on lunchtime treats, finding quick meals, and venting about bosses.
Style of Hiroshi Nohara's Lunch: Season 1 - 1 Episode
Style of Hiroshi Nohara's Lunch: 1 Season
Tags for Style of Hiroshi Nohara's Lunch
Other names for Style of Hiroshi Nohara's Lunch
Style of Hiroshi Nohara LUNCH (US)Nohara Hiroshi Hirumeshi no Ryūgi (JP)Nohara Hiroshi Hirumeshi no Ryuugi (JP)Nohara Hiroshi: Hiru Meshi no Ryugi (JP)