BAKI (2018)

In the gripping 2018 TV show, BAKI, we follow the strenuous journey of martial arts prodigy, Baki Hanma, as he relentlessly trains to outdo his renowned father. Amidst his challenging journey, an unexpected twist occurs when five ruthless death row convicts make their way to Tokyo, with their sights set on challenging Baki. This thrilling show is a must-watch for all martial arts and anime enthusiasts.


BAKI: Season 1 - 26 Episode s

Other names for BAKI

刃牙 死囚篇 (CN)刃牙 大擂台赛的传说 (CN)באקי המתאבק החדש (IL)Baki (2018) (FR)Μπάκι (GR)BAKI (IT)باكي المحارب (SA)BAKI (SA)

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