Black Lagoon (2006)

The story follows a team of pirate mercenaries known as the Lagoon Company, that smuggles goods in and around the seas of Southeast Asia in the early to mid 1990s. Their base of operations is located in the fictional harbor city of Roanapur in southeast Thailand near the border of Cambodia.


Black Lagoon: Season 1 - 24 Episode s

Black Lagoon: 2 Season s

Other names for Black Lagoon

Black Lagoon (US)Burakku ragûn (JP)Black Lagoon (JP)Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail (JP)ブラックラグーン (JP)ブラック・ラグーン (JP)Пірати "Чорної Лагуни" (UA)Black Lagoon (AU)Black Lagoon (CA)Black lagoon (ES)Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage (GB)Black Lagoon (GB)Black Lagoon (IN)Black Lagoon (IT)블랙라군 (KR)Пираты чёрной лагуны (RU)Пираты черной лагуны (RU)企業傭兵 (TW)Black Lagoon (DE)Black Lagoon (CO)

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