Bungo Stray Dogs (2016)

Recently orphaned Atsushi Nakajima embarks on a thrilling journey after rescuing Osamu Dazai, a man on the verge of suicide. Dazai is a member of an extraordinary detective agency, partnered with Kunikida, dealing with cases too perilous for ordinary law enforcement. Their supernatural abilities guide them as they hunt a mysterious tiger linked to Atsushi. Unraveling the connection between the tiger and Atsushi leads him into an unforeseen future filled with danger and intrigue, entwining his fate with Dazai and his detective agency. As they track the tiger, Atsushi’s life takes a dramatic turn, setting the stage for a series of thrilling adventures.


Bungo Stray Dogs: Season 1 - 60 Episode s

Bungo Stray Dogs: 2 Season s

Other names for Bungo Stray Dogs

Bungō Stray Dogs (US)Literary Stray Dogs (US)Bungou Stray Dogs (US)文豪野犬 (CN)Bungou Stray Dogs 5 (JP)Bungou Stray Dogs 4th Season (JP)Bungou Stray Dogs (JP)Bungou Stray Dogs (BR)文豪Stray Dogs (HK)Великий из бродячих псов (RU)Бродячие псы (RU)Проза бродячих псов (RU)Văn Hào Lưu Lạc (VN)Bungo Stray Dogs (DE)

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