Super Sentai Series - Denji Sentai Megaranger

Kenta Date, a young high school student, is the champion of an arcade video-game known as "Megaranger". Due to his skills and abilities, the I.N.E.T. company brings him in to use his skills and abilities in a top-secret project tied to the Megaranger game. At the same moment as he is brought in, four other students of the "Digital Research Club" at Moroboshi High School (the same high school Kenta was attending) likewise appear at the company, investigating the mysterious research being done by the scientists at the facility. However, as the five are within the facility, a pre-emptive attack begins from the evil Nezirezia, an evil dimensional force lead by Dr. Hinelar under Electro-King Javious I with plans of conquering this reality.

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