- wSerie
- TV Shows
- Unus Annus
- Season 1
- Episode 98
Being Attacked by a Fully Trained Bodyguard Dog
Unus Annus - S1 - E98
Dog's are incredibly intelligent creatures that can be trained to guard your life. We learn about this process and experience what it feels like to have a dog attack us up close and personal.
Unus Annus: Season 1 - 101 Episode s
1x48 - 2 Grown Men Attempt the Presidential Fitness Test
December 31, 2019
The Presidential Fitness Test is a benchmark to see if the youth of America are up to the arbitrary standards of fitness set forth by the government. Are we still up to the task? Are we still fit?
1x49 - We Took The Polar Plunge
January 1, 2020
There is only one RIGHT way to start a new year: By submerging yourself in freezing cold water. #ColdusAnnus
1x50 - Hiding Our Sins from Amy's Holy Peepers
January 2, 2020
Time has run out. Amy has returned. Will we be able to cover up the evidence of our sin from Amy's eternal peepers?
1x51 - We Eat Bugs
January 3, 2020
Bugs are all around us. Tiny little morsels of nutrition just waiting to be cronched. Would you monch an insect? We did...
1x52 - DIY Bungee Jump (please don't try this)
January 4, 2020
A bungee jump is a great way to get an adrenaline rush but it's so expensive! So we decided to make our own DIY Bungee Jump right in our backyard! What could go wrong?
1x53 - We Have The BEST Thumbnails on YouTube and No One Can Tell Us Otherwise
January 5, 2020
Mark and Ethan go into the deep, dark depths of YouTube in search of the best and worst thumbnails.
1x54 - Who Can Make Themselves Taller?
January 6, 2020
We are perfectly average humans in every single way. But with the power of technology can we BUILD ourselves taller?
1x55 - The Sensory Overload Tank
January 7, 2020
SEIZURE WARNING!! What's the opposite of a sensory deprivation tank? A SENSORY OVERLOAD TANK! Ice bath + Eating Garlic + Bath Bombs + Strobe Lights + Air Fresheners + Loud Music + Icy Hot + Megaphone +...
1x56 - Recreating Ourselves as a Cursed Mannequin
January 8, 2020
We won't be around forever... so what better way to immortalize ourselves than recreating ourselves as a cursed mannequin? This certainly won't come back to haunt us...
1x57 - We Took an IQ Test
January 9, 2020
It's finally time to find out who has big brain and who has smol brain.
1x58 - Ethan Finally Becomes a MAN
January 10, 2020
Mark teaches Ethan the ways of becoming a man... through hard MANual labor. Little does Ethan know the painful surprise that also comes with growing up...
1x59 - Mark and Ethan Go Casket Shopping
January 11, 2020
Mark and Ethan browse A Better Casket (ABC Caskets) for the most suitable coffin to be laid to rest in, as preparation for their channel's inevitable demise in November of 2020.
1x60 - We Take a Lie Detector Test to Uncover Our Darkest Sins
January 12, 2020
For as long as humans have been able to speak, we've been able to lie. But thanks to modern lie detector technology, we can finally uncover the truth.
1x61 - Learning to Breathe Underwater
January 13, 2020
Just two dudes in a hot tub...
1x62 - Fixing Mark's Hole with Ramen but Every Time We Add Glue We Get 5% Closer to God
January 14, 2020
In an attempt to fix a hole in the drywall made by Mark in "2 Grown Men Attempt the Presidential Fitness Test", Mark and Ethan pad out the hollow wall with ramen and dissolve its contents with super glue to fill up the gap, in accordance to a life hack YouTube video Mark watched before filming the episode. Every time they apply glue, the video becomes slightly distorted, until the two collapse in an exaggerated manner from inhaling the adhesive substance. The end of the video features a short compilation of all #ColdusAnnus winners.
1x63 - Mark Steals Ethan’s Face
January 15, 2020
In an effort to steal his identity, Mark makes a mold of Ethan's face. **THIS IS NOT A TUTORIAL.** We left out lots of vital information necessary to pull this off safely. If you're interested in making your own face mold, there are many comprehensive tutorials on Youtube that can teach you. Always do your research and have a safety plan in place! Unus Annus!
1x64 - You Breathe You Die
January 16, 2020
Mark and Ethan challenge each other to see who can hold their breath the longest, with the round format being best of 5. After winning 3-2 against Mark, Ethan gets to delete one of Fischbach's YouTube videos from the "most popular" assortment.
1x65 - 2 Absolute Beginners Experience the Dancing Glory that is Salsa
January 17, 2020
Salsa is the ancient art of dance whereby the dancers express thoughts and emotions through the undulations of their hips. We attempt to learn the mysterious ways of this sanctified dance.
1x66 - DIY Geriatric Simulator
January 18, 2020
What does it feel like to be old? Well now you can find out with our patent-pending geriatric simulator!
1x67 - This Is How We'll Die...
January 19, 2020
Mark and Ethan sort various life ending scenarios on a tier list to determine which one is most likely going to be the catalyst behind their inevitable deaths. Most of the examples shown in the video are done as a joke, either being heavily exaggerated or unrealistic.
1x68 - We Cryogenically Freeze Ourselves
January 20, 2020
Long have men dreamed of eternal life. Walt Disney famously froze himself to awaken in a world ruled by The Mouse. Today we embark on that very same, frosty journey.
1x69 - This is What Being Tased Feels Like
January 21, 2020
A Taser is NOT a toy! Do not try this at home. Mark is a professionally trained idiot with people on standby to help in case something goes wrong. This is what it feels like to be hit with a taser or stun gun.
1x70 - What Happens When A Youtube Channel Dies?
January 22, 2020
Mark and Ethan explore and discuss various YouTube channels that have seen a decline in viewership over the years and whose creators have either went on a hiatus or abandoned their accounts all together.
1x71 - Bad Bad Beans
January 23, 2020
Mark and Ethan attempt to make a latte. At the end of the video, they announce a contest for their viewers to make their own latte art and submit them under #LattAnnus hashtag. The two announced the winners a week later.
1x72 - We Hired a Real Hypnotherapist to Analyze Our Darkest Dreams
January 24, 2020
Hypnotherapy is the art of mental suggestion. This isn't the stage entertainment variety of hypnosis. This is real therapy to help people get in touch with what's bothering them deep inside.
1x73 - We Turned Our Bodies Into Art
January 25, 2020
Mark and Ethan paint each other's bodies. At the end of the video, they announce a contest to their audience to post artwork of their body paintings under #BodusAnnus for them to judge. The winners were chosen in "Nutball: The Most Dangerous Game."
1x74 - Mark and Ethan Learn About The Human Body
January 26, 2020
Mark and Ethan learn the inner workings of the wonderful human body
1x75 - Mark Punishes Ethan
January 27, 2020
Ethan messed up. He messed up real bad... and now he has to pay. #Lattannus
1x76 - Strange (and legal) Things You Can Do With Your Body After Death
January 28, 2020
Eventually, we'll all have to decide what is to be done with our remains once we pass on. How will you be remembered?
1x77 - DIY Cheese
January 29, 2020
Mark and Ethan explore the wonderful world of cheese. Will they succeed in becoming world class cheesemongers, or will their dreams curdle before their eyes?
1x78 - Hacking The Very Fabric of the Universe
January 30, 2020
Mark and Ethan attempt to replicate life hacks from do it yourself-style YouTube tutorials.
1x79 - Looking at Long Lost Memes
January 31, 2020
Time never stops marching forward, even for memes. Like a black hole, once memes slip past the point of relevance they fade away into oblivion. Can we can pull them back from the shadows?
1x80 - Discovering the Secret to Eternal Life
February 1, 2020
While delving into the deepest pits of the Internet, Mark and Ethan discover the secret to everlasting life
1x81 - Turning Mark Into an E-Boy
February 2, 2020
In an attempt to keep his youth, Mark transform into an E-Boy
1x82 - Ethan Redefines Male Beauty
February 3, 2020
Ethan, a god of beauty, looked upon the world of male beauty and found it WANTING. Taking matters into his own, meaty claws, and redefines exactly what it means to be beautiful.
1x83 - Professional Fire Cupping (Going Even Further Beyond)
February 4, 2020
Mark and Ethan turn to a professional to feed their cupping addiction. Fire cupping... facial cupping... acupuncture cupping... where does it end?
1x84 - An Extremely Sour, Not-at-all Sour Meal
February 5, 2020
Mark and Ethan experiment with miracle berries-the fruit that turns sour things sweet. Is there a limit to what these berries are capable of?
1x85 - Literally Eating Fire
February 6, 2020
Yes, you read that right. Mark and Ethan learn how to literally eat fire. Don't try this at home...
1x86 - Unregulated Axe Throwing
February 7, 2020
While being watched over by the Axe Gods themselves, Mark and Ethan compete to see who is truly the axe-throwing champion
1x87 - Literally Laying On Literal Broken Glass
February 8, 2020
Testing the limits of the human body, Mark and Ethan lay themselves upon a bed of broken glass. So sharp and so deadly that only the BRAVE and the BOLD could survive its teeth.
1x88 - Making an Indoor Tornado to Flex on Mother Nature
February 9, 2020
Mother Nature thinks that she alone holds the power of the elements in her big meaty claws... well what will she think when we CREATE A TORNADO INDOORS?!
1x89 - Nutball: The Most Dangerous Game
February 10, 2020
Mark and Ethan play nutball, a made-up game where the primary goal is to hurl an object across the room in an attempt to hit the opponent's genitalia. Near the end of the video, Fischbach and Nestor announce the winners of the #BodusAnnus contest.
1x90 - Becoming a Master of Mime
February 11, 2020
To become a master of life and death, one must first become a master of the body. A master of movement. A master of mime.
1x91 - Discussing the Idea of Murdering Each Other but It's Just a Joke and Definitely Not Serious Haha
February 12, 2020
It's perfectly normal to discuss the possibility of how you would murder your friends with those friends and converse in great detail about how you would get away with said murder. We call this the Murder Your Friend Tag haha.
1x92 - Are We Already Dead?
February 13, 2020
Mark and Ethan take ClickHole's satirical quizzes centered around death.
1x93 - Our Perfect (and last) Valentine's Day
February 14, 2020
Mark and Ethan pick concealed cardboard cutouts of various prominent people and fictional characters in order to choose one of them as their perfect Valentine's date.
1x94 - Drunk College Party Simulator
February 15, 2020
Mark and Ethan play beer pong while wearing Fatal Vision Goggles to visually simulate alcohol-induced intoxication.
1x95 - 10 Strange Amazon Products Ethan Bought Mark Because He Doesn't Know How to Spend Money Responsibly
February 16, 2020
Ethan bought Mark some gifts. Mark does not know why. Ethan does not even know what the gifts are. This is a lesson on how not to spend money.
1x96 - Chickens Teach Us About Life and Death
February 17, 2020
The eternal question: what came first? Life? Or Death? Fiona helps guide us towards The Truth.
1x97 - 3 Big Boys Attempt the King's Royal Fitness Test
February 18, 2020
The Presidential Fitness test is so 2019... in 2020 it's time for the KING's ROYAL FITNESS TEST!! And we have a special guest to help us out...
1x98 - Being Attacked by a Fully Trained Bodyguard Dog
February 19, 2020
Dog's are incredibly intelligent creatures that can be trained to guard your life. We learn about this process and experience what it feels like to have a dog attack us up close and personal.
1x99 - Learning the Ancient Art of Chinese Archery
February 20, 2020
Mark and Ethan hone their mighty skills in archery. Not even death can escape their flying arrows.... or can it?
1x100 - The Ultimate Trolley Problem
February 21, 2020
Mark and Ethan examine and discuss satirical takes on the trolley problem.
1x101 - Goat Yoga
February 22, 2020
Goat Yoga. Yoga with Goats. The Yoga that you do with Goats. Yoga of the Goat. The Yoga Goat. #GoatYoga
1x102 - Edible Slime was a Mistake.
February 23, 2020
Make the slime. Play with the slime. CONSUME the slime. Last we saw, the boys were unwilling to even touch the slime. Today they must eat it.
1x103 - Granting Access Into Heaven's Sweet Gates
February 24, 2020
Heaven. Hell. Two places. Two different outcomes. Two sweet boys. Take the quiz. To Find out. Where they belong.
1x104 - Long Hair, Do We Dare?
February 25, 2020
Mark and Ethan apply hair extensions to each other.
1x105 - We Wrote a Hit Pop Song in 30 Minutes
February 26, 2020
Mark and Ethan, joined by musician Leila Pari, craft lyrical genius in record time on the Santa Monica shore.
1x106 - Mark and Ethan Go on a "Drum Date"
February 27, 2020
Sometimes you have to march to the beat of your own drum. But what happens when your drum matches the beat of your heart?
1x107 - Blowing Our Souls Into Some Hot Glass
February 28, 2020
Glass blowing is a hot and dangerous art form that involves skill, patience, and a whole heck of a lot of blowing. Are Mark and Ethan up to the task?
1x108 - Top 10 Worst Things Your Friend Could Possibly Spend Their Money On
February 29, 2020
Ethan is back at it again. His sleigh filled to the brim with horrible, horrible gifts to give his lovely friend Mark.
1x109 - Nutball Extreme: Taser Edition
March 1, 2020
What happens when you combine the thrill of Nutball with the heart-stopping joy of a Taser? You get NUTBALL EXTREME!!
1x110 - REAL Ghost Hunting at an Abandoned Zoo
March 2, 2020
Feeling lackluster in their ghost hunting abilities, Mark and Ethan enlist the help of an expert to lead them through the Old Griffith Park Zoo at night.
1x111 - We Bought a Camera That Can Look Inside Us
March 3, 2020
Today we explore the inner workings of our mortal coils with a fun lil camera :))))
1x112 - Becoming the World’s Greatest DJs
March 4, 2020
Today we become the worlds most talented and skilled DJs
1x113 - Who Can Teach Their Dog a Trick the Fastest?
March 5, 2020
Mark and Ethan attempt to teach their dogs, Chica and Spencer, how to play dead within the span of 15 minutes.
1x114 - Middle School Science Experiment Teaches Us About Life and Death
March 6, 2020
Dissection is common in the science classroom. From worms to frogs to fetal pigs... but most of us started with a simple owl pellet.
1x115 - DIY Chiropractor
March 7, 2020
There's probably a reason why chiropractors are licensed. But we here at Unus Annus never let little things like licenses or "best practices" or "do no harm" get in the way!
1x116 - Mark and Ethan Get Into a Fight
March 8, 2020
Mark and Ethan have finally had enough. Its time for them to fight with their ultimate weapons of destruction: their fists.
1x117 - The Barrel - Official Music Video
March 9, 2020
Some time after, Mark and Ethan presented a contest for their audience to record an original work or a cover song dedicated to the recently destroyed vehicle and post it under the hashtag #RIPTheBarrel. The two later picked out the winner, Joshua King of JCK Productions, with whom they collaborated, alongside the Gregory Brothers (schmoyoho), to remaster his song as an official music video.
1x118 - We Got Pepper Sprayed
March 10, 2020
Mark and Ethan get voluntarily pepper-sprayed at Luna's Training Academy in order to better understand the severity of the chemical agent and ways of combating its inflammatory effects.
1x119 - We Give Each Other Tattoos Blindfolded
March 11, 2020
Henna Tattoos are temporary works of art the represent the temporary nature of life. We cover our eyes and let our souls guide the art.
1x120 - What Does Astrology Say About Our Friendship?
March 12, 2020
The stars created us. They Define us. And they will end us. Today we check our birth charts to see what's in store for our little bodies
1x121 - Mark and Ethan Get a Full Body Scan to See What Secrets Lay Hidden Within (and learn their body fat)
March 13, 2020
Life is about understanding one's self. So what better way than to have an enormous machine shoot x-rays through your body to give you a complete overview of your exact body composition!
1x122 - Mark Needs To Rub Ethan and Only His Mom Can Help Him
March 14, 2020
Mark's mom was a licensed massage therapist at one point in her life. Does her son carry the innate talents to allow Ethan to finally get the Rub-Down he deserves?
1x123 - 2 Idiots Get Crushed by 18-Foot Giant Snakes
March 15, 2020
We join Jay's Prehistoric Pets to see some amazing reptiles! Lizards, Alligators, and GIANT SNAKES!! Will we be eaten alive?
1x124 - Beer Sauna: Turning a Portable Sauna into a Portable Hell
March 16, 2020
Mark and Ethan simulate a sauna using a home steamer while substituting hot spring steam with vaporized alcoholic drinks; Mark's consisting of six cans of Red Bull and Ethan's from two bottles of High Life. Near the end, while they're thinking of ideas for their next video, Evan, one of Unus Annus' crew members, suggests a Pee Sauna, to which the two reluctantly agreed to do in the near future.
1x125 - Mark and Ethan Hunt The World's Most Wanted Criminals
March 17, 2020
When ,000,000 is on the line, Mark and Ethan will stop at nothing(?) to find and capture America's Most Wanted Criminals.
1x126 - Unus Annus Carves the Roast Beast
March 18, 2020
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (with Jim Carrey) is the greatest film ever created. This cannot be disputed.
1x127 - 5 Weird Apps That Predicted Our Death
March 19, 2020
It's 2020 people. Get with the times. Go into that app store, and find yourself a free app that will predict your future with 100% certainty. The future is now. Much like your death.
1x128 - We Tried a Labor Pain Simulator
March 20, 2020
Mark and Ethan will never know the TRUE feeling of child labor, but today they attempt to simulate that miracle.
1x129 - Recreating the Miracle of Childbirth
March 21, 2020
Childbirth is such a beautiful thing! And here at Unus Annus we are experts at taking something beautiful and transforming it into something ever better!
1x130 - Mark and Ethan Are Now Fathers
March 22, 2020
After 2 days of labor and delivery, Unus and Annus have given birth to 2 beautiful baby boys! Now they get to experience the joy of fatherhood.
1x131 - We Force James Charles to Run a Military Obstacle Course
March 23, 2020
James Charles joins us as we attempt to run a Military Obstacle Course!
1x132 - Desperately Trying To Not Touch Our Faces
March 24, 2020
Mark and Ethan test how long they can last without touching their faces, a challenge that was sparked as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the end of the video, Mark and Ethan enlist their audience to keep an eye out for every scene in future Unus Annus videos where they touch their faces while under quarantine. For every reported scene, Mark and Ethan were to donate 100 dollars each to charity, as part of their #TouchusAnnus initiative.
1x133 - Reddit 50/50: Two Player Edition
March 25, 2020
Reddit 50/50 is like a coin toss, where the outcomes are severe mental scarring that will last for the rest of your life... or not that!
1x134 - Going on an Internet Scavenger Hunt
March 26, 2020
Mark and Ethan scour the worldwide web to find the internet's funniest, cringiest, and most satisfying images.
1x135 - Having an Adventure In VR Chat Because We Can't Go Outside
March 27, 2020
Mark and Ethan play Climbing Trials in VRChat while in quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
1x136 - Amazon Shopping for the Apocalypse
March 28, 2020
What if you had only one bag to grab before sprinting for your life into the woods? Would you be prepared for an apocalypse situation? If not, turn to your lord and savior, AMAZON, for all your survival needs!
1x137 - Whom Would Eat Whomst First in a Zombie Apocalypse?
March 29, 2020
In every Zombie Apocalypse that I've ever been through, I've had to make some difficult choices. Do Mark or Ethan have the GUTS to get through this?
1x138 - Ultimate YouTuber Boxing Showdown
March 30, 2020
Recruited from all corners of the internet, Mark and Ethan create their own YouTuber Boxing Teams to try and find out who has the strongest punch.
1x139 - The Deep End of Omegle: Risky Boogaloo
March 31, 2020
Mark and Ethan browse through Omegle's various video chat feeds in an attempt to find each other using the site's common tags.
1x140 - Where in the World is Unus Annus?
April 1, 2020
Mark and Ethan play GeoGuessr to test their geographic knowledge.
1x141 - Mark Builds a Pillow Fort for the Very First Time
April 2, 2020
After building a pillow fort for the first time, Mark encourages his viewers to do the same and upload their work to social media under the hashtag #FortusAnnus.
1x142 - Mark's 1 Weird Talent Leaves Ethan Absolutely Speechless
April 3, 2020
Following up on their #MarchusAnnus challenge, Mark and Ethan were to demonstrate their newly acquired talents. Although, Mark managed to successfully juggle, Ethan never perfected his kickflip, which he jokingly substituted with a montage of various skateboarding stunts from other skateboarders. Additional contest winners were showcased at the end of the video.
1x143 - Wikifeet: A Tale of 2 Tootsies
April 4, 2020
Mark and Ethan explore wikiFeet, a photo-sharing foot fetish website.
1x144 - We Made Every YouTuber Battle in the Hunger Games
April 5, 2020
Mark and Ethan play Hunger Games Simulator using caricatures of various YouTubers, including themselves and their Unus Annus alter egos.
1x145 - We Google Each Other to Find Our Darkest Forgotten Sins
April 6, 2020
Mark and Ethan google each other in an attempt to find out as many obscure facts as possible.
1x146 - We Played Mad Libs And Ran It Through Google Translate
April 7, 2020
If you've ever played a classic game of Mad Libs, then you know it is often... not very funny. Luckily for us, Mark and Ethan have devised a foolproof plan to create humor where there is none.
1x147 - Mark and Ethan Desperately Try and Name a Single State in the USA
April 8, 2020
Mark and Ethan test their geographical knowledge of the Unites States by playing various geography quizzes that range from guessing the location of a state to its numerous cities around the country.
1x148 - Speed Reading 1000+ WPM to Gain a Complete Understanding of All Human Knowledge
April 9, 2020
Mark and Ethan try out speed reading.