Upload (2020)

Live your best digital afterlife.

In the futuristic year of 2033, individuals on the brink of death have the option to transition into virtual reality paradises operated by six leading tech corporations. Nora, a financially constrained resident of Brooklyn, provides customer support for the opulent digital afterlife realm, "Lakeview." When Nathan, a party-loving coder from L.A. encounters a fatal self-driving car accident, his demanding girlfriend makes the decision to permanently transfer him into Nora's virtual reality domain.

Created by

Upload: Season 1 - 10 Episode s

Upload: 3 Season s

Other names for Upload

אפלוד (IL)アップロード デジタルなあの世へようこそ (JP)Выгрузка (RU)อัปโหลด (TH)Věčnost (CZ)

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